A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers

…anything that their favorite streamer/youtuber has raised the attack banner on.

It wouldn’t be annoying if it wasn’t like 1-2 people having this take, then a full congaline of people regurgitating these talking points on a concept that originally had a high enough positive response to quantify blizzard doing this in the first place.

This is incorrect, as the OP specifies.

That’s your own projection. Let me actually finish the quote, for you:

And, you are free to express this. However, I disagree. I find no difference in watching a Streamer/YouTube vs hearing the opinions from Friends, Family, Acquantices, etc., the same “influences” that shape and mold our own opinions :slight_smile:

It is correct.

The OP can tell me that the sky is pink, but that doesn’t mean the sky is actually pink. Even if the OP goes into great specifications in why they think (keyword) the sky is pink.

“Fresh” is “fresh” REGARDLESS of what features are available. “Fresh” MoP (when Level Boosts became available) is going to be a “fresh” MoP REGARDLESS if the 90 Boost is there or not.

The OP (once again) is asking for THREE things:
NEW Servers
No Level 58 Boost Feature
And, no Server Transfers

We can go back and forth on this, all day, you’re NEVER going to change my mind (and, I assume, I won’t with your’s either). So, you can either accept it or don’t. I do NOT accept the notion that “fresh” is no longer “fresh” merely because it contains a feature (REGARDLESS of what that feature is!) that somebody doesn’t like. That’s not what “fresh” means, and I don’t accept it! You can accept it, and that’s OK, but I don’t and won’t.

I’ve told you what my words and context means, so you can take it or leave it. I’m NOT changing how I speak or talk just to appease you!

This used to be how most people were influenced in 200X. Not anymore.

No, its a lived experience of watching things explode in popularity and other things immediately die in popularity very quickly due to viral culture. Everyone communicates instantly and you’d have to exist in a different reality to not see this unfold year after year.

Again, I don’t see the difference between said influences. There are some “evil” (putting quotations for exaggeration to apply emphasis) parents out there teaching their children all the “wrong” things and how to “behave” vs some “good” parents out there teaching their children all the “right” things and how to “behave”.

Sure, I live in a “different reality”. The one where it’s possible for multiple people to share the same opinion.

Some like the color red and others like the color blue. Some want to be “edgy” and say purple :woman_shrugging:

fortunately reality is as nuanced as it is predictable. for example, i planned on a blizz boost for my nelf priest AND i also wanted a fresh no boost/no transfer (at least initially) server for my draenei. yes, there are examples where nuance and variation is completely lacking or understandably absent, but reciprocating it by claiming its absolute (a sith you say) and only a congaline, across the board, is inaccurate. sometimes it’s a classic

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I just don’t get how some (not all) miss the concept that multiple people can have like the same opinion :woman_shrugging:

I mean this thread is an obvious example of it! But just because we can agree/share the opinion of one thing doesn’t mean we now are one in the same.

We may like the color red, but I like cranberry juice, and you may opt for orange juice, instead! Despite both agreeing that red is the best color LOL

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yeah this is basically why people want “fresh servers”. Has nothing to do with the concept of fresh servers but entirely with the concept of protesting the boost. Naturally there would be no transfer as someone could xfer their max level character or boost one and xfer.

It’s way more simple than that…someone posts X+Y=Z then everyone else posts X+Y=Z. Not much nuance and variation in this specific instance. I know you want your position to be stunning and brave but its one-dimensional and predictable.

Yea, you suggested that I not respond to you. Thanks but you aren’t offensive enough to for that. I just find you to be stubborn. In fact no one really is. I’ve only found one truly vile person here, and even then I merely pass over their rubbish.

I don’t think most of the folks who want fresh are unhappy, they are merely asking for an option you are against. You may view this as unhappiness but I disagree.

And again, this is not what they are asking for, but you know that.

You think that seasonal servers will be the answer eh? Seasonal as in D3 where you make throw away characters? D3 may be called ARPG but there is no RPG in D3. What, are we gonna make mythic sunken temple, a black fathom deeps rift?
People who want the old school RPG would be completely left out. These are the folks that want fresh, to start over, letting all the go go zoomer competitive esport players go ahead on their progressive servers with their parses and boosted characters. Maybe you play this game differently but short term character investment isn’t what they are seeking.

LOL this is cringe.

I wish my stool was this soft.

i just gave an example of nuance, et. al, i am both for and not for boosts, depending on the server type. if we can get blizz to make a couple fresh servers, then no boosts is my preference for fresh. but for non fresh, i planned to do a boost. do you not see the nuance in that? i’d even agree to pay a fee to have access to fresh no boost/no transfer, within reason.


I hadn’t heard of this, but then I don’t watch other people play games /yawn.
You realize that players who come from Pservers are accustomed to fresh servers and that may be why they expected them. Or some are disillusioned by the introduction of retail features. It’s not “one size fits all”

Yep. I’ve played on these and they have bristling fun populations for a few weeks before the novelty wears out and the server dies. But someone who hasn’t played on fresh servers wouldn’t really know this.

Fresh implies no boost/no transfer due to how a fresh server would work. This is why the no boost protests specifically want a fresh server.

Anti-boost. And yeah its one size fits all in this case. There wasn’t any push for fresh TBC servers until after they announced the boost. So its very much exactly this reason and nothing else.

Again, it’s in protest for all of it.

Like I said, I’ve been talking with them and actually LISTENED to their requests. Like I said some (not all) would be perfectly satisfied with just a NEW Server with the Level 58 Boost Feature turned on and Server Transfers on, even if they were on hold. It’s about all of it.

There’s some (not all) of the same regurgitating talking points but not ALL of it is like that.

