Absolute easiest spec atm?

Hey dood you’re the one who decided to dig into my logs.
I just seen you stating over and over that basically every dps spec in the game is brain dead easy, while you don’t have 1 orange parse as ret, and barely even have logs on it.

You got solid holy parses so maybe just stay in your lane

what i’d like is an entire tier where demo was best st and burst AoE and destro was best cleave and sustained AoE and they leave aff to rot in the dumpster.

BM hunter. Not even a question.

U literally looked at logs first.
Bro don’t be mad just because ur class is easy

Well that’s kinda gonna happen next raid tier cause theirs a lot of ST fights., and without any raid buffs destro is very similar to demo in ST, but aff after the nerfs is like 600dps behind demo on sims lol

Look I get it. Self validation is an important part of warlock lifestyle

you’ve never had to deal with anything like snap shotting at any point as a pally. dots were nerfed cuz of players like you who have no idea how they work because you were like “gg 2 ez” then looked at the meters. an entire mechanic was removed because people wouldn’t get better at the game.

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lol I didn’t look at all your kills for your lowest parses then specifically call them out, I just took a quick glance at your top ret parses.

I got logs every tier dating back to HFC WoD if you wanna nitpick anything else :man_shrugging:

Bro it’s okay ur a good player doesn’t mean ur class isn’t easy

BM Hunter - ranged dps with zero downtime due to movement (helps keep those mumbers rolling while others have to stop). Your utility is a stun on a 1min cooldown so it isnt really viable, a ranged interupt on a long cooldown so many many others will be more viable to interupt and a lust pet, easily taken by a shammy/mage.

Rotation wise, its 3-5 (majority 3) buttons + cooldowns that can be easily macroed into those 3 buttons.

Dude you just Chaos Bolt’d her!

Yes it was hard but now it’s easy.

i haven’t checked anyone’s logs. my epeen isn’t big enough to swing around that way tbh. i’m just telling someone who mains my old main that it’s actually easy vs what he seems to misunderstand as being easy cuz he doesn’t play those classes. you don’t need to do anything beyond heroic dungeons to have to do a rotation and do something kinda resembling mechanics. pally is an idiot proof class in group content cuz of it’s utility. if you don’t have it bound then your surviability and everything else takes a huge hit. but it would be like a demo lock without any pet out at all. in terms of your actual effectiveness.

I personally found the base leech still good, and meta that much stronger. I had no issues pulling 4-5 mobs at max level with very little gear. I personally don’t know about dungeons though. Continues to feel way less squishy than my warrior and rogue.

it is always BM hunter

always has been and always will


Ahh these specs are actually pretty advanced for a new player to play. I would highly suggest classes and specs like:
-Vengeance DH <-- Hard class to play but once mastered may be best class in game
-Blood DK
-Prot Pally
-Prot Warrior
-Brewmaster Monk
-Guardian Druid
-Ret Pally
I have 10 years game experience. This is an alt account. I may be the most qualified person to give this information. I am 10/10m in Shadowlands. I have been pretty much cutting edge every expansion. Have been part of multiple Worlds first guilds, but they were not good enough and didn’t understand the fights perfectly as I have done. Best of luck to guys, you should be picking these classes if u want High IO or 10/10M and 99+ parses. If you need any advice feel free to hit me up on discord at Denton3233
#7793 or feel free to join my discord and ask questions discord link is /uuXRWqZu.

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I always thought this was a meme but I leveled a DH to 51 for professions and wow. It took me longer to learn how to use a Guitar Hero controller than to learn the DH rotation.


Ok new plan: Havoc main with a guitar hero controller.


I have one hooked up to my computer. A few input tweaks and um. It could be done.

I might actually have to try this. Just for the lawls.

You made me spit Guinness at my screen. I hate wasting good beer! Thanks for the funniest post I’ve read in a while.

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