A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Opinions aren’t facts.

Also,I looked through your previous posts and and I am 100% convinced that’s all you do is troll. I won’t respond to ilk like you anymore.

If people resubscribed only because of fresh TBC servers, it wouldn’t be harming perma servers in the slightest.


Re-rolling on existing servers is not re-rolling on a fresh server though…

It’s just not the same experience.



Fresh experience is 10 times better.

New goals, new friends, just a new start.


Within a very short time span it would be

Which is the point others are making, youre just asking for something which is going to vanish very quickly, and then keep on asking for it again and again. Ergo the waste of time when you can re-roll from level 1 and get the same thing.

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You don’t even know whether the majority of people who are going to play tbc were even a part of the survey, let alone what they answered :joy:

I wasn’t asked.

Except this thread is specifically about fresh, despite your ongoing effort to turn it into a thread about you and seasonal servers, despite you saying you have no interest in playing on them or new servers.


I couldn’t care less if players want to kill off NEW Servers over and over, again.

It is.

Lemme guess, it’s only OK when your kind does it, right? Hypocrites :roll_eyes:

Couldn’t be farther from the truth. I’m not telling you how to play. Unless, asking you to not impact me during the process is “telling you how to play”… :woman_shrugging:

I already have, and you just want to downplay it with

Show me YOUR proof that the majority are “fresh”?


The speculation that “fresh” will be “good” for the “health” of the game is an opinion and not a fact.

Now, that we’re done doing that can we reach the stage where we respect each other’s opinions and try to reach the objective facts with our compared notes? Or, is that too difficult?

Their Avatar is a Troll. You needed to go through their post history to figure that out? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Just remember, though:


Yes, it does. If Blizz’s intentions are to Connect Realm the Perma Servers, then those servers lose server identities. Because we’re creating a bunch of Servers, that splits us all and forces Blizz’s hand to alleviate “dead” servers.

I’d rather be on a dead realm than suffer through connected realms. But, IK I’m in the vast minority pool on that. No, I don’t have the “proofs”. It’s just my speculation and opinion, that nobody is arguing this point because they know just as well as I do, that I am in the minority pool of that. It’s the same deductive reasoning I used to conclude my thoughts in how NEW Servers are hurting perma servers.

None of this is. We just have to cut our losses and be grateful to even have BC.

This isn’t a fact but an opinion. You’ll need to provide evidence that “fresh” is 10x “better” and no, quoting others doesn’t count!


Correct. But this thread doesn’t prove to be the majority.

No, I’m not.

Correct! Doesn’t invalidate my points.

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Same reason why there’s a level 60 ganking lowbies in Zoram’Gar outpost in Ashenvale on Benediction server right now.
They’re bored losers.

I have no problem with fresh servers. If people want to migrate to a new world that will be infested by RMT within a month, let them

What I have a problem with is the anti-boosters trying to have their cake and eat it too. And no, I’m not saying anti-boosters and pro-fresh people are one and the same, not in the slightest. But I have absolutely seen the same person in one topic insult pro-boosters and defend to the death the statement that boosts should not exist, and then in the next topic over get angry at someone for “dictating how they’re allowed to play the game” by saying no fresh servers

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No, you haven’t. You haven’t shown any empirical data and/or evidence at all. The burden of proof is on you to prove unequivocally it’s not necessary to add fresh servers for TBC and all you’ve manage to say it’s unnecessary. When the only real source of evidence suggests it isn’t. (Hi Alterac Mountains again.) Your just blabbing opinions, and you can blab until your blue in the face, and you know what that’s fine.

Clearly some people want it, clearly you don’t. Nothing you say will change that.


I’m not sure you understood what I said because you didn’t address it. I’m not playing Classic at the moment. I’m done with it. KT is dead. I’m geared up. I have all the gold in the world. Nothing is going to bring me back to WoW other than a fresh TBC server.

As of now, I have absolutely zero impact on progressive servers because I’m not playing on any. When I hopefully resubscribe, I will continue to have zero impact on progressive servers because I won’t be playing on any. So you’re objectively wrong here.


Yes, it does appear that way. Another good reason for fresh servers, I suppose. To get away from the trolls! :smiley:



Likewise, in order to claim “fresh” is the “majority”. Still waiting for it.

Not evidence. Just an opinion.

We all are. This is ALL of our opinions!

So can you.

Great! Now, let’s respect it and start comparing notes, now.

Awesome. This isn’t my argument. You can want all you like, doesn’t mean what we want is going to happen. We can help each other out here. I just need you to stop fighting with me and actually hear the words I’m saying and understand them. I can’t help you, if you don’t let me because you’re so fueled up with anger over nothing.

You’re projecting and I already addressed it. It’s you who is not understanding.

No, that would be you. You misunderstood what I said.

Hah! That’s cute. You think NEW Servers is going to “free” you from “trolls” LOL

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Alterac Mountains was 100% a fresh TBC server in vanilla. How is this not evidence? If your going to be so ignorant to blatantly ignore facts then this conversation with you is hopeless. Thanks for continuing to bump this thread though.

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I’m projecting my own opinion about myself onto myself? That’s not what projecting is lol. It’s the opposite.

It being a “fresh” NEW Server doesn’t prove its “success” factor that some (not all) are claiming “fresh” NEW Servers are going to bring. Show me the proof. Along with that, the “proof” that “fresh” is the “majority”, too, please.

You’re welcome. I’m happy to help debunk nonsense :slight_smile:

No, you’re projecting that you didn’t understand what I said.

Projection is not what you interpreted from my post, no.


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Since they all seem to be quite adamantly opposed to fresh servers, I would think they would not want to roll on them if they were provided. Seems logical.

You seem quite contrary though, so I will leave you to your opinions.



how about we pay not to have server boosts lol


Are you even listening to yourself at this point? So you concede Alterac Mountains was fresh but now your argument is it wasn’t successful? Based on what? Your tinfoil hat is on WAY to tight friend.

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I don’t understand why you quoted me because nothing you said addressed my quote. You quoted me then talked about something else. Which means you didn’t understand what I said or you misquoted.

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