So, to be fair to the thread, it IS talking NEW Servers :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, you can easily do that, too, but you won’t. I find you equally as “stubborn”. Despite sharing SOME (not ALL) of the same points, I’m being berated for “wrong” think because I’m not EXACTLY in line with what the thread is requesting, and I REFUSE to be bullied into submission!

You enjoy arguing with me, for the sake of it despite defending the thread but moving on.

That’s fine to disagree. I just shouldn’t be berated for having my own opinion, on the subject matter, every single time I make a remark, but I digress. Though, I think some (not all) in this thread are unhappy.

Yes, but we were discussing options, and I listed plenty more besides that. Here, lemme finish the rest, for you:

“So MANY options!” implies more than what is listed.

I do and EVEN said “IK it’s not EXACTLY what everybody is hoping for” verbatim!

That’s one way to look at it. Let me link you my ACTUAL proposition, in its FULLEST capacity, to absolve any confusion:

Negative, the Perma Servers are here to stay. Just going to have to deal with the alleged “damage” (still dunno what “damage”, y’all are talking about but moving on) that’s STILL going to INFEST the NEW Servers, as they stale out! What’s your solution, then?

You still can. It’s just a lot to ask that EVERYBODY (by “everybody”, I mean “the Server”) starts on that same level with you and places you into a different category of WoW Players.

Classic Era Players are split into 3 Categories:
Perma Server Players content with playing on said Perma Servers of its respective Era Type
NEW Server Players that want NEW Server after NEW Server, everytime they feel (keyword) they need more non-self deleting “fresh” servers for their respective Era Type and just carelessly clogging up the Perma List
Seasonal Server Players want “of the season”/“flavor of the month” Servers (of their respective Era Type), that will self delete, after a certain period of time, and these servers don’t clog up the Perma List.

I do.

IK hence the paid service to save/archive Seasonal Characters onto the Perma Servers. Yes, I think you should pay for utilizing the “fresh” hype and popularity and then wanting to “show off” your goods on the Perma Servers. IMO, OFC :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I do see your point here because I was one of the few advocating for “fresh” BC LONG before BC was ever really announced, and how I came up with “the Majority” wanting Progression over “fresh”.

To this day, I would still prefer a “fresh” BC, but it’s not what we got, so here we are :slightly_smiling_face:

i’m not protesting boosts, though. i planned a boost on a non fresh server. i am not against boosts as long as they arent planned for a few months on a fresh server, that way, the problems inherent to the game as it ages, take longer to materialize.

Gonna need receipts here. Before BC was announced Feb 19th, 2021. I tried to look but the profile is hidden…of course it is.

So like, I get that but like, what happens, when the Server then becomes the “garbage” (IK you didn’t say that, I’m just using it, as an example) that initiated this whole NEW Server movement, to begin with? That’s what I don’t understand.

I’ve gotten responses like “continue playing on them, ofc!”, and I’m like…then, what was the point of throwing a tantrum of having a NEW Server, in the first place, if you’re just going to “deal with it”, anyway? :woman_shrugging:

Oh brother :roll_eyes:

It really was a LONG time, ago, and I post around the Forums, A LOT and need to figure out which Posting Avatar it was and what words I used. I suppose there’s no “taking my word for it” LOL

I’ll try, but IDK if I’ll find it. You’ll have to give me a moment.

Mhmm, I’d rather the ad hominems come out sooner rather than later. It helps makes the opposition look even more foolish, but I digress.

Hang on, lemme see if I can find it.

Actually I do not believe this. Piper is intelligent. And with intelligence comes stubbornness. She may not be a troll but she is very stubborn - even to her own detriment. I would even go so far as to assume she wears this as a badge of honor.

She is passionate and genuine in her belief that she is helping. Helping the perma-server listing, helping the roleplay community, helping herself and friends, helping blizzards interest as a company, and even helping the botting community as no change to the current model would certainly do this - but in direct oposition of others. In this way, while she doesn’t see it this way; I am sure, she is also hurting. Hurting the “fresh start” initiative and community, hurting those who would be returning and prefer even footing, hurting the pvp-community that yearns for the struggle of fair combat.

She is not a troll but she is often backed into a corner here and forced to assume a defensive position. This would make almost anyone appear trollish as they defend their position. She is passionate enough about her position to do this and it is brave - admirable, even. But it is bullheadedly stubborn and misguided.

I do feel like Blizzard would likely CRZ or connect realms prior to legit mergers. It is way less effort and Blizzard has a history of taking the easy route or more cost-effective route in terms of solutions which this probably is.
However, they also recognize the the RP designation is unique. They were forced to recognize it by posts very similar to this post - attempting to get them to recognize there is a unique playerbase that wishes for a “fresh, non-boosted” designation.

So when they eventually do connect or CRZ realms - as long as the RP realms remain consistently healthy and popular I highly doubt they would break that designation that they were forced to recognize.

And another counter-point I would like to bring up. If they DO CRZ or connect RP realms, it would be with other RP realms. You, yourself, went on a discord stream to show me the benefits of the connected realms with you and a friend being in the same party despite being on different servers. I get that you prefer server identity to remain - as long as they could remove the lingering server name within the character name and they keep the designations separate (pvp, pve, rp-pve, rp-pvp) then having realms linked in such a way would be no different than suddenly finding new travelers to your neck of the woods. It would be more people to roleplay with, learn their stories, explore their TRP mods, etc… It would breathe life into an already vibrant community.

I get that you fight so fervently for your server identity. You feel the RP community is threatened by the idea of fresh servers for fear of blizzard sweeping them under the rug and purging the distinction with CRZ/connected realms but that fight is with blizzard, not us. Similarly to how this fight is with blizzard, not you - but you are injecting yourself into it. That is how you’re misguided.

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Wait, is your profile not hidden? And

This jumbled mess…

This trolling is a waste of my time. Have fun extending the thread while not adding to it.