A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers


Just reubbed for tbc classic. Having a fresh server will get blizz a few extra months of subscription out of me while I level. Hell I’ll probably even xfer my other chars to the new server once they open for it. New Servers = New Money


For Azeroth!

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Good, so you can stop responding to me, then.

Again, the person I was quoting was insinuating the word “we”, as in “us all” (myself included), so I responded in accordance, to THAT particular conversation and only used it ONCE. The ONE time, that you’re so focused on and completely disregarding EVERYTHING else that I’ve said.

It’s already “at a loss”.


You say this but NEVER explain why. Accusations thrown out left and right and NEVER backing them up :roll_eyes:

I’m not “insisting”, anything. I just think if you want something “bad enough” you WOULD jump through hoops. Seeing as how you aren’t, I don’t take you seriously. Especially the constant beratement towards my general direction, for NO reason, whatsoever, other than you just don’t like my stance and trying to use “scare tactics” in order to “shut me up”. I got news for you, not going to happen. Best to just stop responding because my mind is NOT changing, and I’m going to continue to make that known. Don’t like it? You’re more than welcome to put me on ignore and stop responding to me.

I do not.

No, I’m defending, myself, from the bullying and harassment, in my direction for dare having my OWN opinion on the subject matter REGARDLESS if I agree with some portions of it or not. It’s like you see me and just HAVE to “take a poke at the Piper”, it’s hilarious!

Neither are any of you! Just the same 'ol repetitive nonsense to “try to win the argument against Piper!”, and we circle back to the same 'ol talking points, over and over, again. Best to just stop repeating yourselves, and I’ll stop repeating myself, too :slightly_smiling_face:

Why not? It’s a fair question. Not that it matters. Whether we do or not, has NO relevancy to the topic, at hand. Every single time we get back onto the subject, we hop right back onto the ad hominem train and just throw around negative descriptions towards each other, as if that, SOMEHOW, is an argument :roll_eyes:

It’s not required to be anti-NEW Servers in order to be a Blizz “shill” (if you will). You can very well be a Blizz “shill” and still be pro-NEW Servers.

Beautiful projection.

Take your own advice, before you start spreading it, thanks.

Deductive logic and reasoning dictates NEW Servers are going to happen. It’s silly to think that they’re not. Historically speaking, said by somebody ELSE in this thread, who is PRO-NEW Servers, brought this evidence forth, that Blizz provided NEW Servers for new expansions, and I’m taking that evidence to support the fact that NEW Servers are going to happen. But because I said it, I’m “wrong”, right? :roll_eyes:

Mhmm, and I made that clear, too.

It’s pretty evident and CLEAR that EVERYTHING EVERYBODY says, in these here Forums (unless they provide Links) are spewing their own opinions.

I don’t take anybody’s words as “gospel”. Just because you say the sky is pink, doesn’t mean that the sky is actually pink.

EDIT: Here we go, I found the ORIGINAL quote said by that Pro-NEW Server person. If you don’t want to hear it from me, you can (at least) hear it from somebody who isn’t me.

No. The point of the thread is asking for fresh servers. I imagine your claimed agreement, while you rephrase “fresh” to “NEW” and describe a different thing than a fresh server, is one small part of why people call you a troll. When the rest of the thread is about “fresh” terminology, except for Piper, who has their own way of phrasing it with different meanings, people who want to understand your posts well enough to read through them have to pause and double-check those meanings, and make their informational experience a little more about you than they intended.



OK, we have to be VERY clear and concise about this. I’ve done my own little research on the word “fresh”, and it holds TWO different meanings. Context wise, for the purpose of this thread, I’m classifying this thread’s stance on “fresh” to mean NEW Servers (which are, indeed, “fresh”). The other “fresh” party group are those in favor for SEASONAL Servers. Which most (not all) but MOST agree that NEW Servers =/= Seasonal Servers.

So, again, for the context of this thread (which is NOT asking for Seasonal Servers), I will be (and CONTINUING to do so) using the term NEW Servers.

Sure, and I’ll re-iterate what I mean, when I say NEW Server (you know, if you ask, but I digress) because it does NOT mean Seasonal despite BOTH NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers proclaiming the “fresh” word. For my own sanity and organization of using words and applying context, I’m not going to use the word “fresh” in describing EITHER NEW Servers nor Seasonal Servers. I will call them what they are, in their exacting fashion.

Sure, and I’ve said this and even created a thread about it, since the word “fresh” is used interchangeably between NEW Servers and Seasonal Servers, for my own sanity, I HAVE to clarify the DIFFERENCE between the two because I do not find them to be the same thing and neither does the majority of folks (so I’ve found).

So a stockholder who doesn’t like pathfinder wanting people to do pathfinder like activities to prove themselves.
Enjoy your small fortune while you can. Players still have other options. :smiley_cat:

You keep insinuating that without actually providing proof nor evidence for it. Keep coming at me with the ad hominems, since IK you have nothing else to argue with me about other than to slander me. Go on, what else you got?

