A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

BOTS WILL COME WITH FRESH SERVERS How brain dead do you have to be

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Bots had 50k+ in the first month of classic, FRESH SERVERS will do absolutely nothing

But they wont be geared with naxx gear and ahead of everyone else, so whats your point. Bots are everywhere, but they will start from the bottom all over again with fresh servers. Imagine being around the outland with a 60% mount speed and then 5 bots fly around you

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Than play the game? Its not OUR fault you cant play the game

Q&A has started! Let’s see what we’re all excited to hear about: TBC.

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Bots do not have naxx gear wtf lol most bots are doing zg carries or mara runs with garbage zg gear on

Yeah i can def play the game, bot users cant, and you have to remember that when classic started the use of automatic bots was still a thing, so it wont be the same

The point is that there’s no point to making fresh servers in the game’s current situation if they end up becoming like today’s classic servers. You’re just fracturing the community and hurting servers (especially small to medium sized ones) for nothing.

its been the same thing since 2004, you think 1 month into “tbc fresh” the economy wont be screwed from bots? and people buying gold? You’re delusional

As i said before, it will be the same, but it will take more time than just 1 day of TBC. You need to read better next time

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No it wont, you can start as a mage and bots are programmed to level 24h a day, SO it will take them no time to level up at all…

The economy was screwed the first month of classic too FRESH SERVERS aint gonna solve that, tell daddy blizzard to make a better anti cheat

Not having a Classic only Q&A is disappointing.


I did read your post, I think you need to think it through a little more. Setting up bots/gold farms isn’t a long process; if it was, we wouldn’t have the botting epidemic we have right now. How is it smart game design to make something work in the short term that will end up causing more problems in the long term?

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you expect blood elves and draenei will have time to level to outlands and have enough gold without buying it, and be sufficiently geared too, to be competitive ? hang on…one moment


So im coming to gather reading the 10 posts regarding this matter that people dont understand the difference between “fresh” and "new:

Fresh implies a new server in a bubble away from everything else. They never did this. They added new servers in TBC to accommodate a growing player population just like they did at the beginning of classic. But they werent protected servers. This means if they went that route there would be nothing stopping a wealthy player Xferring to your server and steamrolling your markets. So essentially by asking for fresh you are asking for special treatment that blizzard has never shown before. Then the question will be how often do they keep re releasing new “fresh” servers? If that server isnt doa due to low pop its going to be overran by bots in a month or two leading it to the same problems every other server experiences on some level, so when that happens what then?

New servers are almost a certainty, although i highly doubt theyll be protected little bubbles for the soft of heart. Your best bet is to jump on those if/when they happen or find one of several low pop servers where the economy is still somewhat intact


They are putting those out in pre patch for you to level stupid go watch blizzcon

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oh i know, but as you’ve indicated, they’ve had a 2 year head start on belfs and draenei. thats quite a handicap

If you’ve not leveled only to wait in tbc, you’re dumb anyways go play another class and get ready for pre patch. Its a RACE lol, Holy god bro

thats already been run by everyone else lol