A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

Dear Lord you need a new hobby.

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So do you. Coming in here just to post a personal attack against me, instead of being constructive and adding NOTHING to thread instead of extra spam towards the post count, very productive :+1:

While we may be a minority, we who want a clean / fresh server still exist in numbers. There are some who are not looking for anything constructive to do (like argue for any kind of future action taken) and are arguing about argument and what a troll is. From the vantage of Google, constant dissection of arguments or chasing others through posts = troll by definition. Anyways…
Fresh wouldn’t mean just clearing things fresh. The people fighting for it are (mostly) players who want RULES. I have essentially beaten raiding in Classic. I still see GDKP posts ad infinitum, the obvious RMTs running them, and bots I have reported over and over running to and fro. Go to Western Plaguelands overnight PST and watch the collective of 60 mages just killing skeletons over and over. Right click and report. Doesn’t work. The majority of people who want “fresh” are not stupid. Our desire for fresh is grounded in being active here, on the forums, when there are people abusing the economy / not following terms.

Right now, on Whitemane, there are hundreds of GDKPs/RMTs every week (those RMTs decked out in gear that doesn’t even fit their spec), the AH is busted, and there are too many bots to report manually (I have clicked over and over–same guys show up in the same places (WPL, EPL, rogues in BRD…)). Then there are boosters to get you leveled up. The community did much of what is coming to itself. Paying a LOT of gold for boosts. = Activision can do it better! You better believe that when I played in true “Classic,” that crud did NOT FLY. You also had quick response from GM employees. This is Activision making money. They have people looking at these forums, but at the end of the day we are simply not getting the quality of game we had once ago (old timers in their 30s/40s like myself). The dollar has inflated, they need the cash. $15.00 in 2005 is $30.00 today.

So, we are here with an actual goal. That FRESH goal is to fix what is glaringly broken; that the cancer that gets transferred over to TBC “Classic” get trimmed. You want multiple 200K gold being transferred through with bags full to the brim with golden items? That’s just one issue!

I guess I could illustrate 100x Rich Uncle Pennybags sprinting through the Dark Portal to demonstrate what is going to be wrong with the NEW CLASSIC at the top of the list, but… WoW Token incoming. Pretty sure. And then more people will whine and complain.

Sure, a fresh server means saying goodbye to Classic. But isn’t that the point? 60-70 is like 1-60 for those who recall. Why not have the option to just begin anew? *“But we’ll lose our progress!”*Your Naxx gear (mostly) is going bye-bye very quickly anyway (if not by greens, then blues). You’ll be raiding in blues. In TBC, people didn’t tackle Kara like they are going to now. Mark my words. In my experience, there were wipes on the horses on the way to the first boss. Then wipes there. Then on Moroes. The tank flipped when he got the pocket watch. Is the GDKP / RMT / Bot issue still going to be an issue? It may. Be proactive! At the end of the day, we do have a voice. It shouldn’t take writing paragraphs to Activision as to why the botter I reported should be banned. We are still awaiting a blue post.

You’re welcome.

Also, hello, Shar :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thank you, in all earnesty, for keeping this thread alive. The core components of economy, raiding, leveling and associated gameplay are all incorporated into our desire for a completely open, completely refreshed game. TBC anew. We (members of the community) earnestly await a response on this very important subject. I am coming up on 40, and remember what TBC once was. I would gladly pay a PREMIUM PRICE on a PREMIUM GAME. The PREMIUM GAME we once had also involved GMs active, as well as rule enforcement (especially where economy is concerned). We can all agree the dollar has inflated. Give us the game. There are those of us who will pay that extra dollar… And it will be WORTH IT for us to ensure rules and regulations are ENFORCED.

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Mage water, Michaeas. BOT mage water. A JOKE! We are arguing for fresh servers, clean economies, rejuvenating communities (bring on that action, Druids!).

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Yes sir. Fresh = no boosting. We would rather pay a higher SUB. I am sure of it. Activision, if you want to make money…make it on TBC! TBC was the best WOW ever gave, and that is my argument in a nutshell! Many of us played Classic because we never did. We started at TBC. And now, we want it back!


That was sincere concern.

Oh, and sorry it took two hours to reply, but I was reading your previous post. I’m almost halfway through it.


