A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

Which is a good thing. We need more stuff like that and not less.

That’s the issue. People feel entitled to the mage tower sets because they are entitled to the mythic sets, eventually, when they can just one shot the boss 3 expansions later.

Why? Healers should always be doing damage if possible.

Not in that way. I do not do enough PvP to hold an informed opinion on which is harder. In the way that it’s something that is intended to maintain about the same difficulty over time.

It’s 2022. Do damage as a healer please. The group does not need constant healing and overhealing.

No like I mean their challenge is a bit too focused on it.
I’m fine with them having too do some dmg but that challenge is kinda lame with how much has too be done.
Kinda like how the bear challenge is basically just a chicken form challenge.

All legendaries! A legendary in every slot!

It is an interesting idea though. In a controlled scenario where no one could by PvP boosts or MT boosts and participation was similar, which one would have a higher % completed?

It may be neck and neck, the only down side to PvP is that people quit quicker when it gets hard and the learning curve is so much steeper.

That is the thing.
High difficulty doesn’t matter, but not that it’s fixed all the time.

There isn’t a single piece of content in all of WOW that is this way, simply because it doesn’t make sense in the game’s own progression system.

Not even the original Tower was designed with a fixed difficulty.

It should be a template on how classes/specs played in Legion, all the abilities, artifact weapon stuff, etc that was all there in 7.2. Your choice of template stats, which trinkets from back then to use, and your choice of 1 Legendary. Give people their choices to pick from for enchants/consumes if they want to do that too, but entirely free or relatively cheap and persisting through death.

Completing it should be enough reward to push players to want to get better at the game. Everything doesn’t need to be LFR-difficulty just to appease players who refuse to learn to play their class and refuse to learn mechanics.

And you are posting on a classic character. I find this amusing.

Oh crap, pawzer followed me here. This thread is about to get wild.

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Even in Classic healers are doing damage lol. Heck, back in original Vanilla, healers did damage.

What’s amusing about that?

Are you sure I’m an LFR player?
Have you seen my PVE IO now, the previous season?

That is not the issue, the issue is that the Tower should follow the progression system like everything else and not stay with a fixed difficulty.

Something tells me that if I have to explain it to you that you probably are incapable of getting it.

Acting like it was the norm for healers to use mana to deal damage in raids and such is silly, and really only one healer was anywhere near ‘decent’ for doing dmg back.

No and I’ll admit that I’m not going to take the time to look.

Something tells me that you don’t have any ground to stand on here which is why you can’t answer.

I disagree. I think a good challenge is good. Everyone isn’t supposed to win.

Maybe you don’t use your mana, but some of us are efficient enough to do DPS and keep the group topped.

Not all of us play the game like you do.

Yeah, I’m convinced now that you aren’t able to comprehend simple irony. Just stop before you embarrass yourself.