A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

yeah maybe theyll announce fresh servers for you right LMAO

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ohmygosh. lol
i did not just say that. pay attention!
she’s my alt. i think she’s doing well considering she’s holy.
i dont personally want to play on fresh, because i want to retain what i’ve earned already. but i can empathesize with people who want fresh because it makes sense for those who prefer leveling to boosting


Ridiculous. Those t3 geared toons actually did enter TBC in t3 pal. What you’re asking for didn’t exist and thankfully won’t.

I think its crystal clear and no surprise that there is a desire for Fresh realms with the coming of the TBC Classic Expansion. It’s the same as it was originally: many current players were looking forward to continuing their characters, and many others were looking forward to starting a new character on a fresh realm. The reasons for both are all valid, you can’t talk down to either of them.
Both players just love the game and want to play, and they should have the choice of continuing or starting fresh.

Modern day Classic Vanilla does have its ugly side that is a major factor for wanting fresh that wasn’t present in original TBC, this is a fact that shouldn’t be downplayed or ignored. Real money trading for gold is happening, bots are happening, people are purchasing items from each other for 30,000 gold, or have that amount or more stashed away. Some of it could be aquired legitimately, but the truth is plenty of it wasn’t and that dirty gold will cause all kinds of issues in-game for the rest of the playerbase over time.

Primary reasons I want a fresh realm:

  • Going to play Blood Elf, would be nice to not be against people who stockpiled gold/materials and already have Naxx gear.

  • Want to start a guild, meet cool people over time and overcome challenges together. Where no one is having max level chars run them through dungeons.

  • Want to play on PvP server. It will be annoying to see hardly anyone in the world while many used that lvl 58 boost, are protected by their max level friends, and be against those who stockpiled so they already bought everything thats the best, trivializing the experience.

  • Want an economy reset. The stockpiling and dirty gold has an effect on many things, the economy is the most obvious one. I don’t want to see a level 12 green mace being sold for 80 gold. You don’t need examples, we all know how multiple toons with 30,000k gold will break the realms economy and trivialize content.
    It will be fun to see others doing Jewelcrafting and selling what they made for reasonable prices so they can make a profit, as well as all other professions. This whole interaction of crafting and selling feels like the faction is helping each other all throughout.

  • Want people to be trickling into Outland not swarming it like a sudden Zerg infestation was released requiring the use of 100 Layers, which I’m sure will cause slowdown on the whole realm.
    As well as want people to be spread out at all levels, not 97% at 60 and 3% at level 1, over time that will not be a great experience. Once you finally reach 58 you enter Outland and get smashed any time anyone feels bored.

  • It just won’t be fun. It won’t be an adventure leveling up, it will feel like pressure to level up as fast as you can so you can actually play with others, get gear, etc. It won’t feel natural.
    It’s a completely different experience playing on a fresh realm vs starting out level 1 as a Blood Elf on servers with mostly max level characters who stockpiled gold and mats.

We want Fresh TBC realms for basically the same reasons Fresh TBC realms were originally wanted and appreciated. It should be no surprise there is a desire for this, and those servers WILL fill up fast I promise you. IMO one new TBC realm per region won’t be enough for some regions, but they could start with one and if it fills up too much they can open more - just like they originally did when TBC first launched.


You can still play the game the game is here LIVE RIGHT NOW TO PLAY and level, instead you’d rather complain about fresh servers that never happened in tbc that give 0 benefit to the community or blizzard

Yeah because the only thing more authentic then the people who progressed through the portal in t3 were the hundred of boosted characters that followed right along side them.


people had t3 in vanilla it wasnt a lot but they did, fresh servers NEVER HAPPENED EVER.

Please support this.


There were more than 20 new servers within the first two days of TBC…


I remember that required help from others and haste gems.

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not 1-70 you noob LOL

Right, that’s what I said.

And neither did the 100’s of characters who paid for boosts.

Yes read my post its long but there is a TLDR

Get your hunter lobbying out of here, we’re doing serious work here like trying to determine who the real TBC players are in this thread.

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This is really well written and drives on some of the points I couldn’t pull from my brain.

Looking forward to see what Q&A brings!


nicely said!


Fresh servers had 0 benefit and didnt happen. Soooooo

They do not help with the economy because of bots and other players buying gold, they do not give any new content because MOST people have ton classic 1-60 legitly a few times, they add actually 0 to the game

Honestly, i hope they bring fresh servers, it doesnt affect anyone, if you dont like it, just stay in your server full of bots and economy managers with more than 50k gold.


At this point I’m starting to believe your nonsensical replies are really only to help us further discuss why we should get some fresh TBC servers so thank you I guess