A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I think some of the people here are goign to take what they can get but ill hold out till the Pre-Patch when leveling is better. That would be the point where i would at least hope blizzard would announce New Servers if not before. For the people rerolling to dead realms now i wish them luck on there new servers.

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Personally i’m lucky since I already play on a dead low pop server so, technically I will have a fresh TBC server. lol

Do be careful with your wording here. “Non-Progression” can (also) mean “no Phases”, as well. “Phases” falls under the umbrella of “Progression”.

By “boosts”, I’m assuming you mean the Level 58 Boost Feature, keyword being Feature? See, some (not all) of us who are content with progressing our characters over into BC aren’t entirely happy with the Level 58 Boost Feature, either. Let’s not assume that the Level 58 Boost is an “acceptable” feature because it’s being introduced onto “non-fresh” BC Servers. The Level 58 Boost is a Feature that has nothing to do with a Server being “fresh” or not. I just want to make this very important distinction because any server can be “fresh” even if it has a Level 58 Boost feature.

And, you think the same won’t be done on these “fresh” NEW Servers? LOL

So? You can’t force players to forget what they know and pretend to not know how to maneuver throughout Classic and/or BC. It’s just NOT going to happen.

And creating “fresh” NEW Servers, over and over, again is NOT going to stop this.

What “changes”, exactly? The fact that you get a “fresh” NEW Server? I hate to burst your bubble, but that’s not going to stop anybody from bringing GDKP, Gold Buying, Dungeon Boosts, etc., over and onto said “fresh” NEW Servers. You’re not going to get your Utopian Stagnated Server you’re looking for.

I agree with that, but I don’t see that happening. So, you’ll just continue to endure the same cycle you’re trying to avoid :woman_shrugging:

LOL Oh, they will. They’ll need to expand their market. What better way than to reach out to more “potential” customers on these “fresh” NEW Servers? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

That’s STILL going to exist, when BC comes. There are players who don’t care for Classic but care for BC. That’s why Blizz added the Level 58 Boost Feature, to begin with. Because some (not all) feel like BC begins in Outlands and not pre-Outlands.

That being said, I’m all in favor for “fresh” Seasonal Servers. When the duration ends, EVERYTHING is wiped (titles, mounts, characters, etc.)! I’m willing to compromise by being OK with a Paid Service in order to save/archive any Seasonal Server Character onto existing stagnated servers :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree with this though i think when people look to seasonal servers many opinions, that i have seen, are asking for a really amped cadence of quarterly. What i think would be more likely is 3 Clusters going at any one time with an end point in Wrath.

This way you could play an entire cycle or you could pick the launch of your server and go there. Kind of like how Diablo 3 has its seasonal servers but in this case we have 3 that dump into a Forever Final Phase Server.

I don’t know what I was smoking with that wording but I just swapped it to 2.4.3.

Also with how much you walk around posting like you know what people want, you are spreading a lot of misinformation.

New servers aren’t seasonal servers. Not these, anyway.

You’re really missing the point here. Most people are, or should be at least, aware that GDKP, botters, dungeon boosts,etc. will eventually plague these fresh servers. The key word here is eventually. It will still take at least a month if not a few months for that to really take effect. Those first few weeks of fresh are what everyone here (I believe) is really asking for, not some utopian pipe dream.


Basically wanting the experience that leveling from 1 to 70 that a fresh realm will offer. Botters etc will come after that, but will be less of an issue due to no mage farming like it was used. The fresh start servers will be among the best servers to play on all throughout.


Most guides say that it isn’t worth the time farming on a flying mount in BC unless you have an epic.

If the majority start with epic flyers out at the gate, those who just joined are going to find it difficult to catch up with gathering.

I worry that that will encourage MORE people to do GDKP as they find the outside world for gold undesirable.

there are months to go before the game comes out most likely. just start grinding gold today. I make a few hundred a day. Be proactive and dont wait until launch and complain about not having gold when you had months to earn some.

Anyone who is staying on current servers should be preparing for TBC or fall into oblivion.

That much is required.

yeah >.> its like that every expansion… at the end you stock up on gold and supplies to make the start of the next expansion easier.

What is beyond astounding, is that Fresh servers existed for the original TBC. (Looking at you Alterac Mountains) and yet people still somehow want to grand stand to say what is and isn’t necessary for the community based on nothing more than speculation and assumptions.

Just because you don’t like Vanilla Ice Cream, doesn’t mean there aren’t people out there that do.


Here we go with the projection. I’m not spreading any “misinformation”. There’s TWO different “fresh” groups. One is for “fresh” NEW Servers (not to be confused with Seasonal Servers!), and the other is for “fresh” Seasonal Servers (not to be confused with NEW Servers!).

“Fresh” NEW Servers don’t make a whole lot of sense because it’s repeating the same process, over and over, again expecting things to change, here’s a hint: they won’t.

The best compromise for both worlds (via NEW Server advocates and Seasonal Server advocates) are Seasonal Servers with a Paid Service to archive/save Seasonal Server Characters onto stagnated ones.

Yes, IK, that’s why it’s important to distinguish which group you lot sit on, when you use the word “fresh” because it’s used interchangeably between BOTH NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers.

You’re just beating your head into a wall, over and over, again, expecting NEW Servers to “fix” your problems, again they won’t.

No, I’m not.

I still don’t see the point in wasting Blizz’s time to create NEW Servers (and clogging up the Server List) over and over again just for a few weeks of pleasure. It’s not worth it.

Want to know what is worth it? Seasonal Servers.


Sure but seeing as how Blizz is on a “#somechanges” stance, they’re not exactly providing a “#nochanges” service. Just look at the Level 58 Boost.

RE: everything Piper has posted

lol wut

Please quote specifically what you don’t understand. IK it’s not everything, btw :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also, shifting the conversation around to focus on me is not an argument, either :slightly_smiling_face:

lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: wut :slightly_smiling_face:

Ah, just being obtuse, got it :slight_smile:

That’s not what obtuse means. But kudos for not using scare quotes for 2 posts in a row. I think we’re finally getting somewhere.

It’s exactly what it means but continue.

What is “scare quotes”?

No, we’re not.

EDIT: You lot just can’t help but to deflect, dodge and start using ad hominems.

I feel you are completely missing the point, in that, you don’t get to decide what is best for everyone.

All you are doing is providing feedback on nothing but speculation… Although, like a wise old man once told me. "Opinions are like butt holes… everybody has at least one.