WoW Classic Era Realm Connections Coming May 18

Three days until you login and see just how few people are going to be online, despite being connected to multiple realms. I suspect you won’t come back to the forums to admit being wrong.

Surely they will join Remulos with West Coast realms? I know that goes back to the old days of latency but at least there will be people there. Better to have 150ms latency with other players than 10ms and no other players.

So far, they’re not “connecting” the RP Realms. BB will less likely be “connected”, as the other two are RP-PvP, and BB is just RP (without the PvP).

Or, any of the RP Realms…so far.

I agree Classic was going to be “dead” with or without “Connected Realms”.

Fine by me. After being in the ugliest zones ever to be part of WoW (the TBC ones) for a few hours it will be nice to just be able to go back to Classic even with a low Vanilla pop realm feel and just relax.

People will try out prepatch and tbc. But after that things will stabilize.

Premature merging sacrifices long term for 2 weeks of short term convenience.


For Bloodsail Buccaneers, I think they should connect it with the RP-PvP servers but also offer a one month opportunity for a free transfer to a PvE realm.

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I figured this was the route they were going to take when they announced the horrific addition of cloning. Ideally they would just keep everything intact, let a month or so pass to assess each realms situation and then use free transfers to build up a handful of stable realms. However, since cloning is a thing I guess this is the only way to offer up that service with minimal effort.

Originally I had no desire to start fresh either but after seeing everything that has come to light since TBCs announcement I wish there was an option to just start over on a new realm that was free from clones and separate from the other, preexisting servers. Once enough time has passed perhaps you could let people transfer in their other classic 60s but thats not happening so its whatever.

Im not in love with it but given thats how they handled retail after millions of players departed (cuz of how awesome retail is I guess) I figured this is the route they would go so I mentally prepared myself for it.

You may want to reevaluate your goal of strong communities. You basically stacked all the Alliance dominated servers in 1 pvp cluster and all the Horde dominated servers in the other pvp cluster. Please reevaluate.

I mean look at this…again. Like…

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Yeah, you’re right. They separated the PvP US East realms into two groups and it doesn’t look like they considered faction balance at all.

I do not see Bloodsail on here, it is already dead and I want to transfer my main off. Will you be allowed to transfer then clone to a more populated server for classic era?

Thanks for clarifying that…it was something I’d been wondering specifically about.

There is an easier way to solve this you know. Just progress all existing classic servers to TBC and create 6 new classic servers that you can copy your character to, choose to transfer to instead of TBC, or create new characters on.

2 PvE
2 PvP
1 RP

Why go through the hassle of splitting up the small community like this? Just reduce the number of servers altogether.


It’s what all of us are saying, and it seems like literally no one is listening and just knew jerking to our concerns.

I have characters on 3 servers. 2 of them are basically clones of each other, and all 3 are being connected! Guess I already have my “Clone” service done then! I can leave the ones on the overcrowded (unplayable) server on classic and take the ones from the medium (dead) server to TBC.

My character names aren’t just random words that vaguely relate to this game, so I’d feel pretty safe about keeping them AND wiping the server tags.
It doesn’t take long to adjust to name changes, but permanent reminder “hey you used to be on a different server but we’re going to remind you forever that a merging event made you play with all these people in particular” is pretty bad.

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So you have some pve servers merging with pvp servers.(windseeker is pve merging with pvp) But I’m more still trying to figure out this wording. So all these servers are becoming 1 server on pre patch but will these servers remain seperate for thoose choosing to go into tbc? Original post said people choosing to push into tbc would stay and the classic remaining few would go to a unified server.

I agree, Blizzard should let us have this exception. But it should only come in if its really needed which we’ll know after the TBC rush is over in a few months.

how else would you expect them to deal with them; no one on a non RP server wants someone joining their dungeon group and saying “I am Dungholiio of _____; I will be in this fake character the whole time instead of actually dps’ing” and you as a server should not want us breaking your immersion either…

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What about remulos? If there’s no news on this what’s the point of spending the money to “save” my character on a dead realm

what about grobbulus?