Abuse of the report system for legit in-game sales

I’m sorry, but who are you to decide what is or isn’t an insult? :wink:

Trade chat on all the servers I play on actually had the least amount of boost spam, and now it’s practically non-existent which is nice. Tons of actual conversation that you probably blow off as ‘nonsense’ and it’s basically never any of the examples you gave.

Nope, feel free to go ask the customer service forums and I’m sure they’ll be happy to correct you as well.

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I have no interest in continuing this conversation

That’s fine, you don’t like turnabout in your own arguments showing you don’t actually believe in them anyways.

yes, because they’re totally comparable :zzz:

If you mean getting target reported by pvp rankers and blizzard not being smart enough to figure out whats going on yeah sure great system.

If you mean getting a 3 day ban on forums for saying white knight somewhere else as “gm handed out bans” sure man

The simple fact is this there are people who are abusing the report system to get players banned i have proof of this with discord conversations of players laughing/mocking the people they get banned then harassing them

I submitted all of the conversations with there discord tags etc as well proving my claim nothing happened

By blizzard banning people this way and allowing players to abuse the report functions on specific players they encourage the behaviour when there are simple solutions e.g ignore & Profanity filter that achieve the same result can’t be abused and the responsibility is on you if you don’t want to see certain language block it or turn on the filter

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They were indeed. But hey - can’t keep true to your own word for even 2 minutes.

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right right.
well ill let you think you’re right

i just can’t wait for the techlology to catch up where i’ll be able to choke a mofo thru monitors.

Yeah i’m not gonna believe you went through the effort to do exactly that, meanwhile you’re posting on a alt, but ok bro.

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Third times the charm, maybe?

I’m sure you’ll notice the thread I made last night was 404’d by Blizzard a few hours ago now. Clearly Blizzard’s stance on this is clear. They don’t care if your being abused in-game. Trying to start a forum thread about it will get the thread 404’d. Clearly Blizzard thinks this is fine, they’re removing posts complaining about it.

Anyway not gonna bother anymore. This is why I stopped talking in chat 5 years ago. Maybe once Ybarra gets unjustly squelched we’ll see changes, until then I wouldn’t hold my breath.

All I can say is if you see anyone advocating in chat for the abuse of others using the report system, report them. Enough tickets come in and Blizzard migt do something about it eventually.

Says the person who can’t even read conversations and tries to argue something that I never said.

No one was being aggressive or obtuse. It’s called “miscommunication,” because he said “when they are posting,” not “chatting.”

Thank you for being mature about it and explaining the miscommunication. I’d suggest just using “chatting,” instead of “posting.” It can get confusing. But I understand what you meant.

They won’t and can’t. It’s unsupported transactions.

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Well, it was full of misinformation, lies, people attacking and insulting each other. Blizzard was correct in deleting the thread.

Oh btw, I’m definitely okay with that.


Yep. And we just need to hope that Blizz follows through on sanctioning people who abuse the report function.


Glad to hear that my ad reports for the spam in LFG for M+ are doing something! Yay

That exists. All Guild and Community chat is “at will” and Blizz is far more hands off. If someone does not like it, leave the Guild or Community. That said, really bad stuff can certainly be actioned IF reported.

For Guilds and Communities you gather folks who share a similar mindset - same with private channels.

If you want that, make that. They don’t act on anything except reports.

What they won’t do is have any Blizz approved/created channel that could get Blizz into trouble.

If someone really wanted, they could MAKE a separate Advertising channel, politics channel, whatever. It would not be visible publicly, but you can invite people to join it.

It wasn’t. It said that people are telling others in chat to gang up on players who were posting things perfectly within tos. I stated that there is no difference between a squelch and silence when it comes to your activities in game. Neither allow you to make groups, type in chat, etc.

Literally every thread ever made.

Judging from your responses last night your also okay with players abusing each other, so hearing you say your fine with Blizzard 404’ing my post doesn’t surprise me.

I don’t need WoW for that, but my idea was for all wow players to have a channel just for chatting about whatever, where nobody would ever say “No politics please!” or “reported for foul language”

Valid point as far as in-game functionality goes. I don’t honestly know and I suspect they are similar. I have never experienced either so can’t test it.

The “point on your license” is really good though…and I like it. It matters a lot. One is a warning and one is a long term stacking issue where they penalty is much higher next time.

I still feel that players having the ability to temp squelch the most disruptive folks is mostly good. Events like this and multibox changes do highlight outliers - and short term events where the system is not great. It forces a lot more work on the GMs though so it may end up resulting in changes, but not an elimination of the system.

Nobody wants SpammerMcSpammerson or RanterMcRanterson going on and on for hours (days?) until GM gets there. They don’t deserve a perm mark on the account, but a holding pen is reasonable.

If Blizz creates it and allows unmoderated/no rules chat they can be sued to heck for it. They won’t do that.

What YOU do on the other hand, is up to you. Private channels still have to abide by rules, but if nobody in them reports them then they are left alone. Even more colorful guild or private chat is “at will”.

People don’t realize how hands off Blizz still is except for the public channels and public groups.