A Plea: Make MCP a unique item


I was actually a little worried about this. The last time we saw a decent amount of communication between Blizzard and the Forums was Ghostcrawler, and the descent into Retail, as we know it.

A company that is independent of Blizzard and not related to them banning bots in the game they are in charge of running. We still don’t know how many bots that is compared to the actual population or what impact it actually has.

I have no idea if Blizzard is making a lot of money off bots. I don’t care if they are. What I do care about is how much effort they’re putting into the game. They’re almost completely secretive about their moderation, and so we have no idea how much they’re actually doing to ban bots. We have seen some recent reports that they’ve closed a good number of accounts - which is good - but we also don’t know how much of an impact that has overall or if they could do more.

What I do know is that I went to Strat yesterday and the entire instance was filled with bots. Again.

Which is why in that very thread I praised Blizzard and was happy they were finally being more open about it. Obviously I had more criticisms, but that was to do with other parts. It’s a very good thing when Blizzard is willing to be more transparent with us - the players - and I want more communication and transparency with them. I want to know if they’re willing to put enough resources into the game to fix a problem or not.

Okay. Except the number was already posted by the time you said anything. And I never claimed to know the exact numbers, just that everything we know is that it is a major contribution.

What you mean the second best caster DPS in the game behind fire mages?

That statement is completely wrong Feral DPS is completely competitive without an MCP instead of doing 800-900 damage on Ebonroc/Firemaw ill ‘only do 600-800 instead’

Right, but noticeably behind until a certain point in late-game that require a Shadow Priest to do that damage, whereas ironically Mages require a Warlock to do that damage. I play it because I enjoy it outside of raiding and I like the utility I can bring for the raid.

I will definitely say though my numbers aren’t anything impressive. I average blue to purple parses, and I’m fine with that. I don’t flask and I don’t have the best gear - though that’s getting fixed other than this blasted old green wand - and I’m playing as SM/Ruin, rather than the best DS/Ruin. I’m not a dedicated raider and am a casual player though, so that’s my argument for why I’m not min/maxing.

That’s… a huge difference though.

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Since the playerbase obviously supports bots with their money, one way to compete with them would be to develop them, and develop better versions of them. This could be done by buying out the best competition, as one potential strategy, then adding this automation to the game.

They’re not independent of Blizzard. Blizzard is partners with NetEase in China. They’re co-developing Diablo: Immortal.

NetEase can’t do whatever they want with WoW in China. Even the models they use to replace skeletons and other culturally frowned upon images are in the NA client on both Classic and Retail. They don’t have their own store mounts, they don’t have anything that Blizzard doesn’t agree to.

What do you mean when you say, “competitive?”

11:52 PM 6/30/2020
I don’t know why druids obsess over this so much. You DO NOT NEED this mace.

[This post is being unnecessarily censored by Blizzard until July 2nd.]

No, it isn’t.

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They could, but I don’t think it’s appropriate. It’s essentially Blizzard endorsed and sponsored cheating.

Completely independent in the same way Activision and Blizzard are in terms of WoW development then.

I’d certainly like regular updates like NetEase does though for bot moderation.

Yea but its still competitive with the majority of raids, the only raid you’re going to find a MCPless feral who still tries to do damage via wbuffs and consumes being at like Ret level dps is comparison to everyone else is in a Fury Warrior guild.

Like legalizing Crack or Heroine? Yeah, I don’t have a strong opinion here to offer. But, I don’t think it’s an easy problem to solve.

True, and I don’t think Feral as a powershifter will do Ret DPS even without min/maxing. Ret just doesn’t do a lot of damage yet. My argument for bringing Feral - outside of pretty good damage when played right - is their utility, which for the most part can’t be brought by a Resto Druid. They can be emergency offtanks, and we have a few bear druids that tank in one of our raids weekly too.

I don’t subscribe to forcing people to play what they don’t like, I just expect them to do what they can if they want a raid spot. Excluding being brought to farm content though, as I’ve said I’m SM/Ruin (not DS/Ruin, a 5% difference in damage on single target if I can’t Corruption), and don’t flask.

I disagree with that being on par. Drugs shouldn’t be treated the way they are in the US, but legalized to a point - heavily regulated of course - and all the money that went into the war on drugs should be put into rehabilitation and trying to solve the cause of people doing said drugs.

So… extremely low?

Ret DPS is low but no as low as people meme tbh. Looking at the average DPS of a lot of the people in this thread they can’t really trash on ret pally dps.

https:// imgur. com/a/Bfc6RPJ Again not astounding but not like bottom barrel like so many people cry about.

Sure! And in my personal opinion, I would never care to be in a raid group that would discriminate against a Ret pally. However, I’m also not going to pretend that it is a decent spec for raiding paladins, nor that it has decent DPS.

I’ve seen some posts that say something about, “Until AQ or until Naxx,” so I’m interested as to whether Ret gets better later, but I wouldn’t feel co[quote=“Vrakthris, post:7, topic:24487”]
Activision has zero to do with the development of Blizzard games.

Activision Blizzard isn’t two separate companies. It’s one company.

Also, Pitfall was hands down the best game ever made. Thank you Activision for bringing us this amazing game.

Thats good atleast. I feel that the content is easy enough for us so that bringing something like a Ret pally which while giving mediocre dps still has nice QoL stuff like keeping up judgements especially on fights like Vael.

From what experienced players tell, no. But Judgement of wisdom/light is legitmately important for a lot of players and their classes so they help take GCDs off of holy pallies whilst still outputting okay damage.

I feel like consistently showing up and being able to perform and/or learn mechanics is more important than almost anything else.

Oh, and generally getting along with the rest of your raid group helps, too.

Of course, it depends on the guild and raid group. If you join a min/max speedrun group and expect to not have to care about world buffs, consumes, etc. then that’s on you, imo.

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I out-DPS that casually playing a subpar spec. Ret isn’t brought for their damage. They have no unique utility in vanilla, which hurts them overall.