A simple solution to the vote kick issue

Evidently or should I say clearly they’re not saying that expressly, I think it can be implied given they’ve taken a hands off stance to dealing with the behavior.

Personally I don’t expect them to hire staff to deal with the multitude of tickets that would flow like a river if they opened up the ticket system to bogus kicks but I do believe that if they’re going to push that social contract in our face every 3 weeks then they need to be serious about it themselves and take a hard stance that they do not condone and promote the behavior of kicking someone who has not warranted being kicked by their own personal bad behavior

By refusing to take that position what they’ve done is made blizzard the scapegoat here because as you see in all of these threads everyone continually repeats the fact that they’re allowed to kick for any reason they want because blizzard said so even if the person wasn’t doing anything to warrant being kicked including their transmog choices LOL

LOL one of my five kicks I’ve had since I started this game was really funny. It was in hellfire ramparts I believe.
So I’m tanking and as soon as we all ported in a DPS player ran ahead and pulled a whole bunch of stuff and ran back towards the group and of course we wiped because it was way more than we could handle LOL

After the wipe we are back at the gate and this joker does the exact same thing again runs ahead pulls a bunch of stuff caused a second wipe

And I see you have been removed from group LOL

I couldn’t do anything but laugh because I was thinking that the people who kicked didn’t even bother to check to see who was being kicked they just went along with it. They didn’t look to see that the DPS who caused the wipes wasn’t the one being kicked lol

I mean sometimes the stuff is just funny but yeah

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I agree that there are better ways to go about it. That’s why I’m all for this conversation being had. I love the idea of Pesa’s “soft kick”.

As far as a 24 hour freebie, it’s something I guess that could be tested, but I see that as something that can be problematic as well. Same goes with the stacking debuff. When the first implemented the debuff they started out at 10 minutes then 15 and it had no impact, that’s when it just landed on the 30 minutes.

Sorry for the late reply, got pulled away for something at work

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And that’s literally all we’re doing in here is exactly what we’re supposed to be doing which is tossing ideas around. No one knows what the answer is and no one knows what blizzard may end up trying to do to fix any problems. We’re just offering suggestions the way blizzard tells us to do when they tell us to come on to this forum and bring our ideas and opinions of their game


Well that’s another issue in and of itself. They keep saying that it’s only 30 minutes which 30 minutes might be how long someone has to play. But it’s not just 30 minutes
You wait five or 10 or 15 or 20 or maybe even 30 minutes to get into a dungeon sometimes
And then you get kicked for no good reason and you’re looking at 30 minutes down.
And now you have to get back into for that 5 to 30 minute wait again. So it’s every bit of 45 minutes to an hour every time you get kicked for no reason by the time you add all the numbers up

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Don’t forget that there’s already a 15-minute cooldown built into the queue timer. When you queue into the dungeon, open up LFD and you’ll see that cooldown timer. It will reset once you complete the dungeon, or when it expires.

Therefore, there’s already a natural 15-minute debuff built into the system. Throwing deserter on top of it is silly.

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Yeah it definitely has to be taken in stride. The stuff that goes down in these dungeons can be ridiculous. Early on I was definitely guilty of pulling too much as tank!

yeah the more I think about it the more I think that it is a solution that could work for the widest amount of people. It doesn’t limit the power of the vote, but does allow for people to say “this is not a bad actor” or I guess “I really didn’t like their transmog”

Yeah I’ve been slacking off at work – getting the stuff done I was supposed to do today whooops. But it’s been a fun conversation.

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Tanking really just bores me silly but when I do get around to tanking I watch the healer mana and health bars

If we’re doing good I speed up if we’re doing bad I slow down. I don’t even know why this is such a complexity in this game but maybe other tanks are not bothering to watch healer mana or health bars I don’t know but it seems like the best gauge to go by if you don’t want to irritate your group

While it’s true that something new needs done, it’s not likely going to happen. Blizzard has stated that people can kick you for any reason they want. If they don’t like your name, transmog, race, it doesn’t matter.

Yes, people weaponize kicks and abuse the system, but Blizzard will never intervene.

Best thing you can do is shrug it off or make your own troll premade and kick randoms for fun.

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Very good point I mean 15 minutes is more than enough as a punishment for the trolling player given they had to wait in line to begin with and they’re going to have to get in line for another run if they get kicked.

I mean if nothing else can be done here yeah just reduce the time out to the 15 minutes as you say

There are other, more satisfying ways to vent frustration in the game though.

A personal favorite of mine is hopping on a lowbie priest in war mode, and MC-ing people to run off an edge. But they aren’t left with a 30 minute debuff, it’s just 50 gold and a walk of shame


I agree with you. Absolutely no reason for players to flag you because you have a difference of opinion.


Blizzard forums are cram full of that. Ever visited the CS forum?


I do when I feel like getting publicly mocked and ridiculed for no real reason other than for a group to satisfy their egos.


I think everyone should have to re-type the kick reason verbatim to vote yes, and there is a 5 second timer before it auto selects no.


They are not. I have tanked entire dungeons with no healer because the healer who dropped group at the start of the instance was not replaced.

Somebody’s looking for a free carry /afk at the start of the dungeon.


Shutting down LFD / LFR would bring on more complaints. There is no win win solutions to this problem.

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Blizzard says that you can’t abuse it but anyone with any amount of common sense knows it’s abused and weaponized.


Yep, you can be smart about it and initiate vote kicks all day long.