You get a heart for resisting Piper’s onslaught. We are here awaiting a blue response on a very pertinent topic. I believe the first of which is the corrupted economy. There are many reasons from many vantage points. This may very well be our ONLY chance to see a close-to-accurate TBC. Maybe paying an added premium will help Activision employ more GMs and enforce RULES AND REGULATIONS. That is what we want!


when classic launched,it was fresh. ALL the races started at level 1.
thats what we’re talking about.


So I went back through my posts and see that I haven’t once called you or implied that you are a troll. I’m sure you are aware we can do that.
Maybe you’ve gotten the characters mixed up in the novel sized copy pasting, but I can assure you that you are mistaken.


Yep. I’ll be honest I wasn’t even aware of piper until you mentioned her :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll take the heart though!

Yeah, the economy is absolutely busted due to bots. I really don’t think boosting is a problem. It’s fine to be for or against it on principle but as long as it’s paying another real player with in game gold for a service it’s a natural function of any economy. Now, the bot problem is already against the rules and is out of control.

I don’t even want new rules or anything. Just actually enforce the ones on the books in a timely manner. I understand blizzard does not ban waves, but it’s not enough.

I think I’m against the premium due to principle but I’d still be willing to pay it due to sharing a similar sentiment to what you stated.

Private servers are against ToS and I don’t really have interest in playing on them, but from what I’ve heard they handle bots far more effectively than Blizzard. What’s up with that? Genuine question if anyone knows.

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Paying for any kind of “boosts” in my day, if it were to be seen in chat, was an offense. Even taking advantage of in-game raid mechanics could get whole guilds banned. And GMs would whisper you in game. Totally different now. Probably a funding issue and the reason the game is busted is Activision doesn’t pay GMs anymore. It is more of a “ticket support” team. Again, it was NOT that way in vanilla OR TBC.

I don’t understand how so many people say, “Oh, but boosting is fine. And buying gold. So long it isn’t hurting anyone else.” It was bannable. Boosts are the reason we have the 58. I respect your opinion big time. I’m an old timer and I don’t even recall GDKPs back then. Apparently they were prolific, but the way they are now? No way, brother. The trade channel is swarmed on Whitemane and other populated servers. The issue with GDKP is that it is part of a money laundering channel. It doesn’t take an Einstein to have a couple of alts, a few guilds, and repeat offenses noted via Discord. I could throw out names, but I won’t. Huge gold moguls with arsenals of alts in GDKP… and they aren’t bots. But they AFK their alts in raid, or host little babies in greens through Naxx or AQ40. A lot, lot, lot of people sign up for these “raids.” They are not “perfectly fine.” May as well let all the bots run free. No difference at the heart. Here’s how it goes: Bots --> RMT (gold sales for real money) --> GDKPs --> Bots. Then bots get the trickle down from GDKPs, and some with bots OFC join the GDKPs and AFK to get the boost and items. Being aware of this malicious sort of play is the big reason for a total reboot going from 60-70, or 1-70. I believe in level 1 fresh, but any kind of blue post opinion would rock right about now.


I’m with you on nearly everything you said. I played during classic and tbc but I was very young so I don’t have direct experience with the types of things happening but I do remember some random 60s just offering to run me through dungeons occasionally. The ability for people to do that is something I think is fundamentally good for the game.

I definitely agree with you that I don’t like boosting (as it is currently) but I know for a fact it was prevalent in tbc at least with paladins. I don’t however know if it was monetized in any way like it is now so I’ll avoid taking any form stance on how it was in the past due to my incomplete knowledge.

I’m 100% against buying gold. No exceptions. I’m totally cool with boosting when no rmt is involved even if I find it distasteful personally.

The exploitation of mechanics is something that I think is a fine line. The stories about guilds using very clear bugs/exploits to clear raid bosses etc is a clear exploit and should be bannable.

The mage farming dungeons does not (as far as I’m aware) use exploits. It is almost entirely based upon the pathing ai of mobs. I think players using a feature in a creative way to do things you wouldn’t be able to otherwise is really cool.

Totally understand how people could lean the other way on it and if the current top tier content was soloable in this manner I’d be far more apt to agree.

GDKPs I’m almost entirely ignorant on. I was fairly late to the party on classic and am only just about to hit 60 on my first toon in classic.

I think the majority of the toxicity of all of these things really comes from the bots increasing the raw gold in circulation. Boosting would be less attractive if people weren’t sitting on mounds of gold etc. I also think boosting is useful for those that have more gold than time and have been through the leveling experience many times before. I personally love leveling, but it’s a huge time sink.

Idk. It’s a hard topic to take a firm stance either way on for me. Bots are the one thing that seem to be the root cause of most issues though.

