Looking for a Guild/Community

Hey there Cosplay.
First off, welcome back. Many people have taken a break from the WoW setting for one reason or another and it happens faster the second time 'round because, very simply put, the content is not new. It is well known, but still loved.

I hope you can forgive my laziness because I am just going to copy and paste a little I wrote about our guild in another thread to someone. It is out of context because the reason for the thread and the conversation about the guild was not in an effort to convince anyone to join in. It was merely informative.

I appreciate what you bring to the table. If this is something that interests you please hit me up. Be advised; however, the gang and I fully intend to roll on “fresh” TBC servers without boosting and without cash shop conveniences if any sort of ruleset like this is provided. We have been adamant in our desire. If not, we are still considering where to go as a gang but Sulfuras seems like where most of us are currently leaning.