A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Sadly, I think Fresh runs afoul of Boosts (from the bean counters perspective) and therefore loses out. Personally, I would absolutely prefer Fresh so the least I can do is give you a bump.


that’s a yes from me, dogg.


How…?? It’s an entirely different set of servers.

The only difference is the servers on nameplates.

Just proves you took no notice of any of my reasons.

‘n0nE oF uR rEaSoNz MaTtEr c0z I d0n’T wAnT fReSh’ isn’t what rational people consider “addressed”


Again, this argument makes no sense. It’s one per account, and people can still boost on every other server. On top of that people opting to roll on a fresh, boostless server going to buy boosts anyway?

Fresh makes perfect sense for the bean counters. It gives an option for a clearly large audience.

IK it doesn’t matter to some (not all) people, but it does matter to some (not all) people.

I did and said it’s all moot, by the time Perma arrives.

I think you misinterpreted what I addressed, but I digress. No matter what, you still want to color me “wrong” despite me being right. Just another to add to my list, GL.

As are your arguments against fresh now that we know Connected Realms are happening.

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There is a cost to adding a Fresh (or any other for that matter) server. I am assuming, but not certain by any means, this is as simple as spinning up another instance in the cloud. Surely they have abandoned on-prem servers by now! Regardless, there is a cost.

I am assuming Blizz has a number in mind of active players on a server to make it fiscally viable.

I am assuming Blizz has done a cost analysis based upon whatever metrics they have collected over the years to determine whether a Fresh server would be likely to gather enough population to be worth the costs.

I would imagine they then considered the loss of Boosts should a Fresh be made available. This number is certainly greater than 0. I for one am buying a Boost since Fresh is not an option so that makes 1. I am guessing there are more than me in that boat.

The only way Fresh makes any money at all for Blizzard is if it brings in new subscribers. Given the obvious value of Boosts, you would really need to see a large influx to tip the scales to Fresh and I am guessing they came to that conclusion.

The big thing here is Blizz has metrics and I am going on reasonable conclusions. As I am sure they are all about maximizing their bottom line, the reasonable conclusion is that Boosts win out over Fresh.

Reminder: I am absolutely in favor of Fresh. I just think the smart money is on Boosts. Feel free to hate Blizz for whatever reason you choose but they have made a landfill full of money on this product so thinking they have not done the math seems a bit foolish at this point.


Is this thread finnaly reaching acceptance? Will $ROPE stocks plummet or sky rocket?

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bumping for blue post


Would like another round of fresh vanilla servers (that start with p1 and go to TBC in 2 years time)


Reasons why I’m skeptical:

Again, I want you to be right Gorrith. I really REALLY do!

So, the pre-patch is nearly upon us and still no blue response to this request. Many other posts about issues in the game or requests made get a blue response, but not this one. Not a “yes”. Not a “no”. Not a “maybe”. Just silence…

I have to say, I am a little more than disappointed. Not so much that we were not able to get some fresh, new TBC Classic servers with no cash shop conveniences on them but more so that Blizzard could not even take just a few minutes to address this issue with a simple forum post. The one thing that good customer service always entails is communication and when you cannot be bothered to type a few words into a forum post, it really shows just how much you care about your customer base.

Even with all the changes made to TBC Classic (Retail) I still feel that my wife and I will be able to enjoy the game up to end game. We will most likely not be able to afford the mats or consumables for end game since neither of us will buy gold, but we will play as much of it as we can until that point. After that, we will most likely find another MMORPG to play. Hopefully we can find one that actually cares about its subscribers rather than just pandering to its whales.

I realize that by asking for these new servers we are no longer the people you are wanting to play World of Warcraft. I realize that new, fresh servers with no cash shop conveniences on them would not generate the extra revenue that you are hoping to make from TBC Classic (Retail). However I do think you may have overlooked something that for all of your extra money you have lost a lot of… Goodwill.

I know from my perspective that you have lost a great deal of goodwill by avoiding this topic. I do realize there is no money in it for you, hence your lack of response. The players who would have wanted these new servers to play TBC Classic (and not TBC Classic (Retail)) are not the whales you are hoping to attract to your games. And apparently just being a lowly subscriber to the game is no longer good enough to warrant any consideration from the company.

It is apparent to me at this point that the Blizzard company I once knew and loved has indeed changed to a corporate entity that now only cares about profits and its bottom line. I had hoped with the return of WoW Classic and its popularity that maybe a glimmer of the original spirit of Blizzard that posted “Gameplay First” as one of its eight core values would return and its voice be heard. Alas, that just does not appear to be the case.

My thanks to all who wrote positively on this post and who attempted to try to get ANY response from Blizzard about this request. Alas, it appears we are not the whales they are looking for…



lets do this blizz


I think all of us would be happy with new servers, even with boosts/transfers enabled after the grace period.

But now with 0 communication those who have quit aren’t going to be looking at the forums in a few days. Those who wanted to plan out their location will have no choice but to pick through the server’s leavings.

If anything gets randomly tossed out post pre-patch or even after June 1st, they will have to choose between current toon progression and work or a new one. Those who spent days/weeks progressing BC content characters will be unlikely to risk burnout.

A simple response of Yes or No would have at least given us the information and communication of our next steps.

Disappointed, but not surprised.


Out of the 3k posts in here half of them are people saying “it’s not happening and here’s why”.

Hate to say we told you so, but, it’s not like you had the rug pulled out from under you or anything.

I swear it’s like you all heard the sky was going to fall from a hidden message in a grilled cheese, and gathered outside convinced it was going to happen. And when it didn’t, you’re going “what do we do now???”

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For all the people that said Classic wasnt going to happen until it did. I am sure all the people that came after every blizzcon to rub it in your face that it wasnt happening felt just as smug about there postions… you know until Classic was announced.

So odd that people get off on the “You will never get your thing and im right for the following reasons”.

Plenty of people were passionate about wanting A new server. The only doomcallers seemed to be the people telling others they should not want nor even ask for a fresh server and suck it up buttercup.

Not one person didnt have an idea of what would happen if New servers didnt come up. The idea that people are here twiddling there hands wrought with indecision is some crazy idea that people who disagree with others seem to think about everyone they disagree with. The options havent changed since the moment this thread came about . People will, Roll New Characters on established servers. Keep playing Characters, or Quit for not getting the thing they wanted.


Oh really?

That’s not what I’m seeing when I read all the 10 paragraph QQs, about not being able to raid and “I really don’t know what we’ll do now and how to afford to play” stories.

But whatever you say…

Looking back over the last 20 or so posts i dont see one person hand wringing the idea that there are no new fresh servers. Most of what i see is people dissapointed they did not get a response from blizzard either way.

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You are certainty making a lot of assumptions. The majority of us would like this option, and some won’t play without. Whether it does or does not, coming in here acting like this tells more about you than you realize.


The majority of who?