Absolute easiest spec atm?

So does chasing a kite.

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why would i comment to you when you’re trashing a destro lock talking about DH when i specifically said “using havoc properly.”

then clarify again at the bottom of my post that i don’t play aff or destro.

context clues.

I’m not trashing a destro lock. It’s not a bad spec.

Neither am I trashing the spec. There is nothing wrong about lock being an easy class. It’s okay. The game is meant to be easy no hard .

Heck I walked into a pug with no clues about first 2 mythic bosses and I killed it as a ret which is a spec I don’t even play. I don’t even have everything in my bars

Every class and spec in this game today could be considered “easy”.

This has never been a game that takes much skill. Let’s be honest.

the hardest thing about tanking is using AM properly and knowing how to lead
the hardest thing about healers is your party actively doing everything they can to sabotage the run
the hardest thing about ranged dps is stutter stepping and dodging mechanics
the hardest thing about melee is walking backwards slightly, occasionally

lol it really isn’t tho

i wasn’t talking about DH and my post now was edited to say so. him not understanding what i meant doesn’t mean that was what i said.

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Tanking and healing are way easier than dps.

The hardest thing about ranged is not being bored of standing there and casting the same rotation

Good thing Thats not how logs work bud I’m 90% average in mythic and 98.9% in heroic. If their were only 500 destro locks like their are DEMO then ya you could make that argument but destro logs are over 10k in CN.

Also you claim aff is for the “good warlocks” when in reality the top WF warlocks in the world absolutely despise affliction and have swapped to either destro or demo m/s.

And you don’t have any right to judge anyone when you’re posting on a lvl 30 alt lmao

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you do realize MoP ended a long time ago and other than BM, which isn’t caster, all ranged have cast times you have to interrupt when you do mechanics and when you do that there is no passive white damage coming from auto attacks?

That’s because ranged don’t auto attack… their damage comes from spells

every lock that plays would rather main destro (if you read the forums) except for the 3 of us who prefer demo. i can’t think of anyone from the forums or my friends list that is like “omg i love current aff SO MUCH”

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yes. but if you’re not casting what do you think happens. we’re almost there.

How much damage you do has no link to how easy a class is

if someone just stands there any role is easy. but you have to maximize uptime as ranged in a way you don’t as melee. cuz we don’t have auto attack giving us free filler damage. there’s been times 40%-50% of a rogues damage was entirely passive. they whined up a storm. you seem to think dots are the same thing but dots have to be applied and reapplied. with auto attacks you just have to stand in range.

Bruh you claim I didn’t offend you yet you went through all logs, and those were the only bad things you could find in there LOL you’re actually pathetic.

8/10 of those shrieking kills I have over 80% and 8/9 of the huntsman are over 80%.

And btw, it’s actually HARDER to parse high when theirs only 500 or so playing that spec, unless you’re literally one of the top ilvl players getting PI

Okay bro ur really good player we get it. This is about a class being easy not whole plays better . But hey u need a way to stroke ur ego amirite

Dots get reapplied when a weak aura tells u to

Only the psychopaths bro lol.

I wanna start playing demo on ST fights but I don’t wanna deal with all the extra raid buffs you need as well as asking for PI lol. I was looking at Sjelele’s demo logs a couple days ago where he got overall r1 almost every fight… but the mans got like 10 PI’s on some fights :joy:

doing something = more effort than standing there doing absolutely nothing at all. you have no idea how dots or dot classes work at all. and the first thing you thought about when "havoc"was mentioned, while arguing with two warlocks, was DH. pls.