The stigma against twinking never warranted this

A player with enchanted looms will absolutely massacre anyone without looms (seriously without looms you generally won’t even have helm/shoulder/ring items available through questing at 19 for example), and is at a significant advantage over anyone who doesn’t bother with enchants. A rogue with dual elemental force enchants will slay a rogue with out them, all other things equal. I’ve seen so many accusations of “this guy is obviously twining” in low level bgs, and like 8/10 it’s just someone decked out with enchants that’s playing a class that’s broken at low levels.

I keep bringing up looms because I keep seeing this “but new players” argument and nobody seems to mind slaughtering new players with their looms or thinks it’s unfair in the slightest. But if they in turn get slaughtered by a twink, oh mah lawd… to the forums! The hypocrisy of it all is astounding.