Oh, you shoulda seen it last night before the moderators deleted all the posts yelling at me for GQuitting a guild because someone admitted to cheating(Buying Gold).
People getting mad that I inferred that the only reason to get upset that I gquit a guild with a cheater and that I’m advocating that we ostracise cheaters is because they are likely a cheater.
You quit a guild because someone bought gold?
That’s incredibly strange.
I don’t play with cheaters and the GM/Officers wouldn’t kick him.
All you need to do is tell them to buy your mount and you wont report them.
I would then be a cheater and risking potential account action.
as I already said:
I don’t play with cheaters.
This isn’t a WoW specific stance.
I don’t play with cheaters on any game.
Youre so worried about everything.
It’s a game dude relax.
What’s your character name? I’ll mail you some illegal gold.
Cheaters are a cancer on gaming as a whole.
They infest and take over every game until all that’s left are the cheaters.
please show me an example that does not involve famous streamers
I wouldnt call it cheating.
More like a faux pas.
Sad facts, I have seen several really fun games destroyed by cheating. The only solution that works to defeat cheating in games are perma bans with zero chance of recovery.
It’s not really cheating in a sense.
I mean, I could have a guildmate send me 200g and either way my pockets are full.
Permabans and hardware bans.
Most cheaters are too dumb to google “How to spoof a MAC Address” let alone know what a MAC Address is.
CPU’s GPU’s have serial numbers also.
So do MOBOs.
Mac addy’s are just the easiest way to Hardware ban someone.
Man, could you imagine getting your entire MOBO banned?
Yup, IMO that would really be wild because people would get real salty about re-buying a game only to find out their entire kit is junked in stock form.