A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

Feel free to add video and log evidence of people doing raids in original Vanilla, then.

You won’t though, just like every classic poster especially those posting on very low levels.

All you have to do is remove the first 2 letters of their name and the realization comes.

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Yes, Im telling you that 99.9% of the people who have it as “completed” wil have bought it this season. As for a citation, I dont think a week after the 4th has barely cleared ti without an exploit would do anything.

Don’t you see what I’m saying about the selfishness of the community?
You are the right example.
What does it matter if the Tower follows the progression system so that more people can do it?
If you want the challenge, then you equip yourself with garbage gear and you already have your challenge, but why do you want to screw the rest to maintain your idea or your false sense of skill?

It’s selfish to think that not everyone is going to win or that not everyone should win?

Don’t ever do the real world thing if you really think that, it’s gonna be really horrible for you.

I’m dumbfounded that I need to explain the irony of a player that is playing a game from 2004 and telling someone else “it is 2022”.

Classic posters man, Jesus Christ I thought it was so obvious.

Ah yes, let me just pull up my Warcraftlogs from 20 years ago.

Just because you personally were incapable of dpsing and healing at the same time, doesn’t mean others were incapable as well.

Imagine how crazy of an idea it would be that players don’t always post on their mains. That would be so wild.

It’s actually crazy that you still don’t see the irony. You don’t get it do you?

You’re the one that made the claim healers DPSed in Vanilla, when there’s actually evidence to the contrary as players did not play nearly as ‘min max’ as they do these days.

It’s also crazy how that worgen isn’t banned for all the unproductive insults they throw around.


What Worgen?

How about instead of nerfing it, putting back the Artifact appearances. there ya go. problem solved.

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They’re trying to refer to me, because I refute a lot of their posts previously but since I started hiding their posts they’re starved for attention and consistently post both at me or at anyone posting about me. They will even hop onto alts to bypass the forum functions.

Pretty sure what you just did does so more than anything, also nice misgender. What a surprise, same people that tend to agree with one another always doing that!

He’s derailing the thread now because he didn’t like my comment so I’ve just flagged him. :man_shrugging:


/3D glasses

So you’re admitting you’re abusing the report system to flag someone for daring to disagree with you. Nice.

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You can disagree with someone without insulting them as a person. This is not being done by the person getting flagged.

He admitted he abused the reporting system by reporting someone for disagreeing with him. That’s not an insult I made up. But good to know you are standing up for reporting people who disagree with you and your ilk. I would have expected exactly that from you.

Problem is, legendaries ARE borrowed power: the mage tower will (probably) be available in 10.0 and 11.0, legendaries will not.

People wanted the Mage Tower, which were designed for legion classes. Which had a few layers of borrowed power. Some argued that the mage tower should allow a legion template, which is way easier said than done (what’s allowed, which legiondaries, which relics, which artifact power level, are tier sets allowed, netherlight crucible etc etc) so they landed on an evergreen model: template without borrowed power. Sockets and legacy trinkets would be hard if not impossible to exclude.

I’m struggling with some of the easier challenges now (ret and sub), I’ve got my sets, it’s just a matter of getting the execution right.

Making non-constructive posts and derailing threads is against the CoC. Please read the CoC before you try to tell others what is abuse and what isn’t.