Absolute easiest spec atm?

MM Hunter has been really easy, but I have played it for a long time. I recommend it for anyone trying to get into the game. Same thing with my Destruction Warlock, I love her! She’s a cute gob who will chaos bolt yo’ face off! Oh and Havoc DH! I don’t play Havoc often because I don’t like to move a bunch, but the rotation for it is also really forgiving if you want a more laid-back specialization.

Of course, it all depends on your talents. If you want an easier rotation, choose talents on the left side of the talent window. Be warned that it may not do as much damage as the meta build!

Are you destro spec?

cuz you destroyed him! lmao


For tank: Guardian or Prot paladin, the others require much more finesse. The catch is that druid and paladin have a lot of utility for the party while the others just care about keeping themselves alive.
For healer: Druid or hpriest.

Why are you being rude to him? You’d be a green parser too if you went aff like the good warlocks. You’re comparing yourself to people’s offspec to feel stronger. Not sugar coating it because you sure didn’t.


Swipe, swipe, swipe x1000

See not difficult at all.

Wow look ur brain can’t comprehend that I rarely play ret. Look man I’m sorry I hurt your feeling. It is what it is

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Don’t worry I didn’t take offence at all. He is just upset because I called his class out. People don’t like it when their class gets called out for being easy it hurts their fragile ego

Well definitely not frost mage then… They’ve probably got the most mob control in the game so long as it can be slowed, rooted, or sheeped. lol

Frost also has a ton of little things you can do to maximize dps and its playstyle changes with its legendaries–not much, granted, but more than most specs. lol

That being said! Difficulty is subjective and threads like these are always silly. Personally I find basically all of the tanks to be the easiest or maybe fury warriors. Mostly because I’ve played the heck out of them for years though. lol

Fire mage is also pretty easy imo. It’s got an extremely straight forward rotation with little variation–but that can be said about most specs.

logs are comparisons with other players in the same spec. if he’s getting an 80 parse he’s above 80% of the destro warlocks

Why are you even chiming in talking about difficulty?
You seem mighty cocky considering I saw you in another thread talking about how M+ was too hard/stressful for you. What experience can you even have if you barely take part in any difficult content? doing WQs?
Sorry to break it to you but doing WQs is easy on any class.

no, i’ve done more than that. i’ve raided a bit and done dungeons. i said killing denathrius would be too hard for me on heroic. i also said that the dungeons that give boxes that give heroic level gear are fine. some rando middling mythic+ dungeon isn’t the same as yoloing aotc. but again low post count forum troll alts just take stuff out of context to insult people.

edit: you also never had an spriest alt in legion or bfa to say something that dumb. lol

Also did u notice his first shriek kill haha 13 percentile . As a destro one of the easier lock classes

Omg and a 30 on huntsman for first kill hahaha . He is so bad at this game

lock is 1 class. it has 3 specs. they are all significantly harder to play than ret paladin.

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Fury Warrior is very fun to me so that gets my vote!

I don’t think so. Lock is slightly easier especially demo and destro.

I’m not denying ret is easy. Just saying lock is easier

like… using havoc properly is like big brain stuff compared to anything you’d do rotation wise as a ret pally.

(again i don’t play aff or destro. i am a demo lock.)

edit: i meant havoc the destro spell. apparently the name being the one thing DHs shared with warlocks instead of committing outright identity theft.

jeez man, gotta keep it civil. :persevere:

Maybe havoc is harder that ret . I wouldn’t know but I know lock Is defs easier than ret

https ://www. wowhead. com/spell=80240/havoc

Mb I thought u mean havoc DH.

So basically dump all ur biggest hitters in havoc window ? Sounds similar to ret tbh. They also dump all their dmg into execution sentence and final reckoning with wings