A simple void elf request

And then, this is only met with.

“B-but Pandaren!”

Darn the fact that they were designed specifically as a neutral race, that doesn’t matter.

I mean, this is absolute speculation.

But I always considered it fishy that VE so closely resembled BEs while NB didn’t resemble NE ( and putting aside the whole getting shafted by the amounts of customizations)… But “something something, Horde bias, something, NB have better development”.

Are the TBC forums up?

Give it time…


Honestly I think this is where people who value the visual uniqueness arguments will see a win, with Blizzard ultimately choosing to simply leave some visual distinction in place that we see now (the hair options).


I can think of one, no one likes him though!

This a thing?

true, if such breeds existed.

I would like tentacle toggles, or at least a variant of some of the hair with tentacles, without them.


Tentacle toggles and hair colors!


for the sake of drawing a blank can i get an answer to this?

Garona is the dranei/orc. She was born on draenor and came through the dark portal under the demands of gul’dan to kill king llane or w/e his name was/is. Everyone’s best friend rexxar is a orc/half ogre, they call themselves the mok’nathal or w/e

Med’an, half orc, half draenei and half human (allegedly, the son of Garona and Medivh).

He stopped being referenced as a canon character though by Blizzard, and people dislike him for some reason.

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oh. yeah… they retconned him because they wanted the legion xpac story to make sense since he was the uber mage or w/e i think

Yes, and I absolutely need playable Mok’nathal in my life.


id be all for it if there were ogres involved as well.

Whoever decides what ogres should look like really need to impliment a female model one of these days. I think there have been drawings done by blizz for them but since they can’t prettify them we don’t get them because ugly females don’t sell well


Technically she wasn’t brought to Azeroth by Gul’dan to kill King Llane Wrynn specifically. She was supposed to act as a translator and assassin for Gul’dans use. Partially against Medivh when Gul’dan still thought he was dealing with just a strong mage.

Not all Mok’nathal are half orc half ogres. Some are regular ogres and orcs. Others are half.

They’re just one of the many orcish clans.

… Wouldn’t he be 1/3rd orc, 1/3rd draenei and 1/3rd human?


From one of the Traveler books

Half human, quarter draenei and quarter orc.


Right. That.

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there she is in all her ogre glory!

Seriously though I do not see a problem with designing and putting female ogres into the game as a whole and was highly disappointed in WoD when there wasn’t a single one anywhere. Especially so when they literally created entire now ogre models of that quality


Who cares? Where are the half trolls/orcs that make tonnes of sense existing in large numbers?

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Didn’t realize how much I wanted this until now.

I’m not sure of any ogres in the Clan and I’m not sure they’d be accepted. Mok’nathal were essentially the alpha slave caste of the Gorian Empire, they adopted the orcish Clan structure because the orcs have been kind to them and at one point they came close to joining the Frostwolf Clan.


Right? They’re pretty much the only half race that it would make sense for there to be a notable population of.

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Half troll/orcs exist in large numbers? :open_mouth:

They don’t exist, but there’s a lot of orcs and trolls who’ve been living in fairly close quarters for like 20 years (orcs mature at 13). NPCs have described the orcs and Darkspear as almost being one people, it’s weird they’re not shacking up.

It would make sense if they did, considering how long orcs and trolls have worked together

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