A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

can you make an alliance guild please. sheesh. sounds heavenly. and you can stiill have hooves, horns and a tail if you roll draenei. purty please with icing on top? :sparkling_heart:

But Belves! :frowning:

it takes time to get that way.

I roll both! :smiley: But, it really is about getting along with kind, level-minded people. I really think a reboot is needed here. I played primarily Horde in retail, because Illidan. I have 99 parsing toons on Alliance in Classic, too. DPS and healers. And I parsed 99s. And everyone’s opinion but mine: healing parses don’t matter! :smiley: I still got all my buffs, the crap 2000 mana flask, Mageblood pots, mana pots, tech advantage consumes… everything. TBC matters to me, but I cannot continue with the state of the game right now. I could launch Discord right now and throw out at least ten Discords dedicated to the black market and GDKP. Most I know by heart. Let’s get some experience and blue posts on the state of the current raid and economy here.


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That doesn’t make any sense, to me. Like I get NEW Servers aren’t “that bad”, YET, but THAT’S the point, YET!

This is why I don’t agree with creating NEW Server, after NEW Server, after NEW Server, when EVENTUALLY it ALL becomes that way in the end, so I don’t get it :woman_shrugging:

If it makes you feel any better the only opinion I had of you was that the guy I was replying to didn’t like you. I tend to respond only to OP and or a specific comment then direct replies so I hadn’t actually read any of your posts.

I’ve been the one in a thread being dogpiled on before so I can relate. Like I said I haven’t read the majority of the thread so I’m not attempting to take sides so to speak. Good luck!


eventually your car wears out too, doesnt mean you shouldnt get it fixed or even buy it in the first place.

Piper, no way in hell would I enjoy Vent or Discord with you. Sorry. Good grief. A joke. Yes, as a human, I have preferences. And you present yourself as someone who wouldn’t…agree with me on some things. Inari was replying to me. You constantly twist things and speak nonsense. As I said a while ago, I don’t ignore you because the conversation is both funny and allowed. Not something I’d enjoy in a Discord.

Come join us on the “dark side” my friend… I am very confident you will not be disappointed.
I plan to run the guild the same way I did back then.

A no-drama guild of pvp-centric players melded with pve, rp, and anyone else who wants to come be a part. I loved it. I look forward to rebuilding it - even with a couple of the same original members - along with very many new ones.

I challenge you to give it a try. You can respect people even if you very whole-heartedly disagree with them at times or on topics which you are passionate about.

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Come join us on the fresh side, Gorrith. In all honesty, not too much more I can say right now. Who remembers the old Prince Malch tactic? Anyone? It is specific. Honestly, right now I would just like some kind of blue post acknowledging that we get level 1s, RULE ENFORCEMENT, the opportunity to receive GM support when we need it, and a fresh economy and environment (one that has been broken).
Gorrith: I said nothing about respect. I said there is no way in hell I’m getting in Discord / Vent with the guy / girl. Thank goodness I can reserve that in the least. Goodness.

And, like I said, NEW Servers are also damaging to Perma Servers, but I digress.

Also, in relating to “trying to fix something”, I still don’t think the answer is NEW Servers. I think it’s best to start recruiting and building your own community, like a Guild. Which is precisely why Guilds exist in the first place.

That’s fine, you’re free to feel that way.


I present myself as somebody who stands their ground and refuses to be bullied into submission.

Also, you’d be surprised how much more alike we are, than you think. But, I understand first impressions are important, and I understand your first impression of me is not a positive one and that’s fine.

That they were, but you two were talking about me, so if there’s anything to say about me, you can say it to me, directly, since it…well…involves me :slight_smile:

Negative, that would be most (not all) of this thread when discussing my character.

It’s not “nonesense”. It all makes sense, if you actually took the time to actually, IDK, talk it out to have it make sense, maybe?

It’s not allowed to harass nor bully people, no which is what you’re doing, but I digress.

And, I get it. You’re only doing it to spite me.

But, I thought it was “funny”. Is “funny” not “enjoyment”? :thinking:

That’s fine, I can be the “butt of the joke”, if you will. So far, we’ve discussed NOTHING about the subject matter, other than how much you dislike me, and that’s OK.

Exactly. I invited Gorrith to my Disc despite disagreeing with each other :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Gorrith IS on the side of “fresh” LOL

EDIT: So, am I (to an extent). I definitely support the idea of Seasonal Servers. NEW Servers, on the other hand, no thank you.

argh, already tried, many times. have a near max level belf on retail and a level 18 or so troll on classic. its okay but outside of belf starting areas, horde doesnt have the same nostalgia for me that alliance does. i mean listen to this


YAS! Azuremyst Isle has the BEST music, OMG!!!

It’s even my Garrison’s Music, too on my “main” over there LOL

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Good talk from earlier btw. I have no stake in the whole piper fiasco so I’m gonna dip for now. Have a good one guys. Cheers.


LOL!!! Love it!! :smiley:

I started out LONG ago on a PvP server (Archimonde) as it was a work colleague who originally got me to check out World of Warcraft and I was playing Dark Age of Camelot at the time. Even back in my PvP days, I usually left Tauren alone if they left me alone as I always respected their culture (with that great Native American vibe to it) and often saw them as one of the only honorable Horde races. Of course that meant that they often had a good opening against me, which usually does not work out well for a Mage, but that’s another story… :wink:

Or as I like to quote:
" You’re saying because I can’t fix everything , I should fix nothing at all?"


My thanks to the many people who have liked my posts and feel that some fresh, new servers with no cash shop conveniences on them are a worthy cause to continue to post about as a request to Blizzard. The more people they see who like this idea and are excited for it, the better our chances are for them to seriously consider this request and the customer service satisfaction that granting it would bring.

Here’s hoping!! :smiley: :+1:



The path of most resistance…bring it. I love challenges, and the feel of a level 70 with a preserved, fresh server… Man, that would be something.

JS :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Sorry, I HAD to, IK this doesn’t help my case, but I can laugh at the situation, too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Also, despite Lilock (sorry to bring you into this) disagreeing with me, we respect each other enough to be like OK, NP, you like NEW Servers, and I don’t, no big deal. Otherwise, other than that, we both have a heart with the Alliance and Azuremyst Isle Music :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


This music, along with the entire Draenei story and culture made me delete my Human level 60 raid geared Mage and create a Draenei one instead. My guild was totally aghast!! But the combination of Science Fiction and Fantasy just hit my inner nerd squarely on the jaw. It was the first time I have ever played anything other than a Human in an RPG. :slight_smile:

And I totally look forward to creating Michaeas the Draenei Mage yet once again and starting over from level 1 to experience ALL of the Burning Crusade from start to finish. With luck, it will be on a fresh, new server with plenty of other RPG’ers who are also looking forward to playing through this epic story and adventure. :smiley:
