About the LGBT thread

It’s a bit amusing. The thread you believe is being locked inappropriately continues to be locked, and this thread that you actually want locked (and genuinely should be, as the topic of the OP is clearly forum moderation), isn’t.

I wonder why that is.

Thats a very good question, random citizen! Maybe this thread… does not really exist. You should check your dimension.

There is nothing obscene about the word fart.

We all fart and according to your beliefs, God created us with these bodies which have the occasional need to release another:

  • aeolian egg,
  • bottie burp,
  • bowel growl,
  • bung breeze,
  • butt bugle,
  • heinie hiccup,
  • sulfur serenade,
  • trouser trumpet, or
  • tushie trembler,
    so if you object to farting, you know who to blame.

Perhaps if people felt more free to:

  • misplace the mace,
  • steam-press the slacks and
  • thunder down under,
    there would be far less belly-aching going on.

I shall commit those to my memory. lol

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After reading some of the comments in this thread I find myself wondering why the OP doesn’t understand why these threads get flagged by the community.

They get flagged because people know the poopstorm that is to come and they don’t want to see it. They don’t want to see the thread title constantly at the top of the forum list when they know full well what the contents of the thread has devolved to, or will devolve to if it hasn’t at that point.

It’s the same reason why I sigh heavily and roll my eyes when I see threads about topics such as this.

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You think that just because a couple is gay their relationship will be all be all wine and roses?

Gay people have all the same relationship problems straight people do. People are people, and we all have our quirks and problems, whatever our orientation.

Hold up lemme write these down next time I need to do something clever with Vicious Mockery in dnd


It’s terrible that so many people were murdered for being black.

It’s also terrible that so many people have been murdered for being gay.



Quite a few people who don’t want to see this sort of stuff seem to spend an awful lot of time in these threads. If you really don’t want to see the title constantly pop up do these three things.

  1. Go into the thread
  2. Click on the bell on the right hand side
  3. Select “Muted”

Problem solved.

And I’ll once again point out the double standard many of those who are up in arms over this and the other thread. They say it’s off topic and yet will happily participate in other threads that are off topic.

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Or how high the suicide rate for trans people is.

I know people like to say “well they transitioned and still killed themselves” but they’re forgetting something. They might feel better about themselves but the world could still treat someone like trash to the point where they give up.


But feeling good is not the same as doing good.

Like I said, in the old days a bad movie was just bad. It wasn’t some ridiculous plot by “The Bad People” to ruin art. Y’know, except for during the red scare.

I would say it’s not earned. Mostly because I do not believe that the value of art is just a popularity contest where if enough people say “Bad! >=(” it becomes true? I value like, good criticism with actual thought put into it. And let me tell you…

Most of these “Reee SJWs did it again! Totally not clickbait!” videos are thoughtless rants with no substance or care put into them. You will not find an easier way to grift for free money than complaining about SJWs ruining popular media right now. And content like that is also the source of this narrative. It’s all cynical low effort pandering to cash in on people’s prejudices.

And it sucks, because y’know, as someone who actually… likes art, what this represents to me is a trend of society not appreciating the artistic value in media and instead only valuing it as entertainment.

Yeah well the world isn’t perfect. That’s not an option. Never was. I think my solution is the only one that works.

If you qualify treating people according to their humanity rather than their race or sexuality as merely “feeling good rather than doing good”, we’re not going to get anywhere with this.

Except that it doesn’t become true, objectively speaking, the same way a bunch of people agreeing that the Earth is flat does not make the Earth flat. You also still have the piece of entertainment despite what they say, and are free to voice your dissent to their dictum wherever a user might be able to do so.

Or their audience is so large because the current Progressive paradigm is wont to malign people for putting one toe out of line with their ideology of tolerance to the grave and worship of the exotic and taboo. And not lightly, the brand of racist can ruin a burgeoning career regardless whether it’s accurate or not.

You can yet appreciate it so. The problem, and it seems it may only be that for a while, is that big productions must break certain numbers at the box office, or sell a certain number of issues or copies, to recoup their costs, and so often appeal to the masses as best they can over critics. They may also wield politics in such a way as to influence critics to review them favorably for the audience, but I doubt that method’s effectiveness in the coming years.

Nowadays, though, with new platforms and means of monetization cropping up, you may well see a glut of things the like of Hazbin Hotel or other shows spring to life. Barring intervention by the mainstream to prevent it in a attempt to preserve its waning relevance.


It is.

It remains.

Yes, foist more of what people don’t like upon them.
Surely that will work far better than tasteful and unintrusive inclusion.
Couldn’t possibly go wrong.


If they don’t voice their dislike for said topic, then the devs would be lead to believe that it’s okay to push into the game and then there would be much fallout.

The devs read these forums for feedback and ideas to try in the game. Good ideas stand the test of being scrutinized. What you are suggesting that any scrutiny to be disregarded and for people to not voice their concern/dislike/etc reason for not wanting it in the game because you don’t want to hear about people disliking what you like.

This thread and the linked thread are different in that they’re pushing for stuff to be added into the game whereas an offtopic thread doesn’t push for things to be added to the game.

I’m sorry, its not even comparable, so don’t try.

Your people were not systematically stolen, forced to travel over oceans as cattle, beaten and “trained” to become slaves, then shipped like cattle again to mainland America where they were beaten, raped, murdered and buried in unmarked graves for centuries until they were liberated for the sole purpose of angering and disrupting the economic structure of insurrectionists in the south. Then forced to endure another century of servanthood as sharecroppers, unable to vote, unable to visit any public institution without the shame and stigma of being born with a certain skin tone.

I understand that black suicide rates are much lower, but that is because those of us who managed to survive all that came before. We as a people generally have grown tolerant of ignorance and do not let it affect our personal view point of our selves. It still doesn’t change the systematic racism which is responsible for mass incarcerations and the disparity in interest rates/loans, which often prevents black communities from having any generational wealth.

Please, educate yourself and have a seat.

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“your people” deserve nothing because my group had it worse.



This might be the first victimhood e-peen contest I’ve ever witnessed.

Edit - I wonder when we’ll be graced with an “About the ‘About the LGBT Thread’” thread.


TLDR this entire thread: Unjust inadequate comparisons attempting to persuade a gaming community to include something in the game that already exists.

Also, forgive me if I am appalled that you try to compare not having fictional characters in a video game to the enslavement of 13 million people.

Unlike the above posters, I don’t consider myself a victim, and I’m not demanding anything from a game company as it doesn’t improve my real quality of life.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 24 hours due to a large number of community flags.

Oh hey. Looks like the mods stopped by and rescued us.

Agreed! However, there is a difference between disagreeing with the subject of the topic and disagreeing with the topic’s right to exist, right? I thought the latter was what Thorland was referring to, since there’s been a lot of peeps trying to shut down the discussion instead of engage with it.

TL;DR every one of your posts in this thread: Vicious chauvinistic mockery to performatively demonstrate you’re not like all those “bad gays” that want something. You’re one of the “good ones”!


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