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It is not a back-handed compliment. It is a sincere compliment. You are intelligent. The rest is an observational fact, or opinion if you prefer not to substantiate it. You are also stubborn. But stubbornness tends to be a trait only found in creatures of a certain intelligence level. This is also fact.

I never said you had interest in it. I only stated that the current model, pending no change, certainly does help the bots.

Easily resolved. Decrease XP gained more for every increase in level disparity from the average level of the group… There is already a very lazy attempt at this. If a level 30 runs a group through RFC and the average level of the group is 15 or so they get more xp than if the person running the group through were level 60… but there should be a multiplicative effect, the greater the level disparity the lower % of the XP the group gets.

This way, sure, a high level friend may help run a group through to complete a few quests that are otherwise hard to complete, but powerleveling a group this way would be entirely ineffective if they were getting such a small percent of the intended XP… like .5% or something. Obviously then leveling solo would be more productive.

No argument here. Though I will add a caveat as food for thought. It is not a new thing. You’ve heard me say it before. I am of the opinion that the majority of the playerbase building the community of a server who is willing to give up weeks or months of progress to entirely start over from scratch is obviously not interested in instant gratification - which buying gold is. Additionally, those who have already spent hundreds, or thousands, or more on their current servers buying gold are vested in the servers which they currently reside. They are less likely to move and start over.
Therefore it can be surmised that the community within these fresh servers without boosts or a cash shop are far less likely to foster to the bots and the gold sellers. With less demand- even with a higher populace- the bots would less consequential.
Would there be bots? Oh heck yeah! No escaping bots. But if we don’t feed them the gold just sits in their cache and rots.

This is likely to be an unpopular opinion or at least rub you the wrong way… But frankly, “freshers” do “matter more” - to be extremely precise, they only “matter more” because they are the community through which this thread originates. They are the ones who want the change and have submitted the request.
Similarly “anti-freshers,” if you’ll allow the label, “matter more” on any thread that suggested there should be no such thing.
Similarly “pro-boosters” “matter more” on a thread defending or thanking the boost.

Sure, both parties are welcome to have an opinion, state their opinion, and debate it. No one is more important than the other; however, if Blizzard is looking to substantiate the outcry or desire from a thread they would be looking at the people who are in favor, not as much at the people who are not in favor it.

When the RP forum requests were being made there were plenty of players who were rejecting the notion - explaining that it was a waste of Blizzard’s resources and time to spin up these servers. Even Blizzard supported this idea when they officially announced that there would be no RP realm designtations - after all, the demand for such a thing simply was not enough… right?
Wrong. Obviously.
But hind-sight is 20-20 as they say.
The “RPers” that were arguing in FAVOR of the RP designation server type “mattered more” on those threads requesting RP realms.

I am a little surprised that you - being as obviously bright as you are - have not made this distinction for yourself.

You keep making this statement. It is a bit confusing because, as it stands, perma already exists. The current servers are the perma servers. These servers are the progressive servers that will remain indefinitely throughout each age.
By this do you mean the “classic-locked servers” which are slated to come out along with TBC release?

They have been offered. I explained how you were being misguided in the post. You simply disagree with it. And by the way, being misguided or accused as such is a far cry away from being called a troll. I do not say this casually, or in a derogatory way. In fact, I think I have been very gracious in my responses to you. I step out of my own shoes and give my best effort to empathize, and view these arguments from your perspective.
It is how I end up legitimizing many of your arguments, agreeing with them, and defending your position - as well as arguing against those who are “on my side” when they accuse you of being a troll - because you are not one. In this way - they are misguided because they lack the mental fortitude to step outside of their more narrow perspective and authentically see it from your position. I feel I have done a fair job of it.
I do not attack your person, or your personality. For anything I’ve said in which you feel I have ad hominem, I apologize - for it was not my intent.

Despite redacting your specific designation I will still address it.
Equal footing example that is more relevant to PvP-centric servers:
I enjoy the journey. I feel more invested in a character that I create, and develop from scratch - from the ground up - beginning at level 1.
Well your argument from a pve perspective may be: You can!! DO THAT!!! No one is stopping you!
However, I enjoy the journey - but not at the detriment to myself in terms of time spent within the game (as the boosted level 58s effectively skip a great deal of time by beginning at a far-more-developed state of the character). I enjoy the journey - but not at the detriment to myself at early-game character strength (as any level 58 character that begins with level-appropriate gear is going to be a great deal stronger than any level 1 character at the time of creation).