I’m still waiting for this paycheck, you keep saying is “coming”. Still haven’t gotten it, yet. It probably got lost in the mail. You know how Blizz is. They don’t want to give out money, if they don’t have to :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Definitely agree with that.

They can /ignore users they’re tired of seeing posting around on the forums.
They can quit WoW, if it truly makes them unhappy.
They can re-roll on Low Pop Servers and build their own communities that is less infested with Bots.
Or, even build their own community on higher pop realms and still build their own communities there!

So MANY options! :open_mouth:

and fresh. hehe. sly little fox


That’s under both mine and the other posters “many options” argument :wink:

So MANY Options!

There’s no doubt in my mind, that we’ll get NEW Servers. But, those NEW Servers being EXACTLY how this thread wants it? Probably not.

talk about options, i just watched a youtube of a private server where high elves were added to vanilla in a sort of vanilla+. alliance race. :astonished: and farming. and fishing boats. guild halls. tent parties with campsites. still cant believe it. blizzard could do stuff like that!

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Classic+, you mean? Almost like a WoW 2? LOL

Yeah, IDK why, either :woman_shrugging:

As long as I still get a CRZ-less, Connected Realm-less, Virtual Realm-less, etc., Perma Classic Era Types of Servers.

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So a new version of wow. Cool, some folks would eat it up. Me, nah.

i dont do private servers. closest i came to that was an approved emulation of an out of print game.

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Judging from context, either a fresh or a seasonal server would be a new server (pardon, a NEW server), based on what “new” means. A NEW server need not be seasonal or fresh. You provided the context in this thread for a seasonal server’s meaning, I believe. The meaning of “fresh” is set out in the OP, and it includes no transfers and no boosts. Finally, a seasonal server wouldn’t necessarily have to be fresh; a seasonal TBC server, for example, could have boosts to 58.

When you tell people they’re getting new servers already, and the thread is about fresh servers (which have more restrictive qualifications than do new servers), you obfuscate.

I can only tell you the water is there. It’s up to you whether you stop claiming “wet” has a different definition than the one currently in use.


That’s fine. Disagree with me, if you will.

Here we go, arguing semantics…

Correct, Seasonal Servers are “fresh” and even “new” Servers, if you will. However, the context of Seasonal implies “for the season”, as in it’s only applicable, for a short period of time and will never continue forward to be considered into a “permanent stasis” after its Seasonal duration has depleted.

Therefore, NEW Servers is a more fit term for this thread’s “request”, as this thread isn’t interested in this Server being depleted or “just for the season”. Therefore, I’m separating it away from the “fresh” term and just calling it NEW Server because the context doesn’t imply “a short period of time”.

Key phrase being “you believe”. I’m telling you what I mean, and what I define my words to mean. Therefore, for the purpose and context of this thread and my words, what I express in what my own words mean is what they mean. Not what YOU believe them to be.

Correct, and it falls in line with NEW Servers albeit with extra sprinkles, just as you mentioned:


This is where I disagree with the notion that a “fresh” Server is now “no longer ‘fresh’” because it has a particular feature (REGARDLESS what that feature may be) that some (not all) don’t like.

“Fresh” is “fresh”, when the economy is wiped clean and no arbitrary achievements are in place, on top of not quite infested with Bots, yet. The Level 58 Boost is merely a feature that can be applicable in ANY “fresh” scenario, but the Server is still (nonetheless) “fresh”.

In more clarification and context NEW Servers is still the same thing as the “fresh” the OP is talking about.

I’ve ALREADY made that VERY clear that these NEW Servers won’t be EXACTLY what this thread is hoping, NUMEROUSLY (over and over, again).


This thread is asking for THREE things:
NEW Servers
The Level 58 Boost Feature to be turned off
The Server Transfers Feature to be turned off, as well

Those are three VERY different requests, and I’m of the position, that not ALL three of them will be achieved.

Again, for my own sanity, I will express the context I use for better clarification. It’s up to you to accept that or not.

Nope. Entire thread is nothing more than a one-dimensional close-minded protest against boosts and somehow conflating blizzard boosting with bots when in-game boosting is a much more cost effective method.

To be fair to the thread, it is about NEW Servers, too. I’ve been in this thread long enough and engaging with them enough to know this.

I agree in being against the Level 58 Boost Feature, but I don’t agree with creating an entirely separate non-Seasonal format of BC, to the degree of what the OP is asking for, alongside the other Perma versions of the Era Type.

I haven’t either.

Nah, if youtuber/streamer protests against boosting didn’t also have a request for fresh servers (aka servers that won’t have boosting), then these threads…would…not…exist.

I must be out of the loop, then :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Still, though, engaging with more of the rational folks of this thread, they would die on the hill of NEW Servers and accept the Level 58 Boost Feature along with the Server Transfers, as well (at least, holding off on the transfers for a little bit which has been historically proven). So, there’s conversations in all three categories, including the new fourth category, that this thread made up which is to “gang up Piper”, whenever they feel like it, at times LOL

Sorry, I have to laugh about the situation, at times :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: