A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

I admit I’ve been a bit radical and offensive in previous posts on this subject, but we should all understand that the Mage Tower needs a little push for most players.

My solution is simple, allow Legendaries. In Legion we had Legendaries that helped us, why not here?

It would not be an extreme nerf and also we do not have our borrowed power so we would only have one Legendary.

I think it would be something simple and would improve the encounters.


That would make every challenge very easy at that point.


It would be an extreme nerf.


Some of these complainers even suggest activating the old Legion “actifact” traits/powers and Shadowlands covenant abilities inside the instance. It’s like, bruh… that would trivialize most of the challenges :joy:

Just imagine…

  • Convoke the Spirits would trivialize most of the Druid challenges (…especially with the reduced 1 minute cooldown)
  • Ashen Hollow would trivialize the Paladin challenges
  • people would complain that it’s “not fair” that Necrolord players get an “extra” 10 seconds to finish off the boss during close/low % attempts due to their Bonesmith cheat-death passive
  • and so on and so forth

Legendaries only, not borrowed power.

The main class Legendary.


Would trivialize every single challenge. Imagine doing bears challenge with draught leggo, 40% extra dmg on your main dots, Arcane mage using barrage leggo, affliction using their dmg stack per enemies killed leggo.
The mage tower would immediately become push over content.

But it would be optional, if you are a tryhard then don’t wear your Legendary.
In Legion there were Legendaries, why not allow at least one here, it’s the same.

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Right now the mage tower is balanced for the fact we don’t have them.
They may aswell just hand out every single thing that comes from mage tower if they were too let people use more.
It is called a challenge for a reason.


Or people can do the content as intended. There are two outliers. And both of them have also been done by other people. There’s nothing wrong with challenging content which is intended to be a challenge actually being challenging.


So are the mage tower rewards.


Balanced? Is the Tower seriously balanced?

I am not a metrics specialist, but I have been dedicated to software development and wow emulation for more than 10 years.
Let me tell you that the Tower will have everything, except balance.

They already have a means of overpowering it, though, which is do some legacy raids.

Yeah it would. They’ve tuned it now to not need legendaries. Suddenly popping legendaries in would throw it right off.

Oh no Rezfat you again…
Dude are you harassing me?
I wouldn’t doubt it, being a defender of Blizzard and the bad things they do. :rofl: :rofl:

I don’t defend Blizzard. I defend solo challenge content because its fun.

Apparently replying once on the forums = harassing. Today I learn.


Why do I have to go looking for old content to overcome it if the idea of ​​wow is to move forward and not backward, especially with the gear. Seriously.

Don’t you realize how poorly implemented that is?

You don’t.

I mean, they kept the casual players in mind by allowing them a route of gearing up to overcome the content if they aren’t capable of doing it normally. That seems pretty thoughtful.

Imagine if it required good current raid gear or something.


If you really want the boss dead you’ll kill the boss

Do you really think that Blizzard designed the new Tower with the idea that casual players would seek out gear from the old content?
This is not a planned design, this is an accident discovered when players were faced with a completely different and unbalanced set of challenges from their original in Legion.

This is not a result of Blizzard’s kindness, this is a result of something done and done wrong.


They could’ve easily just done templates then even fewer people would’ve managed the challenges because then they’d be tests of skill/knowledge that couldn’t be overgeared.