A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

I didnt say you were wrong. Just ponting out that RP PVE Server prob going to be a while before they get A connection.

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Thank goodness. Still, the MAJORITY (like almost ALL of them) ARE “connected” via “Connected Realms”.

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a whole page of fresh tbc server videos

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They basically never post when the post is ‘we see this has a handful of players posting over and over again and know they’re passionate, but the truth is almost nobody actually wants this so we’re not doing it’. And that’s what they’d have to post to this.

We already have the proof that fresh isn’t popular, the dead servers prove it- if fresh wanted to be a thing, they could use one of those servers and get a fresh experience.

They will add new servers on one condition- all current servers are full.

You people obviously don’t like this fact, but it is a fact and you’ll have to accept it.

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And the solution is the same, make your own group.

So about 90k views in those, the highest video has 31k views. Thats is not a lot considering people will look at it who dont care like me.

I knew you’d try to form some sort of weird “told you so” take on that :joy: You had no proof at the time that that was going to be the case, hence me refusing to get into a debate about it.

I actually think that, short of full server merges, connected realms are one of the better options for ongoing server health. Just wish they’d give us an option to hide the server on nameplates etc.

I still don’t see how it represents any sort of argument against fresh servers. In fact, now that we know their preferred option for legacy servers is connected realms, I’d argue that there’s even less reasons to not provide fresh servers.



still waiting and wanting fresh start servers




You had no proof that it wouldn’t happen, either. I had logical reason behind my belief, in why we were heading in that direction. And, I was right.

Disagree with that, seeing as how the quest to “build your own community” is moot, as “other communitues” join you, by the time Perma hits. But, I do see your point (kind of), NEW Servers can be created, over and over again, now, since they can turn on Connected Realms. IDK why you couldn’t say that before. You seem to be OK with Connected Realms.

That being said and done, I agree to disagree. I was asked how NEW Servers would affect me, and I explained Connected Realms, and I was right. The more Servers we have, the more likely they’ll be connected. That’s how NEW Servers affect me. As Melphina stated, so far the RP Servers aren’t being “connected”. I’m afraid that they might, if not too many travel there and just “take away” our RP status and just “connect” us with other Servers. It’s a very valid reason.

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As I said to you on multiple occasions, they would not drag RP servers down that same road. Or at the very least, if they end up in trouble - they will only be interconnected with those of the same kind.

Right here with ya.


I hear you. I’m just saying I wasn’t “wrong” in my assessment, when it came to the Connected Realms. Even though, I hear you, and you made your point, doesn’t mean I agree with it. However, I hope that you are right, and that I’m wrong, in this scenario. I don’t want Blizz to remove the “RP” Status from us RP Server people. But, I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.

I would.
You have any idea what kind of a PR (Public relations - only specified because someone might assume I mistyped ‘RP’) nightmare it would be if they removed the RP classification on these servers after originally announcing there would be none, then recanting that decision, making some, only to remove it again for connected realms?

Blizzard may seem wishy washy at times but this goes to a whole new extreme. No. I do not think they will remove the RP classification, nor will they lump RP in with the other realms unless they utterly die off in popularity, and even then I doubt they would since the resources used are directly in tandem with the amount of resources being requested of a server. The servers are in the cloud. Smaller servers require less resources to run. It is an awesome and ingenious system over the old hardware and bladed servers- incredibly innovative!

I still hope for fresh servers, but I do not expect any kind of blue post for them prior to May 28th… That is only if they planned to launch some on June 1st with the rest of TBC servers.
They would not announce them any earlier than absolutely necessary because they want the boost/transfer monies. I could easily see them waiting a week, two weeks, or even a month… But this would be a critical failure in terms of giving these new servers the opporunity to be vivacious enough for any kind of real longevity. By the simplistic design of these servers, the longevity here would be the only/best way to recoup their investment in them… By maintaining subscriptions for many months longer with a specific community of players.


Grobb and DD can still be connected, as they’re both RP-PvP Servers. BB is the one and only Normal RP Server, for Classic. So, I’m glad I picked it. I still worry, since it’s the only one of its kind…but, we’ll see.

Remember, I want you to be right, Gorrith :slight_smile:

At the major risk of no longer sounding very humble:
You need not want for me to be right. I simply am right - on this anyway…


Oh, and I am also the MOST HUMBLE EVER. Just FYI.


Oh you’re one of those…i see.



Because it was the least relevant part of my argument for fresh servers, partly because discussing pie-in-the-sky stuff with no evidence either way is a waste of time, but mostly because players on TBC servers, fresh or not, are not adding or subtracting from legacy server populations.

Cross realm stuff like CRZ and phasing etc? Totally agree that should be kept out of the game. Connected realms are merged servers by any other name which should be good for the health of legacy servers.

Sometimes. You also pushed seasonal servers repeatedly as the ‘solution’ while completely ignoring points put forward in favor of new servers.

Anyway, Fresh servers please Blizzbois :grinning:

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I disagree with that because if you just said you don’t mind Connected Realms, the conversation would’ve been done and over.

They’re adding to Connected Realms LOL


I would prefer actual Server Merges, but I digress.

And, that “sometimes” is valid.

I still think they are.

Nope, I’ve already addressed them.