About the LGBT thread

I mean, didn’t it start as a reaction to a locked thread?

Yes. And that thread got locked for a reason. Because of useless arguments.

No, it got locked because snowflakes got angry and broke the forum rules by false flagging it because they didn’t like the topic inside. Y’all should stop acting like you’re the judge and jury of which threads get to stay up.

Assumptions and useless arguing. Ty.

No assumptions. Just facts. People like you who think you can flag a thread just because you don’t approve of it, something you made clear in your post, falsely flagged that thread. We know because it got repeatedly flag locked without the opportunity for anyone to even post any new offending posts in it, something that would not be possible if people were using the flag system properly.

Y’all are a problem. Flagging posts is for when they break the Code of Conduct. Not because you don’t approve of them.

The trouble is that no one who cannot control the will of all individuals across the globe, or even in the United States alone, can hope to “fix it”, here pertaining to the man abandoning his child.
That’s the problem with the individuality of our species; people will eventually commit “wrongthink”, which can potentially, but does not inevitably, lead to rash or even heinous action. It’s the question of whether justice should be proactive, seeking to prosecute people for wrongthink according to societal norms or government mandate, or reactive, permitting people freedom of thought despite what dark paths it may lead them down.
Personally I am on the latter’s side as I believe we are each the arbiters of all that we do, all circumstances accounted for, and I find the idea of federally mandated courses on moral philosophy democratically decided to be acceptable as repugnant as government mandated religion.

Unless by “fix it” you meant something entirely different?

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How are the conversations going on in this gem?

Oh, about like you’d expect


Nice assumption. I spoke of it, sure, doesn’t mean I flagged the post because I don’t agree with it.

But I guess I’m a problem.


Given how quickly it was re-locked (eight minutes), I doubt it was the new posts that caused it. Especially as they were all benign, innocuous posts.

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Uh… yes. I mostly just meant like, asking companies and content creators to consider donating to the cause by having some LGBT characters / themes if they’re able to sensibly write them into a story. And then like, continuing to pursue IRL activism of other LGBT issues?

I wasn’t like, advocating to bring the state down on anyone. Geez. :stuck_out_tongue: This is a social issue, not a political one. No need for the state to be involved at all.

I’m not currently aware of any legal issues facing LGBT people except maybe… anti-science fearmongering related to hormone blockers? That’s kinda dumb and could result in people getting hurt if reactionaries try to bring the state down on doctors for perscribing them. There’s probably other legal issues out there, I’m just not aware of them.

It doesn’t.
Any other religion has rules to live by =p

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I’m of a mind with Morgan Freeman on that, that being that the best way to alter public perception is to treat it as if it’s not an issue to begin with and raise succeeding generations thusly. Which is, consequently, why I’m against token representation and advocacy of diversity for its own sake, as that has so far done nothing but breed disdain for the notion and offer a platform for genuine bigots so long as their hatred was pointed in the right direction.

and its down for another 24 hours :rofl:

Well the thing about that is, I don’t know where Mr. Freeman got the idea that pretending a problem doesn’t exist is a good way to make it go away. I’m not aware of any examples of that actually working?

It seems like that resonated with people purely because it made them feel better about not caring / doing anything to help. And I mean, I can empathize with laziness. Believe me. And I like Morgan Freeman as much as the next person… but I also like real solutions.

I’ve definitely seen my fair of cringy corporating marketing and shenanigry when it comes to progressive issues. Unfortunately, part of the issue there is that a lot of fake news content creators have decided to make this out to be more than it is? It used to be that a bad movie could just be a bad movie. Now it’s “SJWs gone MAD! Click for more!” and then a ten minute long rant summarized by “The movie was bad.”

It’s a very modern problem. I’d like to offer an alternative solution. If we let bad games/writing/movies/etcetera just be bad media and stop giving it so much attention for being bad, and instead give more attention to good examples of LGBT representation, more companies will try, and soon enough enough of them will be doing it that having an LGBT character in your game/movie/etcetera won’t be something companies feel like bragging about and hyper-focusing on anymore! It’ll just be fairly normal.

Ironically by trying to discourage them, I think we’re actually perpetuating the cringy phase.

It was open for 45 minutes today. Impressive!

yeah maybe it’s time to take the power to close down a topic away from users.

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It’s worked swimmingly for me all these years, treating people as people and not as their race or sexuality. Sad to hear it’s not been so in your experience.

Not caring about a person’s sexual preference is a good thing from my perspective, but I suppose one would take exception to that if they were opposed to meritocracy on the grounds that it didn’t readily make room for people by virtue of their being in these minority groups.
Presumptive of me, I’ll grant, but I haven’t seen arguments against the position not couched in such terms as to imply just as much.

This is the essence of every negative movie review, all else being no more than furnishing to accentuate the point.
“SJWs mad” is just a relatively new style of dressing, and one not unearned for the inane virtue signalling and mob mentality characteristic of adherents to the monicker.

They don’t need to hyper-focus on it in the first place, frankly, if they and critics would let stories be without going on about representation and letting that sway their opinion of the work.

why does this thread still exist?

it’s clearly against the coc.

what happened to the iron-fist moderation?

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Oh there is a reason its still open and its not political. I actually tried to get it locked.