Access to Stonetalon Mountains is completely blockced

I’m literally just trying to help someone get where they’re going.

Edit: He’s really good at getting lost though


This has got to be one of the funniest threads I’ve ever read on here. Holy hell




lol @ op. If a private server modified zone terrain (such as adding a cave tunnel) it would require a custom client as the zone’s files themselves would have to be modified. It’s not like spawning objects/npcs. pls use brain next time.


so does OP still need guided to this cave to be shown the way? i have my 60 mage and 60 lock that need to grab the FP there and am willing to “escort” him while grabbing…

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Oh my god I assumed this guy was just a really obvious troll, but is he legit just that stupid?


I chose to believe he just got flustered and was having a bad day.


Is this guy on a PVP realm? Asking for a friend.


He’s on a Normal Server.

LOL. I went through it yesterday. Search “ how to find talondeep path” on YouTube.


I’ve been through Talondeep path with 3 characters in classic.

Just because you have played since 2005 doesn’t mean you know everything about it. I’ve discovered several new places in Classic despite playing since 2007 and private servers.

Its actually really fun to find new things. Don’t be mad about it.


So what! You’re reply has nothing to do with anything I pointed out about this situation as a whole.

This is about players lying about it’s location, looking something up, and then acting like they did something they didn’t and then trying to brag about it in game when anyone points out the problem with it.

Furthermore your reply isn’t relevant either because when you go looking for something it’s a lot different than just knowing about it through word of mouth.

Trying to use not knowing in comparison to how I went looking for this isn’t even a comparable situation.

Mad? Heck no. Laughing that the OP claims that an entire zone is “completely blocked”? Yes.


You have no business replying with something you used someone else’s information in a thread about legit problems of not being able to locate something, people outright lying about it’s location.

All of you people replying to me looked up this information then you’re coming at me as if you played.

The difference between me and everyone replying to me, is I am actually playing the game, not having information someone else posted handed to me then trying to argue with someone who actually is doing the work.

If you look something up, you aren’t playing.

Blocked by HORDE you clearly ignored every point I made plus you didn’t even bother seeing the picture.

There is a difference between saying totally blocked and only blocked by horde

Or we did it over 3 months ago and dont recall the exact language used in the quest discription so went to look it up to give you the information that the NPC gives you when you get the quest…

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You looked it up. Everyone replying in this thread looked it up. You dind’t just work through the game without looking anything up.

So all of you have no business posting in this thread trying to pass it off as if there is no problem.

There’s a quest in Astranaar you pick up from Faldreas Goeth’shael called “Journey to Stonetalon” available at level 18.

The quest reads as follows:

The forest spirits tell me you are brave and willing to travel.

To the south, not far from Mystral Lake, there lies a tunnel named The Talondeep Path. Through this tunnel you will come to an area known as Windshear Crag in the Stonetalon Mountains. Once there, journey to the southwest past Cragpool Lake and then north, up the steep slope until you reach Stonetalon Peak.

There awaits Keeper Albagorm. Heed his bidding, .

The journey will be perilous.

No looking up anything required, as long as you take the time to read the quest text.


But I wasn’t lying. I actually went through it yesterday with my Druids on the way to Desolace to turn in the quest to start off the SM chain. Those were the words I searched to remind me where the tunnel was. But you’re clearly trolling. Maybe get better at it?


Is this how far trolling has fallen?

We just pretend a path doesn’t exist?


After you looked it up.

You cannot take information you were handed then come into a thread like this and play it off as if you did it all on your own.