Access to Stonetalon Mountains is completely blockced

you were a troll in your last thread about not being able to get to the barrens for the succubus quest(from a few weeks ago), and you’re a troll in this thread too


I think you are right. Reads just like these posts.

He’s Jay from Clerks.

Definitely the same guy


Just laugh out louds all-around.

Accidentally found that tunnel a couple weeks ago on an alt. Never knew it existed. It actually gave me that quick zap of WoW magic from the old days, like when you experience a new area for the first time.

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I seem to recall taking a very low level Alliance mage to Auberdine and then walking her down through Ashenvale to Barrens and Ratchet so she could take the boat to Booty Bay and get that flight point so she could visit the AH there when needed. The guards are easy to avoid at the gap in the wall.

About 30ft in front of the blockade, there is a trail, it either goes left or right, can’t remember. But that is how you get through it. Also, You don’t have to goto STM to get to barrens. It is much easier to just run to Booty Bay and take the ship.

It’s not blocked by Horde, either. I’m not sure what you’re talking about. There are level 18ish mobs in the area, so if you’re still level fifteen, just hold off a couple of levels. Those mobs are part of the Venture Company, and they are aggressive to Alliance as well as Horde. I’ve never had any trouble making my way past them. You just have to pull cautiously. It’s not like Retail where you can aggro a pack of five and casually shrug off their attacks while you AoE them down (at least not for many more levels).

What stroppy, lazy, whiney little *****.
Go to youtube and do a ‘Stonetalon to Desolace shortcut’ search.
Videos present.

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I just walked around the long way. Reminds me of how I first got to Elywnn Forest from Gilneas on my first toon ever. I died my way through Twilight highlands. Good times.


I’m too stubborn to ever admidt I was wrong even though the path exists.

But bravo OP, on focusing on exact wording trying to distract from the fact that the path does exist and, you are not a smart man, Jenny.
(This one needed a Forrest Gump reference!)

The responses are going to be great!!!

Got some news for you, the earth is only round in your fancy books, in reality its flat…

You’re the same one complaining about RCR abuse, yet here you are calling people liars, when they’re trying to help you. Yep, your RCR is well deserved. I’m sure you were calling people names in the Public Chat Channels, when you were fighting with them, trying to “correct” them. I have zero sympathy, for you.

Dude needs to start a guild. This is the real classic experience.

There’s actually a big hole in the wall on the left side leaving Ashenvale for alliance to run through.


The tunnel exists.

Why are we all feeding this troll?
No not even a troll… less than that…

Wait why am I participating in feeding this… whatever this is… no… no… no it can’t be… not the fel…

It isn’t trolling if everyone is laughing at you.

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