A message to AOE Mages

It’s not that way on Dreamscythe. Sorry, but PvPers aren’t the best class of people.

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For a good time just stun or fear or otherwise CC one or more of the mobs in their aoe pack.

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I’m an RPPVPer stuck on a normal PVP server.
If they released a regular PVE-RP server I’d honestly re-roll despite the ruleset and then just flag at level 1.

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I think they should just force layer all mages to the same layer, then they can fight each other for tags while everyone else is free to actually play.

Regular mages questing would would get grouped in, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. (This is mostly a joke, but I’d still like this solution as a non-mage player)


Yeah, like right on top of you all at the same time. It’s great.

So what’s the difference between griefing and someone who just doesn’t know what they are doing. Does that person get suspended too? I’ve seen plenty of “friendly” players almost kill me off by accident.

Do I need to add you to the ever growing list of evidence of report abuse for the wrong reasons?

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Do I need to add you to the list of fans who wants an autograph written with my calligraphy set on parchment paper from 1876 with a hot wax Crudlord insignia?

People see something they dont like they report.

Its crazy how abusive the new reporting system works… Only time a human support rep comes into play is after 5 tickets and even then they dont help, they also WARN you to stop making tickets or your account will get terminated.




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I mean AoE mob tagging is not against any ToS is it?

Saying you don’t like someone doing something and saying that person cannot do something are two very different things.


If you read the CoC which I linked above.
Actions taken regarding gameplay are based upon reports from the community.

If you don’t report them they won’t get in trouble.

Or if you do report them and you are actually wrong (not you personally), they will still have repercussions due to the report. This is why the reporting system needs an overhaul.

This isnt true.

I get told “reported” all the time and nothing ever happens.

I yell at people everyday.

I had a guy fighting Stinglasher and when I invited him to my group he didnt accept and continued killing him.

After he said “snooze you lose” so I hit capslock and yelled at him.

He said “reported” like a nerd.

After I saw him get killed by ally and I danced on his corpse.

He said “enjoy the ban”

I am enjoying the ban.

I got a week silence for telling a cheater(gold buyer) to shut up, but with swearing in an acronym.

No you didnt.

I didn’t?
https ://imgur.com/CLKytCO

Cuz youve been silenced/banned before.

Repeat offender gets it easier.

I have never had either so Im good.

Nope, first offense in 20 years.

Here’s the CSR telling me about it.

Retaliation reporting is a thing.

If you want to test it go to The Barrens or STV on Nightslayer and start talking about how gold buying and botting are bad for the game and then when a cheater pipes up tell them to shut up, but with swearing in an acronym.

See what happens.

I got baited into it by a bad actor.

I see a lot of babies in that thread.

People I would yell at in game.