A full Classic server has a third as few Black Lotus relative to players

Screw it just give everyone 100 black lotus in their backpack. Kill the demand and the real money trade’s grip on the market all in one fell swoop.
Game of full of gold buying and selling anyways. Only ones hurting are the ones who didn’t abuse layering, don’t jave a mage, and don’t buy gold.
Crash the market. The game will be better afterwards. See real current events in the real world as an example. Smh. Yea this post is sarcasm for those who can’t tell.

OP is right but we need to take their argument to its logical conclusion. From now on the drop rate of every item outside of instances is tripled to account for the fact that there are three times as many players in the game as there were before. This includes quest items, gold and reputation gains, because it shouldn’t be harder to gain reputation simply because there are more people in the server. Now we can have triple the supply of every single material in the game. To account for this, we are tripling the amount of items that you need in order to activate AQ.

For instances, we will scale drop rates depending on how many people are in the instance. If you choose to run Onyxia with only 20/40, you will only get half as many items as usual, because the population in the instance is halved. This extends to gold, quest items, and reputation gains as well.

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Except realms are the same size they were in vanilla.

Maybe you just played on a low pop realm then and are on a high pop realm now.

False. It’s not only him that it’s concerned about black lotus. Many people are. But what can they really do about it? It’s not something many people will be passionate about, but it is something many would agree could see some changes.

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No they aren’t. They’re much more players per servers on classic than there was in vanilla.

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When did they do this? I know they removed layering but I thought they kept higher pop caps than Vanilla? Did I miss something?

And you have what proof of this? Blizzard said they were aiming for realms the same size as vanilla.

False what? I didn’t say he’s the only one concerned about it.

Yes you missed the part where removing layers lowers the max logged in player cap.

So keep every lotus you can .Start today & save them for Naxx.

You’ll have plenty enought lotus to raid every week full of flasks.

Problem solved.

Lotus were mean to be rare and a luxury, they were even BOP before 1.7, so only usable by alchemists.

I understand why Blizzard removed “rare ressources” now. So much players that can’t stand the fact that the other may have something that they don’t.

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And that should tell you that in vanilla flasks were never intended to be used by everyone in every raid. That is a BC+ mentality that doesn’t work in classic.

There weren’t enough lotus for that in vanilla, the realms are the same size, the lotus count is the same today and shockingly there aren’t enough lotus for it today.

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No. I missed where they said they lowered it to Vanilla caps. My understanding was they removed layering which did lower the caps but they were still much higher than Vanilla’s.
Got a link to this or should I just googlefu it myself?

From an interview with Ion.

Newman: How big is a single layer? What’s the end target you’re shooting for, for each server?

Hazzikostas: Each layer is effectively going to be what a healthy server was at launch in 2004 in terms of the number of people it holds.

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When was that because all I’m finding is stuff about layering, it’s removal and an increase to caps.

My googlefu is sucking today. lol


[quote="Ziryus-doomhammer, post:55, topic:492970"]

This is from Aug 26th? They increased the cap in October.

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Yes they increased the number of layers on some realms. Not the size of the layers.

I have yet to see anywhere that the size of layers was increased, or that after layers were removed the concurrent login cap was increased.

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Blizzard themselves said that classic medium-pop servers were already more populated than the most crowded vanilla servers, so yeah, you’re wrong.


They were removing layering at this time. I can’t find anything about them saying they actually did decrease the cap. Only thing I’ve found is where they increased it. Removed layering and nothing besides Ion saying the goal was Vanilla caps but no indication that ever happened.

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This is what springs to my mind. They never gave a hard number. Just some mumbo jumbo about medium being like 4x Vanilla caps.

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