A full Classic server has a third as few Black Lotus relative to players

I’d prefer they fix the servers so we could have proper massive battles in BRD instead of a lag fest.

All layering does is manage population density. I’ve done this run around maybe hundreds of times now with other misguided people. There is literally 0 literature out there to support your presumption that layers have anything to do with the servers’ maximum population.

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Layering was introduced solely to manage leveling zones, so you didn’t have an entire faction’s worth of a server all in Elwynn Forest all doing the same quests at the same time. The point was to divide the player-base up so people could actually do quests without competing against the entirety of the server at the same time.

It makes zero sense to me that another “layer” would be a doubling of the server size capacity with each zone being a full server’s worth…then layering would have done literally nothing to lower player density in any given zone.

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Layers literally allow more people to be logged in at the same time.

That’s why we suddenly got queues when layering was removed.

Queues were still there when we had layering so your anecdote means very little.

Again, show me the literature. There is none.

Most people at this point tend to link the Ion interview where he almost directly supports my point, and the other person proves they lack reading comprehension and believe that because he said that a layer is the size of a server, that means that 1 server supports 2 servers worth of people.

No. It just means that a layer is an effective population distribution tool because you can split 1 servers worth of people in to two “instances”, and when 1 server worth of people is several times the amount of original vanilla servers, that’s a significant relief to populated realms.


players on overcrowded realms were grouped into different "layers". Each layer is a copy of the outdoor world

Layering is only about managing player density once inside the world. It is the exact same tech as Sharding, and no one thinks Sharding has anything to do with server capacity. All it does is copy a zone and split up the people ALL READY on the server so that any individual zone isn’t over crowded.

If adding another layer doubles the amount of total people on the server, then the goal of layering is completely defeated.

Layers were targetted to have around the same number of players as a healthy vanilla server.

Hence multiple layers means we have more players on the server than what normally would be on a single server. This allowed blizzard to not have to release too many servers at launch.

And while yes there were still queues with layering they were not nearly as bad as they would have been without layering. And servers that hadn’t had queues for weeks suddenly got queues when they turned layers down to 1 layer per server. Why? Because less people were now able to log in concurrently.

Yes it manages population density when there would normally be far more people than what a vanilla server would have. Hence you might have a server with 10000 people logged on but each layer would be the same as a vanilla server.

Do you understand how density works? If you double the size and then double the palyers…density stays exactly the same.

I’ve done this song and dance so many times on Reddit, here, and other places.

It’s mind-blowing how many people cannot comprehend how they’ve misinterpreted how layering works, and refuse to change their beliefs despite no evidence supporting their particular interpretation.

This is honestly on the fault of Blizzard though, as they’ve yet to ever come out and speak plainly about which interpretation is objectively correct, leaving only that original Ion interview which is inherently poorly worded.

Yes that’s the point, they wanted vanilla level density. Doubling the population without layering would double the density. And they wanted to increase the population initially to avoid creating too many servers.

Believe what ever you’re going to believe despite everything shown to be the contrary.

Clearly you’ve forgotten, but Classic’s launch was infamous almost specifically for announcing way too few servers. They were playing catch up, adding new realms, for weeks after the release.

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Shown what exactly? Everything blizzard has said regarding layering was true. Layers were targetted to be around a vanilla server in size. This allowed them to have more people per server initially with multiple layers. This is backed up because when they turned off layering suddenly queues popped up on realms that didn’t have them.

I remember when layering died. I was actually online when our server’s layers went away and the empty room I was in instantly respawned and killed me lol. There were no out-cries of queue times jumping up that day or anytime near that day.

Unless you can show me otherwise, I can only guess that is a fabrication that queue times suddenly jumped.

Anyways, I have all ready wasted too much of my life having things ignored by you. You do you.

I mean if you want to blatantly ignore how layering worked that’s fine. It was specifically added to blizzard could increase pop caps. When it went away pop caps dropped.

Ultimately at this point it’s irrelevant. Layering is gone and servers are back to their pop cap in vanilla. And as it relates to this thread lotus is just as rare as it was in vanilla.

I assume you made up ALL the numbers. I don’t believe ANY of your numbers. How on earth do you know “what was intended” in 2004?

Outdated statement, common sense needs to be used when utilizing 7 month old statements in an argument. Two days later they said a Full pop Vanilla realm would be considered Low by their current standards, would you ever consider playing on a Low pop server today, buddy ol’ pal?

Both of those statements are long outdated, Blizzard doesn’t keep us updated on every single thing. They don’t keep us updated on virtually ANYTHING.

Here’s Arcanite Reaper at 2:00 P.M on a lockdown Saturday:


Medium pop server, 703 people online. Are people really going to keep pretending that Medium means “More populated than any Vanilla server”?

Here’s Stormwind at 2:08 P.M, Saturday. Arcanite Reaper is Alliance dominated, as you can see by my previous screenshot or even by using ironforge.pro:


If you people are honest (doubtful), say with a straight face that you still believe Arcanite Reaper is more populated than any Vanilla server. That Blue post you’re linking is no longer valid, period.

How many Horde are there?