A Future Vision of Classic (Original, TBC, and WotLK)

TL;DR Version:
We would have three Classic servers. One each for Original, TBC, and WotLK. Each server would have a PVP and a PVE layer for world encounters. Each character would have its own original name in the Classic group. Players can stay in the version of the game that they love the best, and/or they can choose to progress through them, at their own leisure, with a free transfer to TBC and then WotLK (all future transfers would cost a fee).

This is a vision for an organized and permanent existence of the earliest versions of World of Warcraft, that most players call the Classic Period of the game (pre-Cata). To be clear, we are looking at the Original Vanilla version of the game and the two expansions that came after it, The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King.

After seeing many points of view on this topic over the past year, I think that this plan would please the most players that would like to see TBC and WotLK remain in existence and also enjoy the classic atmosphere of these games.

Please be patient as you read through this, not getting stuck on any one thing so you can see the full picture.

Firstly, for the purposes of having a closer knit family on the Classic servers, there should be only one server of each version of the game. PVP or PVE? I’d like to see both on the same server using “layering” technology. One layer could be reserved for PVP, while the other for PVE when players are out in the world. Cities would not be layered, yet players are still flagged for PVP in cities, if that is their chosen version of the game. This way there is a wider player base for economic and social health, yet players can still play in the world environment that they prefer. If players group with someone that is a pvp player, then the whole group plays in the PVP layer and is flagged for PVP. A player would pick their preferred “layer” when they create each character.

For Classic Era, those current servers would either need to be merged, or a new fresh Era (Original Vanilla ) server would need to be created. If the current servers are merged, a renaming convention would have to be created. Perhaps have a checklist to see which players get to keep duplicate names. Something like this, and if tied, move down the list:

  1. the player with a current subscription gets to keep the name
  2. the player with more time logged into a character keeps the name, or
  3. players that log in first after the merge get to keep their name

For players with the same name on the same account, they would get to choose.

If a fresh server is created, then the old Era servers would have to remain their own entity outside of this plan and success in this endeavor would be at risk. I think the overall better endgame, for the longevity of the classic game genre, would be to have them merged.

Names should also be unique between the three servers. So if your name is “Erick” on the Vanilla/Original WoW server, then no one else can have that name, not even on TBC and the WotLK servers. This way a player is the only player with a given name and it will follow them if they should transfer (see below on transfers). Name changes would still be allowed.

For players that want to progress (or regress), allow for transfers between servers. Each player account should also have one free transfer from Vanilla to TBC, and a second free transfer from TBC to WotLK so players can progress at their leisure and enjoy the entire journey. Perhaps a token or counter for available transfers can be located in the lobby/character screen that players can use. If a player wants to regress, transfer to an earlier version of the game, then there would have to be a mechanic to allow for that. Perhaps the lost XP/or levels/items can be compensated with a boost left on that server? I am sure Blizzard could work out a fair system.

As for gameplay, it seems that the three versions of the world should be left as they are for the most part. That’s why we are here in Classic, because we like the game the way it was. The only realistic suggestion I saw was that Raid bosses should be boosted a little to make them more challenging, which sounds like a fair point.

Possible Paid services (Blizzard needs profits after all):

  • Transfers from version to version (after the free transfers)
  • Transferring a character from being PVP to PVE and vice versa
  • Level boosts on TBC and WotLK servers (6 months after they go live)
  • Gifting people server transfers
  • Name changes, and
  • the normal services we already have.

Players can exist and explore in an environment like this for many years with a great deal of replay value, forging relationships along the way. If Blizzard sets up this system, it would basically run itself and requires minimal upkeep since these are permanent servers and they are not prone to massive updates.

This was a little lengthy, so thank you if you got this far. I don’t necessarily like everything above. It just seems that it would be the most viable situation and compromises usually have to be made.

Failing something like this, I’d even be happy if Blizzard just half-butted this and put up a minimalist single PVP server for TBC and WotLK since PVP seems to have more players (I am usually a PVE player, but I would survive… as long as it isn’t HC :laughing: ).


Amazingly written my friend


How would a player determine whether or not the player they are about to group with is PvP if they don’t desire to be flagged? I don’t like features that force play styles, example; the Dalaran sewer.

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That was what I was about to write. Keep PvE and PvP on their own servers, please. I would be too afraid of PvP flagging to ever group up in such a setup. Or do it the other way around: Only one member of the group is PvE => all group is PvE.

Else I love your vision.


I agree, it’s pretty good.
I think the solution for the PvP/PvE grouping could be solved with the group finder, similar to the one from retail. If you want to group for something like Halaa it would be listed in a PvP section which sets you as flagged. A PvE section would not. I have no issue getting flagged when I feel like participating.


Yes, maybe. I HATE PvP and mostly play some kind of HC, so to die from faulty PvP flagging wouuld make me hopping mad!


The only thing I’d probably change is the progression/regression from different expansions and how that is handled. It seems complicated (maybe not, I’m not a programmer so I have no clue how that’s handled). I’d probably just suggest a clone service (Blizzard could even charge for it). That way you could technically have the same character in three different versions of the game. Get to level 60, leave a copy in Vanilla and clone a copy to TBC. Once you hit 70 leave a copy in TBC and clone a copy to Wrath. That way, any given day, you still can play any version of the game your friends might be playing.

edited to add: and since we know they’ve done this before, it might be easier than regressing characters backwards.


I understand your concerns. I am sure a warning message would be easy to implement so players would be fully aware of the group they are about to enter. Also… (read below)

If the server is layered between PVE and PVP, you should never even see the PVP players outside of a city, and then very unlikely to even group with them. BUT, if you did desire to play with an acquaintance, it would still be possible, unlike separate servers.

