A simple solution to the vote kick issue

it never bothers me when people just mess up. We’re human. We hose things from time to time. Its just bad behavior to nail someone over a mistake.

Now, I’ll qualify that a bit by saying that M+ timed content is a different animal. No one should be there who isnt already prepared for it.
Ruining someones key is a pretty lame thing to do, which is why I never want that responsibility, personally.

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Providing correct info isn’t bullying. Nor does it close down threads. Only Blizz can choose to close down threads.

This one, in my opinion is just more of the same old spam.

Like it or not, I’m allowed to have my own opinion, just like you are!

The ideas in this thread, in my opinion, are old, exhausted and done to death. The current system works for the majority of players and for the majority of the group.


It clearly went under your radar, over your head, or through the space between your ears. You simply saw a Liolang post and got reactive about it. It happens. I’ve made the same mistake.


So, if the person is being kicked for no reason, how is it being abused?


Though I agree with this 100%. I also don’t think you can police who does or does not get kicked. If the group does not want to play with somebody anymore, they are well within their right to kick somebody.

That said - I really like the idea Pesa had about “soft kicks”. Like I REALLY like that idea.


So is Blizzard saying it’s fine for people to get slapped with 30 minute queued content bans because someone doesn’t like a transmog? We think that’s ok?


Blame thsoe who abused the queuing system back in Wrath to get around the buff.

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I am just posting an idea on how the game could be improved on. I think more nuance should be added to the vote kick system. I understand the rules.

For example, if someone gets booted to the login screen and disconnects in game, I’m sure this has happened to everyone, the group rightfully can kick that person. They are D/C – who knows when they will come back?

However the game client itself will boot you sometimes. It could very well be completely out of the control of the person who was booted, yet they still get a 30-minute debuff for that.

That’s happened to me before, it feels really bad. And there’s nobody to blame but a system that is lacking nuance.

Don’t let them derail this conversation any more than they already have. I would hate for this to get closed down because it got derailed and then Perl think they were “right” when in fact they were just the problem all along.

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Okay… no. But the lesser of two evils… sadly yes. The debuff is 100% needed because of people who abused the system in the past.

No, I’m not going to blame people who played the game 15 years ago for the dumb debuff.

I’m going to blame current Blizzard and their curent defenders for supporting continuing to support a system that bans people from queued content for 30 minutes, for reasons such as someone not liking a transmog.

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Then we should be thinking more broadly, like removing computer-created groups from the game in the first place, and going back to an approach closer to when the game was way more popular.

LFD was a bad idea, and has had predictable results.

Accepting the lesser of two evils = being ok with it.

There’s absolutely better ways to do deserter, such as a stacking debuff with a 24-hour freebie. A blanket 30 minutes for reasons such as “bad transmog” or “no reason at all!” is absolutely asinine to support.

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Name checks out


Thing is, Blizzard doesn’t track the vote-kick system. They don’t have logs of each vote-kick, nor do they get logs from each vote-kick. Which I do think somethings need to be done with the vote-kick, because there is a way to violate some policies using the vote-kick.

So, you want to control on who plays with who instead of allowing the players or groups any control on who they want in their groups because the reasons they have are the reasons you disagree with?

This is false. I have been kicked from a dungeon for a mistake that wasn’t mine. The tank pulled too many mobs, couldn’t handle the damage, died, and I was kicked because of it. Situations like this are not isolated. On the forums, you can find reports of players being kicked for trivial reasons, such as: “I was kicked because they thought my pull was too small” or even out of pure malice, in cases like: “I’ll kick this player just to make sure they don’t get the dungeon’s final experience.”

Although rare, these kicks can cause a lot of frustration, especially for inexperienced players. Imagine you’re new to the game, wait 40 minutes in the queue, and when you finally start the dungeon, you’re kicked without even understanding why. On top of that, you still have to wait another 30 minutes due to the deserter penalty.

The problem lies in the fact that the current system allows malicious players to kick others just to ruin their experience. This creates a toxic environment that can drive away new players or discourage those who are still learning.

If Blizzard wants to keep this system, they should establish clear rules and criteria for determining what constitutes a valid kick. Additionally, players who feel they were unfairly kicked should have the option to report the responsible players, allowing an investigation to decide whether the kick was justified.

Allowing players to kick others for any reason, without consequences, opens the door to abuse and toxic behavior. This is unacceptable in an environment that should promote fun and cooperation.


Once again, you are ignoring the crux of the issue.

Votekick system? Fine. Keep it in. Let people kick whoever. I don’t care.

But banning people who are kicked from queued content for 30 minutes, because someone doesn’t like a transmog or they have no reason at all? That’s not the OK part.


Except, you’re not banned from playing the game. And the deserter buff is only 30 minutes. Do you want it to be even longer where you can’t queue for queued content?

Did I say they were banned from playing the game? No. Are you even reading what I’m posting?

Where do I say banned from playing the game? Then again, “playing the game” may be queued content for many people. But anyways…

Duh, I’ve said that numerous times. Once more it looks like you don’t even bother reading my post.

I think there is surely something in between.

You just reminded me of another time I was kicked. Ages ago, S1 of Dragonflight, I was kicked right before the last boss of ULD. I had been top dps, never died, never said anything, never pulled anything extra or pulled before the tank did. BUT what I realized after was that boss dropped the BiS trinket for one of the people that was on the same server. So they locked me out of the xp after using me the whole run.