Can you dorks F off from quest mobs?
Seriously, go somewhere else.
You people are the worst.
Can you dorks F off from quest mobs?
Seriously, go somewhere else.
You people are the worst.
Sorry bro i’ll stop
We ain’t got time fo dat.
I like waiting until they have the mobs to around 30% then one shotting them and taking all the tags
Just think of those poor Hillsbrad Farmers family! Just trying to pick some apples so their kids can eat then BOOM ice storm to the face…
I agree, the constant mage AoE farming is out of control
Imagine blowing up 15 peasants in a cornfield.
Shameful. Shame!
I think this has been one of the more annoying things I’ve run into on the fresh servers. I don’t remember it being so bad on original classic release.
I do remember having trouble finding SM groups as a rogue though, since they were all AoE mage groups looking for tanks or more mages. Which hasn’t been the case this time, so maybe they all just came out of the dungeons.
They nerfed the AOE dungeon farming.
I just dont understand why they choose quest mobs.
Like I need items from these mobs and they don’t.
It’s incredibly annoying especially when they have 8 mobs tagged and try to come grab yours.
it definitely wasn’t a bunch of twitch viewers saw their favorite streamer do it and want to copycat now. only explanation i can think of
Cause there’s a lot of them, and they respawn very quickly. Happy to help.
I don’t care.
I am reporting them all for botting.
It wouldn’t be so bad if they groups with you when they did it.
It’s like 50/50 whether or not they accept the Group Invite like a cool normal person instead of a self-serving jerk.
why not if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
If the mage is friendly and you’re playing a DPS with break on damage CC or just CC and a way to drop combat.,.,
Control a single mov in the pull they make holding it back from them so i takes basically no damage.
Watch the mages progress and when he is low health or especially low mana and has already used Nova, Block, and potentially snap also… Release your weapon and watch with glee and excitement as the lil guy does his thing. The more mobs you con do this with the better, example Sap One in the area he is wanding to pull, or just sap one if he is using the mounted method. As he is collecting start your stun lock with careful consideration to do as little damage as possible.
Sap will break organically and you can release both on sap break or make it more interesting to send one and then the other. You can break your own sap with throw and then vanish since he is already on threat table.
As a mage on the PvE server, i don’t even bother AoE grinding because its all camped by now. Just get to 40s and go solo ZF, then Mara. No ZG yet so the upper 50s just kill mobs around plaguelands, that’s my plan.
Just kite mobs into them. One of my favorite things in wow is killing aoe mages.
I feel personally attacked.
Aoe mages don’t exist anymore, only spellcleave.