A reminder you can BG 1-119 W/O twinks now

Twinks aren’t playing against each other. They don’t get queues anymore.

I have no idea where that troll was coming from. That thread should be locked. The claim he is making is a lie.

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See that’s too far… they should get to play against each other.

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I heard they changed the login screen for new players to say…

“Welcome to World of Warcraft where it is frowned upon if you gear up to compete in pvp!”


The good ol twink days, when queues may pop within 5 to 6 hours.

I just don’t think twinks was a good thing in bgs. It was like walking into a dungeon with a twink and then they could one shot bosses your level. You do nothing but get the occasional shot in and loot everything. You still died all the time too anyways.

Then the next dungeon you get no twink but the boss was twinked 15 extra levels and you didn’t stand a chance.

Funny from what I saw it was levelers being toxic I had 1 guy who was leveling throwing a game cuz we had a twink druid on our team

No. One twink in a bg didn’t carry it. People keep complaining about “a twink” when the problem clearly was twink premades.

In the absence of premades, your team was as likely to get a solo queued twink as their team. I know this because I always solo queued as a twink.

Premades are still an issue. The wave of whining about twinks continues but hasn’t solved that problem at all.

Saw that a few times. But most players appreciated having a twink on their side.

Yes I’ve seen this before. Person taking the flag and not helping the team. It’s not good either way.

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I dunno guys, now I see I’m attacking a group of players and that wasn’t my intent. People should get to play as they want but it needs to be a little more balanced because it did feel out of hand. I’m sorry it did. It sucked and was frustrating as a person just looking to level through battlegrounds because they are fun.

Its just like the last few low bgs I’ve been in were fun and closer games than usual. I actually was helping the team without going out of my way to make myself extra geared beyond heirlooms. Maybe it was luck or something but it hasn’t been a bad thing. Is it balanced? Nah not at all. But still a little better when I went in as a dps.

I’m sure there will still be lopsided games. Lol

Do you ever get tired of being a dumpster of negativity?

See you in a couple of years, then.

Except I’m not?

I am one of the least negative people you could ever meet. I have a rewarding career, an wonderful wife, two honor roll kids, and a house bigger than I know what to do with.

If you think I’m negative or upset about anything dealing with a children’s video game then you’re crazy.

I’m confused man, how many threads were created by these “Screaming and Crying” players you seem to have some inside knowledge about?

I am pretty sure, and I guess if I wasn’t so damn lazy I could dig around on the forums and find thread after thread of players who twink complaining about some super injustice giving them the ole “In, Out” business the wrong way.

Tons. There has been a constant influx of these crying threads. Not sure how you can miss them.

Then the next step can be we all have the same spells and abilities. Won’t that be great?

Your basement sounds nice.


I actually do have a basement. You’re welcome to live in it when you need a place to go.

Yeah, those numbers, your A$$ apparently. Jesus, dude it’s like a wall and I’m holding a conversation with it.

I didn’t see many threads at all until recently of non twinks apparently informing others that the bg’s are open for play now.

But, sweet Christ the number of threads I read of the rare injustice being committed by the Developers were flooding the forums last week.

I am pretty sure I could dig around more, but man why bother the crap is tired and stupid at this point.

The brackets were separated for a reason, experience off should never have been put back in with the experience on crowed.
It has been fixed.

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They should make a new PvP Brawlers Guild thing or something where people can queue in at an stage and fight each other, of each faction and different level brackets to get special stuff for winning. Like that Tanaris fighting cage but for people.

Like maybe you could be any level and choose what bracket you want to duel at and have it convert your stats and abilities and you can make sets to toggle between for different levels. Like transmog sets but for using as actual gear in a fight.

Something fun and a little different we could strive for, for different levels of competition. That way twinking could still be a thing, but you could still level and play your character at max too.

I dunno trying to think of something new for fun.

Until Dwayne Johnson kicks me out, I’m good thanks.