I prefer even footing. If the boosters prefer to boost that is fine with me! I am not at all advocating that Blizzard removes the boost. I am pro-boost! I WANT the boost in the game because it benefits the classic project as a whole by enticing a clearly defined demographic of player to come and subscribe, support, and play classic! I just do not want to be subjected to it as opposed to having an opportunity to play on a server where all of us begin at level 1. Our play time matters - not our wallet size.

This example is very obtuse. Allow me to counter with an analogy which I believe, and hope will liken the difference for you:

An 18-22 year old baseball team that’s played since the 6 year-old little league teams is NOT on equal footing with a brand new generation of 6 year-old little league team.
I think the reasoning makes PERFECT sense. Don’t you?
Would you prefer to see a baseball game where an 18-22 year old team with roughly 12 years of experience takes on a brand new 6-year-old little league team?
I assume you would not.
Well why not?
Perhaps because the older, more experienced team is older, and has more experience in developing the fundamentals and the skill involved with the game.
Obviously these two teams are not on equal footing…

What if, hypothetically, you had two 6-year old first-generation teams that were slated to compete with one another… One district comes from a rich neighborhood. They come from families of means and connections. They have nice outfits, new equipment, etc… The other team is unfortunately from a very poor district. Their uniforms and older, tarnished, hand-me-down equipment obviously reflects this.
Now, both teams are offered a “hypothetical boost” which would immediately convert their players to 18-22 year old status with all the skills and experience associated with a team that would have played the game since first-generation 6 year old little leagues…

The rich team affords the boost and does. The poor team does not.
Is this equal footing?

Likewise, assume that both districts are equal in their disparities, some have rich kids and some do not. Say half of the kids on both teams can afford this hypothetical boost. So half on both sides do boost…
Would anyone ever legitimately allow teams with players ranging from 6 year old brand new players to 18-22 veterans of the game compete with and against one another?
Why not?
Because some of them could get hurt…
In all likelihood, the younger, less experienced players.

I understand that. It is a legitimate concern and I am not trying to devalue that. I agree with you that this is a concern. I do not feel Blizzard would do that because from a PR perspective this would literally be them overturning a decision which they have already rescinded. They are a triple A company. Not saying there are no examples of them going back on their word - because that is another debate entirely… But I do not believe they would have the gall to do this to themselves and open themselves up to the ridicule and critique from everyone if they did this.

Despite that, I do not see where that is relevant to our desire for our own designation of server. Is our request somehow less valid than the request that RPers made when they wanted blizzard to consider this specific type of realm?
I do not believe so. To argue this point borderlines hypocritical.

This would be a MASSIVE step in the direction of the retail iteration of the game and would be met with incredible resistance as it directly opposes the classic initiative. It is for this reason, along with others that the classic initiative exists in the first place.
This argument borderlines the “it is a slippery slope [back to retail].”
I oppose it. As do many others - yourself included, I assume.

Cute reference. I’d never drag you, or anyone else by the hair. This implies a certain level of sexism. More specifically, I would be very inclined to drag someone who I deem supremely intelligent and would prefer to have on my side “kicking and screaming” (ie: against their will) with me to a PvP realm to try.
I am supremely confident that they would have a good time in the community that we build - intra-community you might say as it would be a community within the distinction of “pvp community.” It would be our community - our guild, close friends, and allies - more specifically.
That said, I am not too proud to admit that this is something of a selfish desire. Why would I have the gall to attempt dragging someone “kicking and screaming” to the “dark side?”
Because I would be very inclined to have them on my side. I value the will, passion, and mind of any player I would make this claim about.

I am reminded of an old saying I used to tell some of my closest friends - despite a certain lack in some of their athleticism.
“I would rather have you beside me in a fight than [insert example of a physically well-built specimen of a person]. Why? Because no matter the outcome I know you can be replied on. Even if it happens that we should lose the fight - I know I could expect to see you in the hospital bed beside me…”
This saying only speaks to the passion and grit I found within them. That is not even to quantify some of their other qualities like intelligence. Without giving specifics - this statement still rings true to this day.

