About the LGBT thread

Don’t neglect your gums. Gingivitis is real!

It’s March now, and March is National Celery Month. I believe there is so much more Blizzard could do to better represent celery across all their properties.

And just so the forum-dwellers don’t feel left out, March is also National Reading Awareness Month. I can think of quite a few who could greatly benefit from cracking open a book this month.


meh your talking about people that cant even find the time to read the dungeon journal in the game

if it wasn’t for Wikipedia 99% of this generation wouldnt know the difference between apples and motorcycles

Nuclear launch detected

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Maybe not say something like…

and seemingly dismiss what others have gone though because that’s rather belittling. A child being abandoned is an extreme but there are numerous other instances that aren’t. Miss Staten Island happened to come out recently. She was to walk in Staten Island Saint Patrick’s Day parade. Sadly coming out ended that because they “feared for her life”. A councilman was physically blocked for simply wearing a rainbow pin. You see what I’m getting at?

I like celery filled with veggie cream cheese or peanut butter.


Not gonna lie… that sounds really gross.

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lol I can respect that view.

edit: Dangit, now I spotted you left out the cheese part and now I’m kinda grossed out. :sweat_smile:

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Strangers ask. If I’m not expecting them to get gross about it I answer honestly.

My family members in question haven’t actually met or interacted with someone who wasn’t straight, so they only have very specific preconceived ideas about how someone who was gay/bi/pan/trans would act. Because I’m very careful around them they don’t suspect anything :man_shrugging:

It also helps the person I’m dating is pretty femme passing.

People who abandon their children are not insane. That’s a very reductive way of looking at the world. Anyone who does terrible things is just nuts! Nothing convinced them to do that. Their brain malfunctioned and they did it by chance!

No. We are a product of our societies. Not a single person on this planet has a problem with gay people because “that’s just the way they are”. They were taught to think that way. They were taught to feel the way they do. They were taught to act that way.

How do you change society so that it stops teaching people to do degenerate things like pretend LGBT people don’t exist and abandon their children on doorsteps?

The popular idea right now is that normalizing the idea by putting LGBT characters in media is the first step on the path toward progress.


That’s insanity, yes.

Hold on, I thought you said their brain malfunctioned.

Instinctually, all life is precious. Nothing can take that idea away from your brain except mental illness.

No. That was sarcasm.

What you are describing is not mental illness as understood by any mental health professionals anywhere in the world. It is simply factually untrue that there is any relation between mental illness and hating gay people.

What that person did was deeply immoral, not mentally ill. There is a very sharp difference.

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He didn’t just perform hating gay people, he abandoned his son. Have you ever had a child?

There are so many requisites your brain has to have before perceiving that as nearly acceptable.

People have done horrible things to LGBT+ people throughout history, and parental problems are common. If this were a one-off brain glitch, it wouldn’t happen so many times.

Human beings can do monstrous, inhuman things if their society conditions them to. That’s how the world works. That’s why wars happen. That’s why we can’t agree on stupid, basic things to make people’s lives better.

Have you ever seen what humans are like when they don’t grow up in a society and instead grow up in the wild, alone? It really puts into perspective just how much of who we are is a product of society.

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You don’t want to go down that line of thought.

Yes I do. Because in order to properly address the problem, I feel the need to understand it thoroughly. It is ugly business, rest assured, but if I simply refuse to understand it and instead pass it off as brain glitches, I will just be another person ineffectually saying “That’s awful” while hoping someone else will fix it.


No, because you can apply that to everything that goes consistently wrong, and if something keeps going consistently wrong, is it then normal? That’s why it’s uncomfortable to think about.

I fail to see anything constructive going on in this thread besides useless arguing. Needs to be locked and deleted just like the last one.

The thread starts out somewhat constructive and on topic and then it just turns into a brain contest of this and that.

Real world politics being brought into a game aren’t constructive, this happens indiscriminately with any thread about religion, race, sex, ethnicity, all the time.

Absolutely. It is, generally speaking, unproductive to blame anything on mental illness unless it is an individual case where you KNOW the person in question was mentally ill.

I cannot think of a single broad topic that I would ever just blame on mental illness.

When I say constructive I mean in the sense that it’s at least on topic.