A reminder you can BG 1-119 W/O twinks now

A lot of titles here but I don’t think I’ve seen people cut to the story rather than the QQ

Twinks (xp off people) have their own queues now, XP on (people leveling) will be only placed into that queue.

That means you can now do BGs whilst leveling with out twinks

I for one am going to reroll something and level up from BGs. 10-120


Wonder what you guys will scream and cry about next? lol


Probably racials or map imbalance.


I hope they remove racials tomorrow personally, at least from instanced PvP

You think you’d be better at PvP if that were the case?

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No, I think we would never have to play the game of dominate racial ever again and don’t have to watch half the population faction change to get the edge


If you were worried about that part you’d be playing Alliance right now to help even out the imbalance.

Nobody is screaming, bgs were not fun when there was no chance. Even though I leveled through bgs a few times before and didn’t say anything that didn’t change the fact it wasn’t fun. Lol

It was always the twinks screaming about people who were not twinks in the bgs actually.


You must be new to the forum if you think people weren’t here screaming and crying about it. Next you guys will be screaming and crying about non-twinks killing you.


More pruning in PVP? What could go wrong?


I never leveled in bgs before now, but I am doing it on this toon and having a good time with it. Except that she gets trained 90% of the time, lol.


I’m in general most of the time, not too much complaining about it here. Maybe in pvp forums? If there was complaining and that is what changed it then good.

It wasn’t a good time unless you were the one who was stomping everybody.


if I cared more I’d make a post screaming and crying about the enchants you have while going into a bg, that gives you an upper hand on the other players.

Why would anybody want to spend thousands of gold on a level 19 character they are just looking to level up? So they can do just okay in a low level battleground? Lol this is why it’s better to have twinks play against each other. It’s probably more fun than two shotting other people anyways.

Or is it? Probably not.

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Fun detected, shut it down.

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Yay, the most inefficient way to level just got “buffed” because of l2p issues…

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The whole game is based around gearing. If you deny that then you deny the truth.

Not anymore. As we can see with all the welfare gear that gets thrown around Blizzard doesn’t want people who don’t want to actually do stuff in the game to be left out. Everyone gets a handout.

It’s really sad.

Yes it is, but we are talking about stopping exp gains to spend time obtaining the best gear to battleground at low levels. The battlegrounds pretty much depend on if you were lucky enough to get more twinks in your group than the other team. If you weren’t lucky you were better off just leaving.

It’s like not letting you queue for heroic dungeons if your gear level isn’t high enough, it’s fair to the rest of the group and to you to play at your level. Don’t you think?

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Oh, Twinks are still around, especially 10-29