You’ve said this before. But you never fully quantify this server identity. I would argue that even if there is CRZ or cross-linked realms there is still a server identity; however, it would be on a macro-scale instead of a micro-scale as it is now.
It would be similar to how we’re both American (as I am confident the case is); however, we are from opposite sides of the country. East coast here - I presume you are west coast based on your server selections. We still both retain our “Server Identity” on a macro-scale (being Americans) despite not retaining a certain micro-scale “server identity” (east coast vs west coast)…
Thus, this still remains true - but not quantified. You simply gain a larger pool of players to have within this “server identity”
It would be little different than saying, hypothetically, that a great deal of new players transferred over to your server from another RP server - as I am confident blizzard would not devalue the designation they were forced to recognize.

The only thing I would urge blizzard to ensure they do is blur the lines. There is no reason for players to be able to ascertain where players within the same playerbase originate from (ie: no need for lingering server names as it only promotes artificial segregation - or “server racism” if you will allow the broad term)

Once again, if Blizzard does take this step it would be up to them to “blur the lines” – it should be no different than a legitimate server merger. If you can identify a distinction then they did a poor job of it. We agree, I believe, on this.
Once again, I feel that this - in no way - delegitimizes our request for a fresh server designation.

I never claimed you were shill or a troll. And in general I do not consider you ignorant. I consider you fairly enlightened. But there are instances in which our opinion differs and I believe ignorance of some small or skewed details may be a factor. That said: No. I am not willing to troll through an ocean of our correspondence to illuminate any examples of this. Sorry if you are unwilling to take it at face value. If not, very simply put, we can agree to disagree on this in those rare instances.

Again, I am not advocating that the boost be removed. Of course this should be an option. I am pro-boost. I want it to stay. But I also want a server option where everyone despite the time spent on classic would begin on equal footing.

I believe the community would be very content with equally as few servers. I do not feel our request for this specific designation is any less legitimate than your request for the RP-designation. To believe our request is any less legitimate borderlines hypocrite as I mentioned earlier in this response.

I am glad I worded my statement aptly then. I did not see this instance - therefore I could not recall it. If they did call you a troll then I rescind the quoted statement in reference.

You are not wrong. Though taking a step back and utilizing this very same logic you could say that deductive logic and reason at one point had Blizzard under the misguided belief that an RP server designation would fail due to there not being enough demand for it.
Yes, the character clones was an accurate, if not obvious observation. I agree.

Anyway, I can very confidently say that we have talked these points into the ground and all but buried them. If my responses to you are not able to change your stance, even if only in the slightest, then clearly my future efforts from this point on would be entirely fruitless as well. I sincerely hope; however, that these points are enough to get you to consider a little change in stance.

Guess you could include me in that category as well now seeing as I’ve spent hours doing the same. But we are in the same boat, you might say, in terms of our desire for a fresh server. Odd how that can work out.

+1(or more)
I cannot speak for everyone but I can speak for myself.
I can also say with significant confidence that there are many others that feel the same way. In a way, this forum thread is the proof.

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^ apologies to the rest of the denizens of this thread. Please feel free to auto-scroll past this.

I am not sure if there is a spoiler BB code that works on this forum as I have not tried it… But if there is please let me know and I’ll gladly spoil-hide my larger posts like this one.

IE: sorry for the book to read, and/or for the arthritis caused by scrolling past my longer posts such as this one.


The first summon to BWL in my guild, I’ll admit, shocked me. It was off the map. Now, did I engage in GDKP? Absolutely. But the reality that it is virtually required that you MAKE a ZG GDKP twice a week at least to meet even conventional DKP raids with the cost of consumables shouldn’t be so. I picked up mining and herbalism. I regularly saw the bots making the rounds all over. I have NEVER seen a Black Lotus, and with the hours I put in that is a major statement. EPL and Winterspring were dominated. And again, I could name even whole guild names (cough cough China), but I won’t. A lot of foreigners, but a lot of US players too. I did everything I could to make gold and parse. 99s, and I was very competitive. If you (anyone reading) think for a second that you will compete with the moguls, the Mr. Monopolies, and the YouTube / Streamers who had their stinky feet kissed by goofs throughout Classic (they worked SO hard for those AQ mounts) rolling through the Dark Portal, better hope you know how to take advantage of every little bit of the game. People lined up for beginner quests in “Classic” Vanilla. It rolled on from there. I put 100x more time into being prepared for my honest raids and getting every world buff: hanging out on ZG island to get the buff AND the Zanza potion and hoping to God you don’t get blasted, buying the summon to Dire Maul ASAP, getting a run through it by a hunter, getting the buffs, dropping group to port to SW or ORG, sometimes having to bribe someone to finally drop the damned head already… Madness. The very definition. But over and over, I did what I had to to finish raids. And with officers that slacked depending on the guild, that didn’t always happen. Yeah. Time for a reset.

