A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

almost like we already knew that because private servers were the main thing that finally convinced WoW to launch Classic.

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I would like to see new servers both pvp and pve


Really hoping we get some sort of further response on Fresh Start realms before TBC launch, such as them stating that they will launch Fresh Start realms after a smooth TBC launch for the progressive servers. Such as 3-4 weeks after TBC launch.
That way those of us that want to play Fresh Start can plan our schedules for it, and they can “focus” on the TBC launch for progressive realms like they want to.

I really don’t want us to only hear about Fresh Start realms with very short notice “some time” after TBC launch.


If there are fresh start realms they need to go live with the prepatch. If they are delayed a month or more after TBC is actually released then they will fail miserably due to lack of population. By that point the majority of those that want fresh will have either begrudgingly leveled on an existing realm or moved on to a different game.


Check out this thread as well everyone.

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Blizzard please consider fresh TBC servers. Also why no blue response yet? Are you a company that cares about it’s customers, or are you simply trying to get the most money out of us with no concern to our requests or needs???


Blizzard can we at least get a response? It is well known in customer service that for every 1 person who is upset, they spread their feelings to at least 10-20 other customers or potential customers.

It seems like you don’t care about your customers anymore, and your business is built customers… Please give us a response.

This thread has nearly 1,000 unique people who have posted, I believe there are many more who don’t know this forum exists as it is relatively new who will also want fresh servers.

There are also many more of your customers who simply do not post on these forums or spend time finding these threads; customers which will also prefer the choice to play on a fresh TBC server to enjoy an experience as true to the original as we can get.

You have done nothing about BOTTERS and EXPLOITERS in classic wow; many of do not care to continue on your progression server set up as it currently is.


They are surely keeping an eye on this forum and this thread (and by “they” I’m sure it’s one community manager type person) and I imagine they will say something if they are told that they are allowed to do so.

I’d wager that they have been instructed to not say ANYTHING about Fresh Starts realms.
Why? Probably because they think that if they do announce Fresh Start realms they think it would take away from progressive realms, such as players leaving their servers for those fresh realms.
But if that’s what people WANT to do why not LET them have that option?? Making them play somewhere they don’t really want to play on just so you can have the IDEA that the community on that realm is “healthy” - even though we all know the majority of those realms are far from healthy - economy, gold stocks, material stockpiling, gold selling, etc - in Blizzard’s mind they seem to believe that a TBC launch with progressive realms as they are now will be better than if they launch alongside Fresh Start realms that will reduce populations on existing servers.
AND YET they also mention how they’ll potentially open new realms if populations spike to high (which they will, Outland will be a mess on current realms) wouldn’t that mean the Fresh Start realms would HELP with that problem???

It’s just ridiculous to not release Fresh Start realms with a TBC pre-patch, it really is.

Hopefully they realize this as well and give us an update.


Because its a silly idea from beginning

As long as they pay yes, if you want to pay for each and every new ‘fresh’ server with a sub cost each tiem you join a new server . Then Blizzard would probably do it, Want it bad enough?

Pay for it

I’ts been considered, and not implemented for obvious reasons

And you have no evidence other than the usual form clowns who simply complain about nothing, Same people who complained about high elves, a pointless exercise in head cannon.

You are getting Fresh Server with the progression server, you and your friends can delete all your toons and start all over, nothing in the game prevents you from restarting from scratch. Why should blizzard go through all this pointless crap when you do it yourself just by deleting your toons every 6 months.

cough cough

That in refined circles is called a ‘steaming pile’

The corollary is of course for every ‘upset’ customer who is upset about nothing, there are 1000’s of others who wold rather Blizzard spend their time on idiotic projects like fresh servers and focus on getting progression servers right.

There’s literally zero reason for you to come on here and grief and troll those of us who want fresh servers. You have an option that you currently wish to play on, no reason to be a scum bag and troll here.

Have a good day, griefer.


It’s obvious you only come here to post on the forums to grief and troll people in this community. You should spend your time doing something better for yourself and others, such as getting out side, taking a deep breath, and going for a walk.

Or you could continue to grief and troll on this forum, when you have no real point or examples. You have an option that is currently implemented, it’s called “progression” servers. Go play on those, no reason to grief and troll those of us in the community that are requesting an option we would prefer.

As the other person who called you out has said; Have a good day, griefer.


I am here to argue that Fresh Server are a massive troll themselves and titanic waste of resources. Everything ‘freshers’ want is already possible int he game right now and will be available on progression servers.

You cant delete everything and start over every 6 months or 12 months, you can do it at will and doesn’t waste time or add cost to blizzard and raised costs for the rest of us to accommodate a terrible idea. You think i’m griefing, i think you’re griefing since there is a single valid idea that supports the idea of any type of ‘fresh’ server

You and your cohorts are griefing the entire community

The majority of your 278 posts are griefing and trolling people on these forums.

It is obvious you’re a toxic individual in this community. Maybe you should reconsider how you’re living your life.


The "fresh’ bloc has the responsibility to buttress any arguments in favour of any type of ‘fresh’ server. And ive gone through these threads and haven’t seen a single good enough reason to create entire new servers when the possibility of ‘freshers’ getting exactly what they want by regularly deleting all their toons every 6 or 12 moths is in the game

Or perhaps i just dont agree with some people ideas.

The whole point of these forums is to express ideas ans opinions about those ideas. Are we now obligated to automatically agree with the ‘freshers’ because…of


You have nearly 300 posts on these forums, all of which are griefing, trolling, and being otherwise toxic to players.

Maybe you should reconsider your time spent on here and this game in general. You have nothing legitimate to post, and no sound arguments other than bashing literally everyone in this community; both retail and classic according to your forum posts.

You can reply whatever you want, but the facts are that your only posts on these forums is bashing everyone, griefing, and being otherwise toxic in literally any topic you have posted on. Again, nearly 300 posts and all you’ve done is grief.


We made it over 900 posts!

Still holding out hope that Blizzard will announce fresh servers prior to pre-patch.


I have lots of posts not agreeing with people on a variety of topics

the vibe im getting from you is that you dont like complicated questions to the paper thin idea of fresh servers. Im not here to agree with your ideas, im not going to attack anyone but im not gonna sit around while people promulate bad idea for the game as a whole. And to be candid thats what i see the ‘freshers’ doing

They are harming the game for absolutely no benefit, in a very ral sense the ‘freshers’, the people wh whined inccesantly about high elves’ did damage to the game by creating division where none was needed.

You call me a griefer?

I say people call for even more splintering of the game with fresh servers are creating division in all already divided community. but at the very least im involved and car about the game more than you since although i have over 300 posts

you have what?
