Mementos [US-Alliance] is recruiting 1 Healer and 3-5 DPS.
Were 10/10H in Castle Nathria (AoTC), currently 9/10H for Sanctum of Domination.
Looking to get back to a 15-man(ish) roster for progression!
Raid Days/ Times: Sunday/ Wednesday, 8-11pm EST (server time)
If interested, please message Voideria, Gnommon, or Kinduff in-game
Hey, I saw you’re reply in my LFG post. Could you drop Bnet tags or Discord names so i can message you guys. It a little hard trying to whisper you from a different server.
Of course! Discord tags for our officers are:
- Frznheart#5755 for Voideria
- Gnomon#9323 for Gnommon
- Kinduff#4348 for Kinduff
Hope to hear from you soon!
Send me a bnet request @ CareFae#1642. interested in joining.
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Our GM said he added you! Talk to you soon! =D
I’m interested as well, add my bnet DrMantisTbog#1964. played disc through CN but looking to play my resto/ele sham for SoD
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He should be adding you shortly as well!
Bumping for 1/10H and 3/10N in our first raid day.
Still looking for heals + DPS for core spots!
(Raiding again tonight if you’d like to try us out!)
Title update because DPS spots are FULL
Just looking for 1 (or 2) healers to fill core spots!
Get in touch with one of our officers in game or via the Discord tags above if interested!
(Also small bump for continuing our trek through normal!) currently 6/10N, next raid night is Sunday- hoping to get a few more down and work on Heroic!
Well from the reviews and stuff, it seems like a good guild with zero drama and none of that elitist crap, which is good. I am 6/10N but love raiding and pushing keys so if you have room for a saucy Irish hunter lass, please let me know
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Quick bump- still looking for people for casual heroic progression!
Please hit up one of the officers on Discord with any questions:
- Frznheart#5755 for Voideria
- Gnomon#9323 for Gnommon
- Kinduff#4348 for Kinduff
Hey guys! Not sure if you’re still looking, but I am coming off of a very long break (I stopped after the first week of heroic Nathria - life got crazy busy).
I am not sure where my gear stands up, but I can offer you a Prot or Ret Pally or a DPS DH if any of those are needed! Here are my armory links
My discord is bananasandwiches#6219
Hey there- definitely still looking! Drop a message to one of our officers above and they’ll tell you more about the raid team (and what you could expect)!
Also bumping for 9/10H and Sylvanas prog on Sunday!