A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Yes but a gdkp isnt bad because we dont know where the gold is from LMAO the logic of that is awful

How can you not see how untrue this is.

If that were the case we would quite literally just buy the boost.


They’re really bored and want to attack people for little reason.

That’s about it.


you dont play the game long enough to even get the content, you guys are level 30s bro blizzard isnt making servers for people who quit in 2 weeks

hahaha. oh man. too logical.

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Because you probably dont wanna buy the boosts, Im not advocating for dumb crap So I couldnt tell you LMAO

You know its entirely possible that these people are posting on alts

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Even if, fresh servers solve nothing, absolutely pointless. The rogue isnt a alt 100%

eek help me, i cant level. so instead of boosting i’m gonna level cause i cant level. it makes sense. lol


This person doesn’t care and has nothing better to do.

My name is Drew Lu’er, merchant and entrepreneur at your service. May I interest you in [A Parrot Skeleton]? Very quiet, doesn’t eat much, a very good deal!

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you’re 46 lol it would make sense you would rather wait for the boost than actually level

:rofl::rofl: the dudes obviously trolling.

There’s no way the dude posting on an alt doesn’t know he’s not the only one posting on an alt.

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If that’s not a cry for attention I don’t know what is.

Okay now show yours :slight_smile:

why , if i want fresh, would i want the boost?

/queue jeopardy music

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sorry the new character couldnt post anymore lmfao wheres your 60?

You cant level to 60 because you’re holy and it takes too long you just said that

Btw im waiting, what does fresh give ANYONE? Please Im waiting


Blizzcon is starting soon! :tada: