Anyone else having problems with Blizzard not working right?

Blizzard is supposed to last about 8 seconds max, yet it stops right after it’s cast.

Sometimes it runs for 2 seconds, but it almost always stops right after casting it.

Doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do.

Are you getting hit, or moving?

Doesn’t matter. A level 20 mage cannot even kill 3 enemies level 19-20. The build has zero Survivability. Once an enemy gets loose you either have to run away which means all the damage you did up to that point is undone, or you’re dead.

Here is the entire problem:
Enemies are constantly resisting the spells, constantly breaking free of the freeze from frost nova, and mana shield doesn’t really do much to save you.

Blizzard doesn’t even do much damage. after a full blizzard enemies only have less than 1/4 of their health taken out.

Sorry but anyone that says this build is good is either

  1. A liar
  2. Using cheats
  3. Is playing on a private server

Level 22 is when you should start imo.

There is nothing 2 levels can possibly do that will change every problem I described above.

I have used it to level this mage to 60 on this account, and currently at 54 on another mage on 2nd account.

I think you may be doing it wrong.

There are dozens upon dozens of youtube videos out there with splendid guides.

I suggest you take a peek.

Why is it every time someone posts they are currently using something that people say is so good but actually fails,

the only thing people post about is youtube youtube tons of people.

Every video showing anything is being done on a PRIVATE SERVER which does not count…

Also people can CLAIM they used this build all they want, in fact all anyone ever does when it comes to situations in games like this is say they did something,
in fact all people do is talk.

People do not seem to realize SAYING you did something means you’re trolling. There is no proof from real servers either.

I go by what is actually happening in the game itself. Not by what people SAY on a forum.

If you would like me to show you, make a toon on my server and I will be more than happy to help you out.
btag: ashenshugar#1875

I solo farmed ZF Zombies from 42 to 54 on my 2nd account.
It is very doable, and every guide I looked at were the real thing not PS.

Aside from that I doubt what I or anyone for that matter, say will change your mind.


Explain to me how level 22 is such a major difference from 20 that it changes things to such a drastic measure where the problems I listed above will magically stop. Level 22 isn’t going to stop the problems I explain above.

This whole thing reminds me of level 17-18’s claiming they can run deadmines with no problems. The whole deadmines thing is exactly like a bunch of people claiming levels 1’s took out hogger and even point to a video.

The problem is the level ones didn’t take out hogger, a town guard did. The level 1’s didn’t do anything.

Sure it does, just like the information of you being level 20 absolutely does.

As others have already pointed out, Improved Blizzard is quite helpful to the AoE spec, and requires you to be level 22 to get 3/3 Improved Blizzard.

It still isn’t easy… as you’ve mentioned:

Certainly. If they are higher level than you, you may have problems with mobs resisting your spells.

You have not provided any information with regards to what build you’re referring to.

Practice is important, and it isn’t super easy to start with AoE pulls. It takes time and practice. This was my first ever mage, and it was hard for me.

Now that I have the experience that I do, I feel much more comfortable with AoE pulls, and how to manage my mana (i.e. when to Frost Nova vs when to Blizzard vs when to Arcane Explosion vs when to Cone of Cold).

It gets much better from level 40 once you get Ice Barrier.

Good luck with your mage :slight_smile:

Open up your talents, mouse over Improved Blizzard and read what it does.

Also open up your arcane tree…help will be found there Hyojor.

Improved Blizzard isn’t going to stop enemies from resisting the frost nova freeze, or resisting spells and enemies breaking free from the freeze from frost nova causing you to have to run which means. you cannot channel Blizzard if you have to run away. Then it takes a while for Blizzard to reset and by that time you’re either dead or the enemies run back and all the damage you did is undone.

So I ask again, what is so major between level 22 and 20 that stops all the problems I listed above (Which you conveniently ignored)

Mana shield only absorbs 120 damage which doesn’t help when the enemies are doing almost 300 damage per hit.

Arcane Subtlety. x 2
Arcane Focus. x 3

This will help with the resists :wink:
You need frost nova…move away from enemy…then Blizzard.

edit: Type “Mage Talent Calculator” into google, you play around without having to pay gold to respec in game.

Ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away.

The enemies break free from frost nova forcing you to move, which now cancels Blizzard, then frost nova wears off, and now multiple enemies are all chasing you.
The enemies just outright resist the frost nova and now you still have multiple enemies all running after you.

Level 22 and improved Blizzard stops all that how exactly?

So far the only whay i’ve been able to kill multiple enemies is me at level 20 and 2 enemies, one at level 13 and the other is level 14.

Anything higher than that during this combo, gets me killed…

No, it won’t. If enemies resisting is your issue, they are too high level for you.

False they are 1-4 levels below me so you have zero clue to what you’re talking about

OK. Good luck learning this stuff on your own. I’m sure you’ll figure things out eventually :slight_smile:

Please don’t feed the troll. I mean look at the posting history lol.