All good Gorrith. :slight_smile: I didn’t ignore Piper and that speaks volumes. We are here in this specific thread to get opinions from all sides. It saddens me that there are more veterans (35+) who could chime in on their experiences. For me, I played TBC so much I ignored daily life–to the addict degree. I not once remember a GDKP. Now DKP, that was normal. You showed up, you were ready, you didn’t mess up mechanics, and you didn’t get banned or break the rules or you got the good old g-kick. We had people we knew were breaking rules in my old guild throughout WoW through MoP. There was a program called HonorBuddy that our guild warned against. That guild is to this day one of the best guilds in the game, but I won’t throw them under the bus either. They changed names a few times. I took a break on WoD. Terrible game IMO. Stupid rolly-polly wasn’t my favorite as a healer having to find perfect ground on Mythic mode.
Anyways, there are always people who will take advantage of mechanics, bot, etc. It is for us who want an honest game to report it. Our job, since Activision clearly isn’t implementing GMs the way Blizzard did. Morhaime, the creator of Warcraft, is gone. Chris Metzen, lead design behind Warcraft and Starcraft bowed out right after the movie. I’m sure he had his reasons there… And… I mean, from my own perspective in “Classic,” being ported off the map for raid to drop down for BWL was a little iffy. Slight PvP advantage there, yet another way people took advantage. I don’t want to be forced to play a mage. I don’t want to be forced to level a 20 warlock to summon off the map for each raid, or have ranged DPS for the wall tactic on Prince Malchezaar. I don’t want to be forced to make GDKPs so I can make my DKPs and have all the flasks, all the potions, every last advantage… I was a good ol boy. Now I’d like to settle down and have a nice little time leveling with like-minded people, then raiding with them. Micheas, great example. If this happens, I would love to meet him in Discord. Or Vent. :smiley:

Agreed, though my guild and I were a lot more casual. We never did the DKP system… We used an honor system of sorts… If you showed up, you had a shot at the gear. We had 4 full raids going into BT and Sunwell by the end of TBC. We were a much larger guild than most…
I always reminded those who were frustrated that they showed up more than others:
We are here for the fun guys… Don’t stress over the gear. The gear will come - eventually…

In general, I consider our group to have always been a very mature-minded community who is out to have fun. No matter what we were doing, we made it fun.
We were a pvp-centric group of people… who also completed all the raid content… We even had avid roleplayers that were in our guild and it was incredible to see the community kind of “fall into character” when they were nearby out of respect for their play-style.
We never made requirements or expectations such as drums… Sure we had some LWs banging drums but it was never anything we enforced. We had people in PVP spec and PVP gear that raided PVE with us… They were not the top DPSers but we still completed all the content just the same.

Agreed. Even if you guys are alliance scum and will die for it if we end up rolling on the same fresh server ^_~

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I don’t believe you. If it’s really “genuine”, you would approach me with less passive aggressiveness, but I digress.

TBH, IDC if you never reply back at all.

Maybe you might learn that we’re a lot more alike than you think :wink:

You should learn from them.

I don’t recall those who leveled in original vanilla having to start from level 1, all over again, when BC was released, originally :thinking:

And, I understand that HOWEVER when BC was released (originally) not EVERYONE began at level 1 and started over.

BUT, you bring up an excellent point that these Classic servers were “fresh” once upon a time, and now they’re being accused of being in a “garbage state” (not said by you, specifically). So, I don’t see how NEW Servers will be any different.

Please feel free to explain that one, to me.

You did imply that I was some form of a “shill”, though:

So, it wasn’t “troll”, per se, but you sure as heck called me out of my name and implying I’m some sort of “shill”.

You’re not allowed to harass nor bully on the forums, no.

I’m not mistaken that you’re just arguing with me, for the sake of arguing, no.

I’m not the person I’m being accused of. At least see for yourself instead of just taking the word of other people 'cause I assure you not EVERYONE thinks I’m a “troll” (or whatever slander they choose to use, at the time).

I’ll get to you, later, my friend :black_heart:

You’re right, it does.

IDK, seems like everytime I do, there’s a sad attempt into bullying the opposition into submission, but I digress.

And, I think that’s great! I’d love to hang out in Disc, as well, with that person, but they decided to have me on ignore instead :frowning:

We could be the next Gorrith!

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