RDPS&Healer Looking For Guild

Hey there, my fiance and I are looking for a raiding guild. We would like to clear the heroic raid for AOTC each tier and are open to mythic progression albeit casually. We are available from 7-11 pm EST most nights, although we do prefer to raid during the week. We are also very interested in M+ and we both enjoy playing alts.
So a little about our experience. We both have cleared each raid tier from Antorus to Castle Nathria with atleast Aotc (some mythic kills sprinkled throughout the tiers). We are currently 10/10 Heroic. We are also both familiar and willing to do m+ for gear while progressing each tier, and doing Keystone Master for the mount moving forward.
We have recently rerolled from Horde, we have seen the error of our ways and want to return to the good side! I have a Fire mage and Elemental Shaman 190+ ready to go, and my fiance has a Holy Paladin and Mistweaver Monk 190+ available as well.
When it comes down to it we are looking for a new wow family and want to make new friends to hopefully do raid and m+ with. If we sound like a good fit please feel free to respond here or message me in game. Our bnets are Gr4b0#1222 or HarleePool#1537

Hi tryin to add you guys so we can chat some more. :+1:

Never received a bnet add Mythk.

We are still looking so please feel free to hit us up Gr4b0#1222 is my bnet. I’m easier to get a hold of, just looking for similar minded and skilled players!

You should have it now sorry… Have you found a home?

Will throw our spam here as well in case you haven’t found a great fit yet =)