A full Classic server has a third as few Black Lotus relative to players

It’s really not. I’m tired of everyone cracking jokes about how easy the content is and in the same breath complaining that it’s expensive to get flasks.

Yes with layering turned on, of course they were.

Yep with layering turned on.

But since layers themselves were the size of vanilla realms, when they collapsed realms down to one layer we’re left with realms that are the same size as vanilla realms.

And ultimately doesn’t change the point that it was never intended for everyone to be flasked every raid in vanilla.

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Yea I don’t care about this. This content is not hard enough to waste gold on flasks. we have gear min/maxxed to the point we can kill anything as long as we execute strats correctly. Flasks don’t do anything but increase parse epeen. Those into that can have it.

Yea but there is nothing about decreasing it. Just the removal of layering and queues were only really bad for the over populated realms. So I don’t see how 4x Vanilla pop servers didnt have massive queues too. I was on two different medium pop servers and the queue was not bad after layering was removed. Non existent most times I logged on.
That just doesn’t make sense. if we had Vanilla caps we would have had queues this entire time when layering was removed…

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But they did decrease it, they changed all realms to single layer. That directly impacts the concurrent players logged in.

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For this to remain logically consistant, you must be implying they forcibly removed players from servers when they removed layers.


Nope, they just stuck them in queues :slight_smile:

the capacity is definitely more now, why do you think they had layers?


Doesn’t mean they reduced the cap. Especially since there is nothing saying they did. Only Ion’s wish that they reach Vanilla caps.

How? Let’s say the cap is say 10k and has 4 layers with 2500 in each but reduce to one layer and the cap is still 10k. Unless they reduce the cap. Which we have nothing saying they did and until this lock down we didn’t see queues except on the over packed servers. Grobb has been medium to high for a long time with no queue. That can’t be a Vanilla cap if medium is 4x Vanilla cap.

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But it does, which is why queues suddenly appeared over night when they removed layers.

If a server with 2 layers can support 6000 people, when they remove a layer it can only support 3000. Hence queues.

Only on the full realms though. Medium didn’t have a queue and if medium is 4x Vanilla full realms then medium would have queues if the cap was at Vanilla levels.
Queues came back because the country is in lock down. the full realms have had queues for a long time now.

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But that’s not the case, originally they were using retail metrics to calculate low/medium/high/full etc… which do have higher concurrent login caps, caps which were only being reached because of layering.

That was fixed.

I like the premise of your joke, but your punchline was built on an overly simplistic parody of the situation, so it falls somewhat flat.

They were originally using Vanilla metrics and changed it because caps were increased and layering you mean?


No they were using the same kind of calculations they use for retail which weren’t accurate for classic.

Basically your “medium” realms still had queues and massive populations.

byt NOT changing a single thing

You obviously fail to understand the difference here between population cap and layers, they are not one and the same.

They are when there’s only 1 layer per server.

If anything I’d argue that all resources should probably have been upped to compensate, not just black lotus. Either that or just don’t allow triple the population on the server.

Then again in a lot of ways I don’t really think the server population would impact the availability as much as people would like to believe it would. With enough people being informed on how good that stuff is you don’t need that many people targeting them to make an impact.

If you think about it tripling the server population was changing something.

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