A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Literally all you have done with your nearly 300 posts is troll, bash people, and grief. I got news for you buddy, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your “ideas”. There are more people in this community than just you.


Except out of your 300 forum posts, all you’ve done is attack people because anyone with an idea that isn’t your idea, is “wrong”.

Again, there are more people in this community than just you; there are more people in this world than just you. No reason to come here and be a negative nancy and grief everyone because… they are different than… you.

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I’ll add my voice to bump this idea. I’d love an idea where my fresh BE Pally will have a leveling population to quest and dungeon with on my way up to 58 and Outland.


My word you are cringe level 9000 my son.
You must be closing your eyes and plugging your ears while imagining there isn’t a huge amount of people asking for fresh servers.
Go look up ANY WOW CONTENT YOUTUBE CREATOR and watch them all talk about how they’d rather play on fresh.
Go look up ANY WOW STREAMER and watch them and their community talk about hoping for fresh.
Look at how many forum posts there are.

Where else do you need to see it?
There are those that would rather continue their current characters and will deal with the realms issues, and there are those that would much rather start fresh for TBC.
TBC is a better version of WoW, so the experience from 1 to 70 will be far better in every way. Every single way. Doing that leveling on a fresh realm with a new economy is even better, its the bees knees.

You are in such a weird fantasy land where, for some cringe inducing reason, you cannot believe it and refuse to believe it, so you feel the need to invade forum posts about it just to spew your own rhetoric and make completely false claims that no one else is asking for fresh except 10 people on a forum.
It’s really, really weird man.
First off, why? Just go away, fresh start realms or discussion about them doesn’t effect you in any way. So why bring your poorly thought out opinions into it other than to paint yourself as the hollow shell of a person that you must be.
Furthermore, no one in a forum discussing fresh start is going to care at all that you personally think there is no demand for it.
It’s like: “Yeah I disagree we don’t need fresh”
Okay, great. Good input. You completely fail to acknowledge the problems many if not all current progressive realms have, some worse than others. You fail to acknowledge that all of those reasons don’t even matter when people want fresh start realms simply to start a new adventure. You just fail period.

I’ve got news for you and I hate to break your delicate heart: yes, a GIANT AMOUNT of people want Fresh start realms and those realms will fill up guaranteed.
All reasons for wanting fresh are valid, no one needs to make an argument for it beyond “I want to start a new adventure from level 1, where everyone else has to do the same on that server.” All reasons why that is a good thing do not need to be explained.

Quite frankly, Blizzard would be fools to not release fresh start realms as it will definitely increase total subscriptions. The cost for opening new realms will quickly pay for itself and more.


They will make them, gold sellers will get dollar signs in their eyes seeing an untapped server, bots take over it like every other server, in a month there is nothing different from a fresh start server and every other server in the game.

If you mean about 5 or 6 heere on the forums…then ya…um huge

Stopped paying attention to youtube when Asmongold became somehow the most watched wow youtuber

thank you Captain Hyperbole

the Sequel Captain Hyperbole Returns

Actually i dont see anything like your suggesting except maybe 5 or 6 people trolling the forums asking for something which is already in the game

Inevitable, naturally, but they’ll have to bot with TBC methods.

None of the AoE Mage Blizzard, no mage boost gold hoarding, etc.

Here’s hoping #somechanges continues to improve health for all servers.

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If blizzard didn’t see value in a fresh restart then Diablo wouldn’t have seasons. I mean we’re just asking for seasons for wow, but much longer like 1-2 year seasons.

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I believe they are considering those in the future, but right now this thread is aiming for a new server(s) that starts at 2.4.3 and progresses forward like Classic did.

I don’t see why they couldn’t add a seasonal server in the future. Folks probably would like it.

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Seasonal Classic WoW realms are way in the future, like after Classic Wrath maybe

All we want at this point is Fresh Start non boost non transfer destination servers for each region.
I personally think we’d need 2 NA PVP, one East and one West, 2 NA PVE one East and one West, as for Oceanic etc I have no idea how many they need.
Chances are high we’d need more fresh starts then those but can start off with a low number to see how they fill up, as I would expect them to fill up fast.

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I can’t remember if I already posted in this thread. I don’t think I did. I want to chime in and voice my support for fresh realms.

There is the obvious gold/economy reset, which I totally understand is just a temporary thing before the realm is inevitably flooded with bots and RMT. Whatever. I am more eager for a community reset. Personally, I have seen what most large servers have to offer in terms of their community, and I want something new and different.

There’s something to be said about a realm coming into its own as everyone levels fresh from 1. Running into the same players and guilds in dungeons as you go, watching the community grow, that’s an experience you cannot recreate on a progression server. And the current climate on progression servers is not appealing at all, to me.

Maybe 2-3 months down the road it will just be more of the same, but you can’t beat the initial experience.

And yeah, the economy thing. :eyes:


I honostly wouldnt mind starting on a fresh server since ill be maining paladin anyways, but yeah… its just a bandaid. Eventually its gonna be ripped off and be back to normal. Blizzard has more important things to worry about then something that wont matter after a few months.

Like dealing with the bot infestation, right? :grin:


Who knows… Retail wow is down subs a ton. Hopefully they will put more time into issues like bots cause TBC is about to start driving their subs again like classic did.


Hey, just want to thank you for constantly bumping this thread and helping keep it alive and at the top.
You write very stupid things, but at least you’re helping. Thanks.

Fresh start TBC servers, please.


That part always amuses me. The people that keep the thread alive by complaining about Fresh. There would be far fewer posts if they just ignored and muted the thread.

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Check out this thread if you like PVE. I want to show blizzard we want PVE servers just as much as PvP servers.

Why would we divide efforts when the ask should be for New Servers overall? I dont think there needs to be multiple threads supporting one server type when we should be asking for one of each with one “voice” so to speak.

This always makes me giggle. Implementing “fresh” is not going to exterminate “toxic” players on playing them :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

This group wants to go to a dead pvp server if they dont make new fresh ones and I want to go to a pve server. But I need more people thatll join in on that to make it possible.