Blizz let hunters tame GTSG

TLDR: TBC Hunters after weeks of preparation, coordination and commitment could tame a blue ghostly looking wolf. GTSG became one of the OG “clever use of game mechanics” that was hit with the ninja nerf bat weeks later. This was after the devs said it would “remain tamable”. If you want to see what it looked like head over to Petopia for all your hunter pet information needs.

For those of you who were not there. GTSG is the Grim Totem Spirit Guide that was summoned by the Grim Totem Shaman in the revamped Dusthallow Marsh zone. It looked like the wolves in Shadowfang Keep. For a short time it was marked as a beast and tamable. The spawn would vanish after 8 seconds. Tame beast was a 20 something second cast.

Industrious hunters decided to find a way to cut the cast time of tame beast down enough to tame this unique (more on this later) pet. In the end it required specing Marks to spam TSA, stacking haste gear, staking haste enchants, socketing haste gems, eating haste foods, getting a specific meta gem, finding a Priest to MC the NPC, getting a Shaman for BL, a Leather Worker for Drums and if you played on a PvP server as many friends as needed to secure the area. That was all before you had to coordinate the MC to time it with your meta gem proc off of TSA spam.

The original “challenge tame” that was added to WoW in later expansions.

As far as I am aware I was the first Ally hunter on Illidan to tame GTSG. It will forever be the greatest personal achievement in a game. It was also the most fun because it involved so many other people and so much risk. Many people in an MMO coming together to achieve something in game… what a concept.

I could pull up the original post but I am being lazy right now. Basically the devs said that while “unintended” the taming of a GTSG was a “clever use of game mechanics” and that they did not intend to remove it from the game.

Then comes the ninja nerf. Two weeks after that saying it would remain the GTSG was removed and replaced with an untamable version. A true slap in the face. The reasoning that was offered up after a legion of angry hunters hit the forums was that the wolf did not “fit the hunter pet style” because it was ghostly.

Many of us found it odd because throughout the lifespan of Vanilla there were multiple unique ghostly pets that hunters could tame. Most famously the Ghost Saber an invisible spirit or ghostly looking spotted white cheetah that was also a spawn. There were even see-through pets in the Outlands that hunters could tame. The Angered Arakkoa Protector comes to mind. It was also summoned by an NPC when it was near death. It was also blue, and it was also transparent. It was never made untamable because it did not “look like a pet a hunter would tame” in fact you can go tame it on live servers right now. The same is not true for GTSG. The same goes for all the other old school see-through pets. To add insult to injury years later a Rare Spawn Exotic pet was added to the game that used the exact same model as GTSG. Many more see-through pets have been added since.

I want the Classic TBC experience. I want to gather a team of friends to help me once again complete one of the most epic tames this game has ever (though unintended) allowed us to do. It was a higher challenge and more rewarding than any of the challenge tames that officially came later.

FYI it was like level 25 when tamed and I had to be level it up all the way to 70… no pet level matching back then. So that took a long time too. While I was not the first to tame I was for sure the first to level GTSG up all the way up.


I was overly proud of my ghostly Hydra in WotLK before they made it untameable. I loved that ghost hydra, it helped me get the Swift Razzashi Raptor, too! Always loved pets like this. So I’m all for this.


While I also wish to tame the slime (I missed it in Wrath) that situation was not exactly the same. All of them were flagged as Crocs and at no point did Blizz support the taming of this quest spawn. It was identified as not intended and a timeframe was given for the removal of the tameability. I did not get my rep up fast enough to unlock that daily quest.

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Hunters Get onboard with this!


So, as someone who played a priest back in BC, and a hunter in Classic, and plans to play hunter in BC: oh hell no.

All I remember was the absolute torture of sitting there for hours mind controlling a mob and getting yelled at when the hunter botched their timing — again.

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You’re it shouldn’t be possible because you had a bad experience doing something completely optional.

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I remember everyone I was there with. While it was at time frustrating and we did have to find a new Shami to help out. Everyone involved had a good time and they all celebrated my tame.

Then they made me DPS any dungeons they were running because they knew my wolf needed XP. I was on call DPS for weeks.

The raiders in my guild or top guilds in the server didn’t use it. I guess you want because it look cooler?

Whatever. I just say it is not worth the trouble, but certainly this is a needle in the haystack of everything they have to go through to get the game released, and honestly, I don’t think it will be done at all.

I used it because I was already the Srv hunter with poop DPS in comparison to the Ravager BM Hunters. Howl in the Melee group isnt bad its not bad in the Hunter group either.

But yes, there are plenty of hunters out there that just want to tame unique looking pets.

I remember getting the worgen wolf in wotlk and then the hot fix, I was passed after going through the trouble of even getting that pet just for a semi rare skin.

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Doesn’t matter, you’ll be using a scorpid.

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Well that tame was not the same. It was done using the “Griff Tame” method and was an exploit caused by bugging game with a macro and logging out. Not exactly the same.

Yes I did it. And I still have my jet black oil stained wolf among others. But something like that should not be allowed again.

I did it without using any macros or logging trick.

You get the beast right above its percentage hp before it changed forms then put a dot on it and casted tame beast.

There was no macro or logging trick. It was a quest mob though, so once you finished the quest it couldn’t be done anymore unless you got someone else doing the quest to do it for you and you tamed it then.

It was the worg beast that would change into a worgen humanoid at like 50% hp and then you finish casting tame beast within a few seconds of it changing from beast to humanoid. And you had a wolf pet with the worgen model.

Was fun playing with that until they force fixed it (including already tamed ones) near cata prepatch.

Maybe the macro you are referring to made it easier but I didn’t use a macro to tame mine, nor any logging tricks.


After it was tamed it vanished and you had to log out and back in before you could summon it. It was also very bugged (at least that is how I remember it) because it was not a pet that was supposed to be tamed. I know that it might seem hypocritical to say that tame was not OK. But the reality was that it wasn’t. You cannot have Hunters running around with tamed Worgen especially since they became a playable race later on.

There was nothing wrong with GTSG after it was tamed. It was just a wolf. Even the Spirits from WotLK were all tagged as Crocs. One could argue that was not acceptable either though they were not in any way bugged other than in appearance.

The worgen wolf? no it wasn’t. The wolf transforms and if you freeze trap it at the right time it tames as a worgen.

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It would be cool, But from a min/max perspective ravagers are better dps until 30% crit. Then it’s slightly better to switch to a wind sperp

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I think they should have this GTSG option again. I have a feeling like they will not, just like they didn’t put the unarmored mounts back in Classic for a few weeks.

It’s one of those fun quirky things to do. You capture a pet and it requires doing all these things. I never got that wolf pet in TBC but I remember trying. I didn’t have something required at the time but I don’t remember why. I was playing casually.

It’s not about oh you’ll be using this pet or that pet. Some people actually do fun quirky things in the game to have fun and they don’t just play to min-max.


This is what I fear as well. But TBC has a #somechanges promise…

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As a TBC warlock main that’s never leveled a hunter in any expansion — I support this. Let hunters have their ghost dog.

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It literally has no impact on the game world. It is a wolf. No one PvPs with wolves and no one raids with wolves. There are OTHER see-through tamable pets in game.

Perhaps because I am just one crazy hunter who loves his BlueBoie, it wont happen.