A reminder you can BG 1-119 W/O twinks now

That’s not your mom’s name. Stop pretending.

If you want to level BGs as a Horde…you will probably have fun. you might lose a couple, but for the most part you will still dominate.

if you want to level BGs as Alliance…the chances of having fun are minimal, still. Horde dominates BGs. but fear not: AV seems to be the Alliance preferred BG as they win that one more often than not. Wintergrasp? … no… I logged on to my Horde toon just so i could see what it felt like to win that one. i think it took about 15 minutes.

i dont understand why alliance is so bad at PvP. i am not great, but i will try my hardest in every match and its demoralizing to lose nearly every match youre involved.

I thought we were making up our dream homes?

Couldn’t be happier. Good riddance.

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there is just so many different ways to level that BGs, as someone pointed out, are just inefficient. they do help, though, in getting upgrades to gear to help you out.

You can. The moment you stop dreaming is the moment you die on the inside. Keep shooting high and never give up trying in life. You’ll get there one day, bud.

I read the forums daily, I have not seen the plethora of threads you speak of either. Over exaggerating to fit your bias opinion much?