A simple solution for the Mage Tower problem

Are you a moderator who gets to make up the rules as you go?

Oh, it lists you as a player who must be agreed with or will be silenced.

No. If you can’t tolerate people who legitimately disagree with you, you don’t even belong on the internet, let alone pretending to be a moderator on a forum where you post on an untraceable character to prevent people from blocking you.

Refuting someone’s post isn’t ‘non-constructive’ nor is it ‘derailing the thread’, if you want go to that route the past couple posts of your own break that and your earlier posts break the ones about ‘trying to incite a fight’ in a thread as you continue to do so. I posted my thoughts on the matter and posted that you have no way to verify that ‘people in Vanilla as healers also did DPS’. You didn’t make the claim that YOU may have (Again not verifiable, but still better) but you said

Which is a generalizing statement.

I think if you want a power spike OP, then go for Chromie time WoTLK gear.

Having 3 slots in most of your gear along with very powerful enchants will increase your damage by a huge margin. Someone has done the math and depending on your class you’re about 30-40% stronger.
(9.1.5 MT gearing guide, long version).

In total I believe you’d need to get 4 characters (covering the different challenges) geared this way and you’re set to beat MT.

I suggest gear templates.

This means it’s a total skill check, since everyone gets the same gear.

Blizzard can tune the fights better because there’s there no under or powering it through gear.

Anyone that isn’t happy with the toughness, once tuning is done, is down to skill.

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If someone wants an incredibly easy time doing the challenges get the gear that makes them significantly easier.
There are soo many different ways of making this easy.
Since we also have infinite time on it aswel can easily get whatever you need to do the challenges.

I’m not saying it was. The worgen was insulting the classic gnome as a person, (quoted below in case it gets deleted later) which is a valid reason to flag a post.

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A challenge many players are getting carried through. Which then again is no surprise since this is wow after all. That challenge part only applies if you’re THAT kind of a player and I salute those who still in that category(completed or not completed the MT). Those of you who bought MT carries. I’m disappointed in you all.

Does it mean content is bad because players find that breaking TOS is the path of least resistance to get a reward? Even in the pilots you seem to be concerned about, a player still has to complete the challenge solo.

Here’s the thing OP. What you’re requesting in terms of trying to “balance”, which I put in quotations because that’s subjective, is essentially what I’ve been preaching this whole time about why Mage Tower shouldn’t come back. You are essentially partaking in content that was designed for Legion Class design and attempting to merge Legion Legendaries with SL class design. Which if the goal is the neuter the fight, that has a great chance in doing so.

There were people who were pushing back against the Mage Tower being closed and said “we shouldn’t be removing content”. While at the same time saying that it should still be “challenging”. Well, this is what we get. Imo, should’ve done a new challenge for SL classes.

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but legion leggos only

Hence why I said EASIER. You said that should just mean hand it over, when no it doesn’t. Regardless of their damage, if they don’t pay attention they could get wrecked. Kruul I know for a FACT has other mechanics like the launch, twisted reflection, annihilation, all that require paying attention to him and DBM. Damage was just what made you have to pay attention longer.

Also gonna address a fundamental issue you seem to have misunderstood. OP said Legendaries active, NOTHING about the covenant features…

Would be cool to see Blizzard do that, but I doubt theyd put in the effort to make them functional again and make the content work with them.

When did I say anything about covenant legendaries?
Also the kruul challenge for guardian druids can be reduced down to around a minute already with what we have. Imagine having legendaries on top of that the challenge goes from on average of a 4 minute fight to much closer to a 2 minute that’s a massive difference for that challenge.
Think about legacy of the sleeper, can’t be cced for 30 seconds, percentage damage increase and leech. MASSIVE difference in difficulty.
Someone could probably end up doing that fight in 30 seconds at that point.
The challenge of these is time and dmg thresholds, if you can shorten the length of time you have too play the challenge it gets significantly easier.
Legendaries would make it not even a challenge anymore.

These challenges are tuned around not having legendaries. Having them now would make this brutally easy. It really defeats the point of putting challenges in the game if they immediately make them push overs. The best thing you can do is keep pulling. Every 10-20 pulls or so you’ll see the boss hp go lower and lower

If he means Legion legendaries I’m in agreement. We had them then and it was fun and fair prior to Antorus overgearing/Artifact overload.

The Tower was tuned around the Legendaries.

If he means current Legendaries and Covenants, I disagree.


There is no problem with mage tower dude, go play minecraft

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You take this game and forum entirely too serious if you are worried about a “misgender” on your forum avatar, which is a character you say you don’t even play since you claim you play on EU servers instead of US servers anyway.


ya Pawzer loves to derail and insult. Can never think of anything more clever than “sHoW lOgS Or iT dIdN’T haPPen”

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because welfare rewards for every aspect of the game aren’t a good thing. Just let good pve players have something unique. Casual players get almost everything else for free during the next x pac

This probably would have been the best option. Takes out the absolute cheese tactics and accusations of “no skill, just gear” however bad players would lose it on here when they have no way of increasing their odds