A simple solution to the vote kick issue

It’s expected. Do you think there should be people coming here to report that it worked fine? An equal number of people dropping by the GD forums to say “I didn’t get vote kicked today, working great!” ?


Agreed, the people who I’m the most worried about are the ones who haven’t had enough time to get properly hooked on the game, and are still more willing to walk away. Someone is mega-rude to them (which is really easy to imagine considering the level of some of the responses here) and they quit entirely.

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that part makes sense…they know they cant deal with all those tickets if they said its a violation.

What they NEED to do is change their tune and state publically…and in agreement with THEIR social contract that tells us how to treat other players…that Blizzard doest not promote, condone or encourage vote kicking players who have not interfered with, or disrupted the group play of any dungeon, delve, raid, etc.

That at the very least would end this “cuz bliz says I can” nonsense that is used to scapegoat blizzard for bad PLAYER behavior.

Then tweak the timeout or remove it entirely given it dosent stop trolls from trolling.


This is unfortunate, but what does removing VTK do to solve this in a way that is a net gain for the game as a whole?

Are they not just as likely to leave if someone is a jerk to them, but no one has the power to remove them from the group for one reason or another?

We can’t fix every edge case. It’s a huge game, with a lot of players. At a point, you have to be responsible for saying “okay one bad experience is not necessarily indicative of my time as a whole in WoW.”

This problem still arises even if you remove the debuff, by the way. If it becomes common for people to try and get kicked for dungeons they dislike but want to queue right away again, is that not a negative interaction that can push a player away?

When current content in BFA was enough and I stopped healing for them, I went down to heal in classic era dungeons hoping I could help new players out instead…and it was actually WORSE behavior than current content dungeons were as far as the bogus kicks were concerned where the target player had done nothing warranting being kicked.

I nearly made a macro over it “find another healer while youre at it” over it happening so much lol

I mean, no ones saying to remove the VTK, everyone seems fine with the VTK system existing, just the method of its punishment seems to be whats contentious here. Personally I’m more okay with a You get a couple of strikes per day before a timeout system kicks in method, it wouldn’t stop the trolls, true, but it doesn’t stop them now either, and it’d be more lenient on new tanks/healers who get punted because some impatient dps got their beans in a twist.

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Nope. They’re talking about the thread. Not who posted it.

You’re really good at twisting things into strawmanning that doesn’t exist.

Stop trying to play victim.

GD is also roughly 1% of the playerbase and these threads are mostly the same tiny group obsessing over it. Like five people. Out of roughly 7 million players.

If there was a systemic issue, Blizz would have addressed it like they addressed the leaving issue. They haven’t done squat. And people in here, including the OP, have even said this is an uncommon problem.

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I added an edit, because I know not everyone says to remove it. I just tend to baseline.

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right. I did kinda joke about it above somewhere lol…but we all know we have to have the abiliity to remove a real problem player.
its the timeout that punishes innocent players that is the issue…and we KNOW its an issue…just look at how many times in THIS thread theyve reminded us that they are ALLOWED to kick players who havent done anything wrong…thereby admitting they do it and know its being done

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Right, any kind of solution can’t be too extreme or it will enable bad behavior. Having a strike system would be an improvement

You say nobody is attacking me but this is an attack


I think the vote kick system should remain it just needs to be redeveloped/revamped.

It can be programmatically changed to deter and/or stop most of the loopholes for abuse and still keep the same “there is no problem” rhetoric…

They just refuse to do it.

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This is the problem, though. It isn’t about right or wrong. The VTK system isn’t in lieu of reporting, they are separate systems.

Vote to kick is there to ensure people have agency over their experience, as I said above, not to punish players for wrongdoing.

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My idea could somewhat boil down to “hey Blizzard, I think you can do better than the system that you currently have”

There is a lot at stake. Since one negative interaction can sour a person, it is in their best interest for people to get along in their game. It spells profit if they can get beyond merely playing the game, and cause real friendships to form. Real friendships mean people staying subbed for longer. People not being sour on the game means people subbing for longer.

If the game truly had a great community, it would have a reputation for that and financially benefit

… you twisting what I said is now an attack… against you? What? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve seen people make the argument that the punishment is to make players “Think about what they did”, except if all they did was…absolutely nothing wrong, what are they supposed to think about? How are they supposed to “Think about what they did” if they have the wrong race, or wrong mog? or if its a new healer whos going slow because they’re not comfortable doing big pulls yet?

I still feel like a strike system, even as low as three strikes (Like people keep saying, this problem is supposedly super rare that it wont happen to most people beyond maybe once or twice a day if that), while it would still catch and punish problem players. Tie it to daily reset or something.

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What you call twisting I call basic logic

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Leave the kick as is…but do put a report button there to report it when someone puts some bigoted hate speech in the reason box…

The timeout is what we need to tweak a bit.
Myself and others have suggested a scaled timeout that starts at 0 for the first exit, then adds 15 minutes each addtional exit per daily reset.
That way the innocent who gets kicked once in a day isnt punished at all…and the REAL trolls can rack up some serious downtime if they persist in trolling groups

which is nonsense.
Just getting kicked is enough to think about lol. Standing adults in the corner isnt going to change behavior lol.

You do know Blizzard has access to all the data, and can see way more than what is really going on. Just because some couple of people come to the forums claiming there is an issue, does not exactly mean there is an issue.

I rarely experience seeing many vote-kicks, and the vote-kicks that I do see, is usually me removed from the group, due to I think me being Oceanic. But gives me the best opportunity to ignore people in-game so I don’t really have to queue up with them in the future to even experience it further.