A simple void elf request

Really do want to know your source on this.

I can’t find anywhere where it’s mentioned.

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His source is his own mind, just like him thinking he is the authority of lore.

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Cause if they actually aknowledge design parameters then they would have to admit their crusade is but a foolish one at least without taking into account the reparations bit I mentioned

It is indeed speculation, but the fact most pro-Helfer posters jumped to use the pink skintones says a LOT about their actual intentions -and devs aren´t blind in regards to money, they probably knew people would pay to play something closer to their “Helf” aesthetic standard but in the “correct faction for them”-.

Nightborne petitioners wanted the model just as it looked in the NPCs, but let´s be real those players were never as noisy as Helfers were ergo, why devs probably took a more regular design path with them and conciously designed the playable model with noticeable differences towards the Nightborne NPC model -that btw, is NOT different enough from the average Night Elf playable model in the females though more noticeably different from the male Nelf playable model-. In this case the “noise” wasn´t strong enough to risk the aesthetic exclusivity of the Nelf playable model to catter to a potential new playerbase.

Velves quite the contrary used probably the opposite approach -it was the literal same model aesthetic of the Belf playable race BUT with enough “differences” to sell it as a “new variant or race”. And this happened probably as an attempt to compromise with the Helfer crowd -and we all saw how well that attempt went-.

Keeping the visual uniqueness IS the cheapest path Blizzard can take regarding this issue, cause the moment they give that extra step and literally clone the Belf aesthetic (and no, slightly different haircolors taken from Humans does NOT make a significant difference), then they WILL have to compensate the Belf playerbase for losing the aesthetic exclusivity of the product they are paying for.

The actual issue is how devs can justly compensate such problem. Dark Ranger aesthetic options imho are NOT a good compromise simply because they aren´t gameplay nor lorewise strongly related to BLOOD ELVES as a race -they have been historically related to Sylvanas and the FORSAKEN, not the Belves-. Felblood aesthetics are downright insulting when we take into account they are a call back to a NEGATIVE lore development taken in the Belf story (I mean I don´t see a Felblood Elf and think about Belf heroes, I actually think about Belf maniacs and morons). Lightbased aesthetics are too reductive (as a rogue players the concept of the Light and it´s importance literally goes over my head; simply put it I don´t care over it). “San´layn” asthetics just like Dark Ranger ones aren´t about the actual Belf race but about a Scourge club.

The aesthetic compensation would had to be extremely related to Belves IN A GLOBALIZED WAY -this has to be coherent for light based classes like the pallies and the priests, fel based classes like the warlocks, arcane based classes like the mages and nature based classes like the rogues, hunters and monks-.

Idk… maybe developing the Anima (not the SL Anima but the Thunder Isle one) concept heavily into the race to make it the diet replacement of “fel” and creating a whole group of aesthetic options around it might work but idk if this is enough tbqh. Only thing I can say is that those aesthetical “compensations” would HAVE TO be exclusively Belfy; not a chance in hell to make it available for Velves.

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They retreated to another thread, the older one.

Pretty much the Guardian Story and the Staff of Medivh is still in a plot hole that is unanswered due to the recon of Med’an.

So Pretty much a Half Race Hybrid isn’t going to be a thing now if you Med’an.

People dislike him for being the worst Gary Stu in Warcraft. He even put Jaina to shame.

Who and what now? Which older thread?

He means Lore and he was in a recently necro’d thread.

Speaking of.

Lore what’s your source here?

Perhaps it’s possible you don’t have an actual source and this is just a headcanon of yours?

I’ve checked around several places and can’t find such info.


He might be taking about the High Elf Positivity thread.

Mainly a custimization thread.

Talendrion did a great mockup of Void Elves with more pastel hair colors that might be something along the lines of what they’d like to see.


Yes please to all of them, he did a wonderful job. Love how they have an ombré effect.


Now that is something I can get behind.

Very nice.

Could you ask Talendrion if they mind if I attach this to my Void Elf options posts?


I want those colors.


Those are really cool! He does great work.


LOVE ITTT!!! Love those hair colors :heart_eyes:


Wowowowowowowowow those are gorgeous. I’ve never liked Void Elves getting Blood Elf hair colors, but goodness gracious, I’d sell a kidney to get my Void Elf rogue that lavender hair.

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I adore that pale pink!! I use the velfy dark pink hair and I’ve always wanted to have pink hair in game. Having this pale pink would be amazing! Belfs need it too so they can look bubblegum😂



There are a couple of Velf hairstyles that belves should have as well!

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Yes please, I would rather have Mok’nathal over Ogres any day, and give Alliance half-elves, but at least give them paladins please.


Hey there Lore just trying to check again what your source is for this?

Very curious, as again I’ve seen it from a couple people but no one has ever shown the source and I can’t find it, and since you claim to be an authority on lore, I expect you must know.