A Resolution for Teldrassil

Not all Night Elf fans hold that position, to be fair.



I didn’t mean all of them. There are some on this forum I do respect. I did go back and edited it so it now reads certain NE fans :gift_heart:


I’d definitely say a majority

Based on what canon source?


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Based on Tyrande’s statement in Elegy and the fact that Teldrassil was the Night Elves’ population center.

So, no actual numbers. Ok.



This isn’t a Horde thread, Micah, if you want to talk about Horde issues, go to one of those.

@ Ethriel

I’m going to share this regarding the proportion of evacuees - Elegy left a lot of wiggle room, and I suggest that we use it.


That being said, the presentation of course makes it appear as though it’s a tragedy, and the focus is definitely on the loss of life, and to the explicit exclusion of the losses that other races took during BFA. It’s so bad that even Gantrithor felt the need to amend my statement to suggest that it means that Blizzard hates Night Elves. So we’re back to where we usually are: the text says one thing, and the presentation says another.

This is one element that I do feel is missing from your suggestion, because if I am going to imagine the most uncharitable thing Blizzard could do - something they have done - they could satisfy #1 in their minds with a tweet - but it wouldn’t resolve anything about how the race was presented, and how that presentation left their fans feeling.

Regarding points 1 & 5, I feel those are linked. Regardless of the other factors involved, the Horde was put in a clear position of dominance over our playable race that Darkshore failed to resolve, and with the possibility that they’re headed for a Sylvanas redemption, we can’t necessarily stake the resolution on her death - which I argue wouldn’t do much anyway because it wouldn’t affect where we stand in the rivalry. I agree with you that a hitback should be limited, shouldn’t involve burning Horde settlements in their core territories (i.e. Azshara, Barrens, Durotar), but returning to my earlier point: this absolutely can’t be something that they hide in a book again. It needs to be obvious and clear - and yes, they do need to spend some money on it. If they were willing to do that for the War of the Thorns, they should be willing to FIX the War of the Thorns.

I’ll end on point 2 - I used to think that the loss of Teldrassil as a zone wasn’t a big deal, and I’m increasingly changing my mind on that. Having a connected, capital city with certain amenities in Kalimdor served as a great anchor for the playable race and for the Alliance’s presence in Kalimdor. There are several proposals on deck, and while I have my own preferences, I’m going to stake out the position that it and the Forsaken capital rebuild should contain all of the amenities and accessibility of a capital city. I also believe that the amenities available only in Stormwind in Orgrimmar (which in my view artificially crowds these cities and by so doing takes from others) should either be spread out among the faction capitals, or given to each of the faction capitals.

Such might clash with Ion’s pruning proclivities, but I think that his was the wrong approach to take anyway.

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Well she can kill Nathanos on the maw and he’ll be done for( if he isn’t being tortured already) and honestly more surprised to hear you’re ok with a redemption for Sylvanas.

In any case I think this resolution is ok as it doesn’t involve the Horde and if reconstruction becomes the bread and butter of WoW, I’m all in

I’m not really happy about it, but it’s what’s seemingly happening. If she does something good in her last few moments then so be it, but her actions shouldn’t be entirely justified and she should still be brought to justice.

Redemption doesn’t mean that all of one’s crimes are suddenly forgotten and forgiven.

She should still be sent to the maw for unjustly sending thousands if not millions there. Could she become the jailer? After getting killed, sure. Should she return to Azeroth and the Horde as if nothing happened? No.



Get over yourself. It was a response to her ridiculous claim

Which part was ridiculous?

Was it this?

I’d like to say that I know that there are many other races that need to be rebuilt after BfA and other expansions, and they definitely should be (including forsaken).

Or this?

I’m not asking for a Horde city to be destroyed, or for Horde zones to be taken. I know Horde players didn’t have control over the burning of Teldrassil and they shouldn’t be punished for it.

Remember, this does not mean there will be a minority of the Night Elf population.
There was no information about how much of the evacuees were the Worgen? I am asking this question for the third time, and it seems that the last time I was told that there is no exact data.

Elegy clarifies that the Worgen were evacuated first. That being said, there were some isolated incidents of some worgen being there after the Worgen should have all been evacuated - one being Mia Greymane, who went back to help with the evacuation and was recovered, and a meme character.

But still there is a chance that most of Stormwind was scored by the Worgen?

I mean, I don’t think so, and I’m not sure what the objective of this arguementation is.

Teldrassil was horrible, I see no reason to fight to establish that it was MORE horrible, especially when again, we have plenty of wiggle room to advocate for clarification that while tragic, the impact was not large enough to affect the race’s long term prospects on a population basis.

Edit: Let’s consider two events that were considered to be significant, outrageous attacks that ended in what was considered to be a great loss of life: Pearl Harbor and 9/11. These had death counts of under 2,500 and roughly 3,000, respectively. Nevertheless, these attacks were national rallying cries. Teldrassil needn’t be different.

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You just said yourself that we don’t have numbers :woman_shrugging:

I’m basing my statements on the fact that “far too few” Night Elves were left and that not only Teldrassil was wiped out, but Ashenvale and Darkshore too.

Eh I feel like this specific poster is just a forum troll. Whenever I see their posts the only thing they do is make up bad things about Night Elf players and then complain about said made up things, asking why Night Elf players are like this.

Said poster was also one of those that said that Night Elf players will never be happy and are asking for way too much, but oddly enough they haven’t mentioned anything about my suggestions yet despite being in this thread.

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It was this one, that of course you conviently didn’t post. Nice try, I see through your BS

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  • I don’t like when I’m called out on the BS crazy things I say, therefor they must be a troll

God, get over yourself

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In fact, Blizzard should create a new canon number for the sheer AMGishness of the uncountable Night Elves who somehow existed on that tree.

Maybe “AMGillions!”

“AMGillions of Night Elves were lost that day” - Tyrande

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