The idea of one server is to group as many players with the same interests together. In this case, the version of WoW that we would love best. This would create a greater population for economic activity and social interaction (guilds, raids, dungeons, etc.).

More people on a server would make it easier to find groups for dungeons or when building up a guild for raiding. I am generally a PVE player and would likely roll most of my characters for PVE. I don’t think this would be an issue if implemented as described. You would only even see PVP players in the cities and a warning message when joining a PVP group should be more enough to protect players from accidentally being flagged for PVP.

Thank you both for your time and comments. I hope the above clears things up a little.


please keep servers for each expansion. i miss tbc so much.
also every version of wow is different so it makes sense to keep some.


The idea is that the three versions of the game are all connected with each other, creating an overall larger Classic community, as opposed to three separate independent groups. I believe transferring would give a greater sense of ownership of a character and that each character is unique in this community, including their achievements (not the achievement game mechanic in WotLK, but a character’s progression in levels and items).

Allowing for regression wouldn’t have to be complicated, even from a programming standpoint. The process could be as simple as compensation in levels (boosts) and gold, or maybe even extended game time to a player’s subscription. I am sure a fair system could be figured out.


Thanks for your reply. It is - I think - a case of once bitten, twice shy. I tremember being tricked into PvP flagging more than once over the time, and always killed as a consequence (The worst being a level 37 or so IronMan - OG HC character from 2012). So personally I’d prefer watertight walls between those two … the Anti-PvP player - that’s me :wink:

And I do not see how I would have

if grouping up with PvP players marked me for PvP. Because I would not, and then I’d still only have half (or less :wink: ) the population to group up with.

I’d prefer two distinct realms with linked BGs and AHs. And even some kind of cross-realm dungeon finder.


Even though you wouldn’t see the PVP players out in the world while leveling, gathering, etc., they would still exist for the economy (buying and selling on the Auction House). Socially, you could still group with PVP players to form groups for the purpose of dungeons and building guilds. While you are in an instance, I can’t see how a player would be affected by a PVP flag (unless I am missing something). You can group up at the instance entrance, then jump in. It really shouldn’t be an issue. The layering allows you to exist in a virtual PVE server, but with a greater population for more flexibility.

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Yes. I see and understand what you mean. I would all the time playing be afraid of leaks, and never relax … I don’t think I would play for very long.

PvP flag enduring for 5 minutes after disabling it - how do I get away again - with no RDF and TPs in Era for instance I would have to sit down and wait for the duration of the flag after each dungeon.


I’ll be honest here. If PvP flagging can occur for any reason other from me choosing it, I wouldn’t play. That said, I would hope that current Era servers woldn’t be included in this mix and players could remain there if they choose.

No thank you. You’re trying to mix oil with water here, all for the sake of seeing more players.

Are you planning on this scheme including Hardcore? There are stirct rules on PvP for these servers.

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Leaks don’t matter, if that is even possible, since you will be PVE and you will always be flagged PVE unless you change it manually or manually join a group with a PVP player. For all intents and purposes, it would seem like a PVE server for you with a bunch of PVP flaged players jumping around the cities, which is normal to see on PVE servers currently.

And who says you will need to be flagged for 5 minutes? If exiting a group with a PVP player, you could automatically go back to PVE. That 5 minutes is arbitrary and can be changed or removed.

I can’t imagine that would happen. Why would it? You would always be PVE unless you manually did something to change it or accepted a group invite with a PVP player in it, in which case you would get a warning before accepting the invite.

I don’t see how. Layering is a method where people play on the same server, yet never see each other. I am just adding in the PVE/PVP element. As I said above, if done correctly, you would think you are on a PVE server the entire time and PVP players would think they were on a PVP server the entire time. The only difference would be if you manually joined a group with PVP players in it, which most generally wouldn’t do.

And no, no HC. That is it’s own thing.

if they bring back the era cloning for this, i’d be more than happy to support this idea across all platforms

HC saw us suddenly and unvillingly change layers. I’d really, really go for 2 separate servers with linked auchion houses and BGs.

Blizzard Hear This! Millions of True Fans True Paying Costumers that are happy to do mini micro transactions in Classic era versions of the game. Plus Pay monthly Subscription which is millions of dollars PER MONTH. However Dear Blizzard if you Decide to no Start a TBC and WOTLK ERA server with option to transfer from all 3 ERA servers to progress. Unfortunately your share holders and stocks will drop by significant numbers losing Millions of dollars per month revenue, Because these classic players will stop playing the game and will lose a huge Chunk of player Which CAME BACK since 2018 as re-subs. So Thinking About it Blizzard if the marketing and finance department sees this then it is all in your interested to have( Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK ) ERA SERVERS Running and generating Revenue for the next 10 years at least! Trust me know business know the game know the community and this would be a huge revenue loss for the company and a big Slap in the face for the original real fans that willing to pay monthly all the time.


Yep. I mean… I don’t know how much they’ll lose but they’re losing mine, again. I resubbed for 6 months a little over 5 months ago just to take my time finishing off my bee mount from BoA which is pretty much where I (finally) stopped playing retail. (Hadn’t really enjoyed the game since Wrath…)

With a bit of time left, I decided to finally check out classic and was excited to learn there was a wrath server - less than 2 weeks before it went Cata!

I removed my payment method as a passive-aggressive cancellation and have 9 days left so I’m just piddling around in era, wasting time, waiting for those days to tick down and be done paying again.

If I see a blue post about permanent wrath servers, I’ll resub and drop an annual. Otherwise its farewell to WoW. - Again!


I hear you. And I’d be fine with this if they couldn’t figure out the layer thing. Although, in the outline I gave, even if there were some sort of bleeding through, you would still only be flagged as PVE and untouchable, so it wouldn’t matter.